>send communist revolutionaries (literally vladimir fucking lenin) to russia
>complain 10 years later about "aggressive bolshevik neighbor"
what is wrong with these people
>send communist revolutionaries (literally vladimir fucking lenin) to russia
>complain 10 years later about "aggressive bolshevik neighbor"
what is wrong with these people
German autism
choose one
afaik it was planned that the commies would make peace with the Germans, so they could focus on France and Britain, hoping to quickly end the war. Afterwards they'd just try to further destroy the commies.
>train islamic extremists (literally osama bin fucking laden) in afghanistan
>complain 10 years later about "dangerous jihadist terrorists"
what is wrong with these people
Were the individuals who sent them the same ones complaining years later?
Or is this a shit thread of generalizations that the Mods would delete if they kept to Veeky Forums rules about high levels of discourse?
Germans are the Eternal Dindu.
too much German blood
10 years later? as far as I know did the SU help Weimar to work ways around Versailles by training a german airforce and german Tank divisions in Russia in the 20s
>germany eventually subjugated by the very monster it created
history has a sense for poetic justice
To be fair, Hitler probably didn't know about that first part. Germans were told throughout the war that they were winning, even up until the very end, so when they inevitably lost, it came as a shock that they didn't understand. It was particularly bad for Hitler, because he was blind during the last stages of the war, and so the reality of German's defeat seemed utterly inconceivable to him because he never saw it.
>doesn't include Ireland, even though the Brits used the Irish (along with the scots) as their frontline cannon fodder against Napoleon, and used then to garison the shitty forts on the American frontier none of the English wanted to waste time with
Right now it seems obvious, but back then it was far from clear that Lenin would be such a leader for the revolution. The main reason he was allowed to pass is because he was in favour of peace with Russia, whereas the main parties after the February Revolution wanted to continue the war. The "social-chauvinists" were the target of many of the texts that Lenin wrote from Switzerland, so the Germans tried to take advantage from this. But Lenin was not at all a leader of masses yet, or some kind of heroe in the exile.
>supports communists against nazis
>later supports islamists against communists
>later supports communists (YPG) against islamists (ISIS)
Anyone who thinks america has an actual moral compass or fights against certain ideologies is an idiot.
>Irish autism
WTF is dindu
The eternal kraut and the eternal burger will destroy themselves with their madness.
>To be fair, Hitler probably didn't know about that first part.
You are a retard if you think Hitler didn't know anything about his mortal enemy and their origins. It is a well known fact that Hitler was inspired by Lenin and read books about him and had an admiration for his charisma.
Just how retarded do you think those in charge of a state were? Any group that gets into power consist of the most cunning, autistic, diabolicial and ruthless people in the country because fucking everyone wants power but only geniuses are able to acquire it.
Hitler and Stalin alone probably have far higher IQs than anyone on this board. People said about them that they had excellent memories and knew fucking everything about everything. They knew the specifics of every weapon and tank constructed, the histories of most countries in the world and most of their generals.
The reason he was allowed to pass was because the Germans underestimated the Bolsheviks and thought they were more retarded than they actually were.
They thought the Bolsheviks were just a bunch of retards who could destroy everything in Russia without being able to build anything.
Well as it turns out the Bolsheviks were brilliant organizers and intellectuals and organized one of the most powerful armies on the face of the earth and turned Russia into a nuclear superpower.
The Germans simply had no fucking idea who they were dealing with.
I just hope YPG can create a Kurdistan strong enough to bring balance in the middle east and resist the imperialism of practically everyone.
>implying it's not all about the restoration of the ottoman empire atm
>replies twice
>still says I'm the autistic one
German moral hypocrisy and a rampant inability to accept responsibility for their own actions is something of a constant in history.
c.f. Tirpitz and his naval aggression
>Germany is one person
Veeky Forums autism is at a all time high
They're too busy creating the Socialist Republic of Rojava.
I'm pretty sure the Weimar republic didn't exist back in 1917 you dense germanophobic retard kike
>send islamists into a country to fight commies
>complain whe you get your twin towers demolished by islamists
what is wrong with these ppl