Test yourself, Veeky Forums
Test yourself, Veeky Forums
American-tier easy.
European-tier irrelevant
21/22 and that's because I thought that 1900's meant 1900-1910. These anons are both right, it's easy and there's a lot of irrelevant shit there.
>I thought that 1900's meant 1900-1910
I was exactly the same; and it fucking does mean 1900-1910, not the 1950s...
Child's play. 22/22. The only one that gave me a bit of trouble was the one about whether or not Buddhism predated Christianity, I had to guess on that one.
20/22 Fuck chinese philosophy desu
A couple of guesses but they seemed to work out okay
Chinese philosophy can go bite a wiener
>he doesn't know that Zoroaster, Buddha, Laozi and Confucius were contemporaries
>he doesn't know about Buddhist influences on the ancient Greek religion and philosopy
Yeah, I don't pay attention to bizarre conspiracy theories.
So essentially the SAT world history exam nowadays is mainly about islam, communism, and west europeans are only mentioned negatively good to know
Those are not conspiracy theories, idiot.
user, the estimations of when "Zoroaster", if he was even a real historical figure, vary by almost a millenium. Calling him a contemporary of anyone is idiotic.
And seriously, what proof do you have of Buddhist influences on Greek religion and philosophy. That there was contact does not demonstrate influence, espeically since you can already see enormous variations within Greek thought as far back as the classical era, well before things like Buddhism was even around.
The person who came up with the grading system easy through hard was a fucking ejit
1900's means the nineteen-hundreds and is a period of 100 years. You should kys yourself lest your genes spill into someone by accident.
Easy-tier. Go find at least an AP World History Test if you really want to see how much minutia you really know.
I never knew Islam and Communism was so great. Thanks.
Even the "hard" ones were piss easy.
>even the hard ones were piss easy
>still gets two wrong
>1900's means the nineteen-hundreds and is a period of 100 years
How did you refer to the period between 1900 and 1909 in your homeschooling?
Chinese philosophy can eat a dick.
I got the same question wrong because I couldn't give less fucks about women's sufferage in south america.
Some of thier 'hard questions were laughable.
>hmmm I wonder which group of shitskins think this is art. HMMMMMMMMM.
20/22 and i'm 18 wtf
>And seriously, what proof do you have of Buddhist influences on Greek religion and philosophy.
There were literal syncretic religions in Bactria, and ancient writers agree that philosophers who traveled with Alexander to India were influenced by Buddhism.
Way too easy. Probably everyone on this board could get a perfect score.
>Probably everyone on this board could get a perfect score.
>He haven't seen all the retards here yet
>He doesn't know Sardinia fag
Is this your first day here?
You do realize you can keep picking the wrong answer and it won't penalize you in any way at the end results page
Cool, can you do that on the actual test too?
Who gives a shit about women's suffrage in Latin America?
Never read Herbert Spencer, so stumbled on that one.
All other questions that I didn't know the answer to, I could pretty much deduce by eliminating the obvious red herrings.
I got the same question wrong