How valid is this piece?
Out Of Africa
It's not.
fuck off
>a fucking blog
Personally I don't buy the ooa theory 100% and I think there are other possibilities but I don't discredit it entirely.
What flaws do you see in OOA?
Not an argument
I don't get it, if you go back far enough humanity came out of Africa no matter which you slice the cake. Why do they sell these alternative theories as being incompatible with OOA just because the migrations happened earlier than previously thought?
because some white people don't like it
Fossil remains are shit.
They find a pinky and a jaw and then scream they've discovered a new species. As if deformity isn't a thing.
We've only probably found 0.000001% of any fossil records to piece together anything. Most science like evolution is purely Scientific religion. Were they blindly believe a theory because it sounds nice but is without fact. No worse then a cult
I'm starting to think that "white" is some kind of category not related to being Europeans but "people who are thought to have achieved something". This would explain people wanting to say some slavs aren't white.
Opposition to the OOA theory has for the most part been coopted by racists to try to give merit to the idea that other races evolved separately from eachother and thus can be considered less than human. It's like a lot of fringe theories that have generally been debunked and coopted into dogwhistle racism.
You really, really don't understand how the scientific method works. Also
>As if deformity isn't a thing
By your own admission we have only a very limited source of fossils (which is only accurate for certain periods/species), it's far, far likelier than the general type of a given species was preserved instead of deformed individuals that would have been too hindered to survive in the wild.
Not a valid source, nigger.
Read the article. It doesn't matter whatever happened to humans after they left Africa, the oldest human fossils, by a long shot are still to be found there, same for our closest relatives. There's also no reason to suppose it was a single migration that led an universal origin of non-Africans. You have the same origin as that black guy across the aisle, like it or not.
We're not niggers now so why the fuck would it matter if we were niggers a million years ago?
Its turning in to that. The Jews do well to sow division
Where's the evidence? Just cause the oldest known fossil was found in Africa doesn't mean you won't find more spread out elsewhere
True. But there was a bottle necking in out genetic various at some time and still to this time their are many different skull types.
OOA is very racist because it actually confirms that blacks are prehistoric humans compared to Eurasians moron.
OOA opposition is due to the simple fact that human prehistory is not that simple, everyday they are finding fossils that debunk the OOA claim, its looking more like an Out of Australia theory nowadays.
>It's the most accepted theory therefore it didn't happen
Tired of this bullshit
>Most science like evolution is purely Scientific religion. Were they blindly believe a theory because it sounds nice but is without fact. No worse then a cult
You're literally just saying that. Science is an extremely well developed field and nothing gets passed beyond a theory without extensive evidence.
Modern humans is thought to have appeared 200k years ago. It's not like the people who stayed stopped adapting.
Going to need proof of those image claims.
If science which relies on evidence and testing the theory isn't reliable, what the fuck is?
>Out of Australia
Even more than the Pygmys or Khoisans, if any group is a weird remnant of proto-homo sapiens it's the Abos. No wonder Adam was freaked out when he arrived on earth. Imagine seeing what constituted """humanity"""" in our earliest years.
As long as there are no older fossils found there is no reason to assume mankind evolved anywhere else, also the animals that resemble humans the most are chimpanzees in Africa, meaning that we have common ancestors who lived in Africa. Besides, that image implies that Lucy was a regular ape, which she was not. Her species was a bipedal hominid which is an important difference compared to other apes.
Considering we need to wear clothes to live anywhere else other than the middle of Africa, it's probably correct.
>OOA is very racist because it actually confirms that blacks are prehistoric humans compared to Eurasians
No it doesn't? The development of each race didn't just stop once they got to their "end" point. They continued to adapt and develop just like the people who left Africa. You even had cultural groups like the Bantus develop and migrate in a similar manner to the Indo-Europeans along a similar timeframe.
San,Pgymys and Niggers are the descendents of the retards that stayed in Africa look at what we the Eurasians did compared to them its obvious we are superior to them objectively.
Africa, South Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, South America, and Central America all exhibit cultures that wear little to no clothing. Clothed cultures would actually be the minority in pre-history.
What did you do?
Africans also had empires even if not as great as the European ones.
OOA at least is indisputable proven at this point. The details are fuzzy but the fact that we (and other hominids at the time) evolved in Africa is as concrete as can be.
The cheapest sort of pride is race pride; for if a man is proud of his own race, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen.
>>What did you do?
Enough of this meme, he is a part of the greatest race of men to ever walk this earth, white europeans created the world reprobates like you live in and take for granted. He is right be proud of being part of such a great race of people, regardless of his own individual accomplishments.
Collectively we are superior in the same way a chimp is superior to a macaque.
>Africans also had empires
Yh that were worst than anything Eurasia had at the time they existed.
Kill yourself
read Whites didn't build things alone. They took from other races
That dude might be some homeless fuck that all he has is his whitness while there are brown/asian/whatever mathematicians out there doing more to humanity than him.
>Muh white
thats a false statement and im a believer in group differences. all traits are on a bell curve with overlap. This means that even if the eurasian average is higher, there are still some blacks that are smarter than some eurasians. this is why this stuff shouldnt get out; low IQ whites like you think that you're superior just out of virtue of being eurasian
Take your stupid quote and shove it up your ass.
>>They took from other races
Boo fucking hoo niggerfaggot. None of those other races came anywhere close to the grandeur, wealth and power of white civilization. You can love your fellow niggers all you wish, but reality will not fall in line with your imbecilic daydreams.
that's where you're wrong kiddo
>mali empire
>What don't you like about the OOA
>Evolutuon is a cult reeeeeeee
Son, you went full retard.
>is this a legitimate source?
/pol/ get out reeee
Is this the level of intelligence of the great superior man? lmao
That's a modified schopenhauer quote.
I'm mixed with light skin btw so technically a percentage of me can claim that "greatness" following your logic but that's bullshit.
Shithole compared to Eurasian civilizations please try again oh wait you cant because Eurasians are superior.
I dont give a shit about OOA Im just more curious that jews are deranged enough to actually censor human evolutionary history for their marxist madness truely they are the most despicable humans that have existed.
>Adam ran fr the garden of eden
>Adam ran from the backward abo's
Makes sense if you know about aboriginal fire-stick farming destroying Australia
This guys got a point whites stole all their technological achievements then went on to conquer and exploit. Eating of the backs of the poor africans
See ^ whites are by far the most successful criminals of all time. Truely something to be proud of.
Proven theory is different. A hypothesis turns into a theory once the
scientific Vatican gives it the go ahead. Purely dogma
>If science which relies on evidence and testing the theory isn't reliable, what the fuck is?
A lie
Evidence please
Humans were once feral savages that split into two groups one went into Eurasia and got intelligent the other remained stupid feral savages to this very day on average. Thus Eurasians are objectively superior to blacks.
White people are butthurt that humanity could possibly have come out of Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago
^ This is literally WE WUZ KANGZ
Thats how it works you are Eurasian and you are superior end of story.
There are blacks out there more intelligent than you. You can't deal with this.
>There are blacks out there more intelligent than you.
So what?
There are are gorillas as smart as humans somewhere in this world.
i'm a white mexican and the mali empire was richer than anything else in medieval europe
then it collapsed lol
how much does the chinese government pay you?
I didn't say that whites stole all their achievements. I said took as in learned some things from non-whites. Not everything but they definitely weren't the only ones who contributed.
I'd say that's genetically imposible but your kind is an abomination of nature. You shouldn't have survived abortion.
So what it was still created by inferior blacks so its objectively shit. What an empire to end up as the cock sleeve of Ottomans hahahahaaaa
if X% of the black population is as intelligent or more than Blackwell then Y% of the asian or european population is as intelligent or more than blackwell where Y is quite a lot more positive than X.
t. Stormfront pseudo-scientist
Quite well, thank you.
Did Africans get the chance to learn from anyone?
No fucktard there really is Gorilla with human level intelligence called Koko.
Ottomans weren't interested in your shitty country and probably feared your sheep shaggying degenerated serf culture. Pic related Kang
Wow considering middle eastern and Mediterranean's I thought you were on about Europeans s but with all encompassing Eurasian you can steal the works and history of a 3rd of the world. Perfidious Alba at it again
>In their seminal paper The Recent African Genesis of Humans, they even stipulated “that all humans today can be traced along maternal lines of descent to a woman who lived about 200,000 years ago, probably in Africa.”
>So how is it that their “probably” has morphed into our collective “definitely”?
Face it man. Being white is all you have. If there were no non-whites in the world. You'd be the "nigger" that you talk about. You know this is true.
Being white doesnt make me happy I just am superior because Im white its that simple.
How are you superior. Tell me one of these so called feats/traits/qualities of superiority you possess, that you so boast
Your superiority becomes meaningless if you compare individual by individual. Is it intelligence? You aren't more intelligent than this dude for example
I'm not even sure if you're more intelligent than me.
Is it wealth? I don't even need to say anything about this.
New Guinea Man isn't real.
Look it up.
That's not the only one
>Dr. Kent Hovind
>Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American Christian fundamentalist evangelist and tax protester. He is a controversial figure in the Young Earth creationist movement and his ministry focuses on attempting to convince listeners to deny scientific theories in fields including biology (evolution), geophysics, and cosmology in favor of a literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative found in the Bible.
He states that himself atleast. Look at the evidence not the man
The Chinese government is the single biggest supporter of the multiregional hypothesis
Stop blaming living White people for what happened to Blacks and Jews decades ago then.
He is so dumb he probably doesn't even know what that means.
With the exception of Aboriginal humans in Australia, there are absolutely no apes in that continent.
His "evidence" is poorly argued, outdated, and purposely disingenuous nonsense. He seriously still uses evolutionary arguments that were made irrelevant 20 years ago. And that's just the science he doesn't get completely wrong altogether.
His argument is about as shit as his character.
So Melanesians, Papua New Guineans, Australian Aboriginals, and any other race or ethnic group that stayed immensely tribal are all superior to Africans?
Kill yourself.
Comparing by individual is useless in genetic superiority.
Yh all superior.
No one has ever presented me evidence that everyone that left africa is the exact same as the people who remained behind. No one has convinced me that humans remained the same tens of thousands of years longer than it took to domesticate the dog, horse, cow, chicken, sheep, llama, etc
>what is the ice age
This. East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are superior to whites. Whites just brag about being smarter than Arabs and Africans. A literal monkey can be smarter than average Africans. Not a big deal.
Wh*tes are indeed from Africa, meanwhile, Semetic Master Race is pure from any African admixture
Further evidence that we didn't evolve from apes. The missing link still hasn't been found so you have no reason to believe in speculation
He's actually a pretty entertaining fellow. Probably controlled opposition.
Though there is evidence that we are all diverse. I.e.eye colours lactose tolerance bone structure on and on
Its literally impossible to claim that all races are the same and i don't think anyone believes that, unless the person in question is deaf dumb and blind
Whites need to realise they're the nigger slaves doing the bidding of the superior Jew. And Asians are smart enough to keep the Jew at bay. West=Jewish overlords East= superior Asian man
Which others?
Shame those superior genetics are wasted on someone who will only pass them onto his crusty sock.
>I am a good person because some guus I'm completely unrelated to by any means invented Industrialist first.
Your vicarious obsession over people who look like you is foolish and unfounded.
>Proven theory is different. A hypothesis turns into a theory once the
scientific Vatican gives it the go ahead. Purely dogma
Not true. Evidence that experimentally or mathematically disproves a hypothesis is rarely disregarded if ever. Piles of evidence are also needed to make scientists admit they were wrong before and adapt their new theory to be closer to the truth.
They generated their answer through genetics, and didn't test for themselves the geographical location of the common ancestor. However, most scientists who study that aspect of human genesis say it was from Africa, so these scientists deferred to their opinions on the issue.
This thread is cancer.
>And Asians are smart enough to keep the Jew at bay.
Asians love jews, though. They've had an ancient minority of them there for a long time, and are enthralled by the idea that they are really good at making money.
You must be baiting. Give me 5 reasons how or report your own post and swallow a cyanide capsule.
>Further evidence that we didn't evolve from apes. The missing link still hasn't been found so you have no reason to believe in speculation
Come on man.
>a literal monkey
No. Give me one monkey smarter than an adult human. And I mean MONKEY, not an ape, so no gorillas or chimps or bonobos.
>Previous article black seed extract cures HIV
----> out