Why has sub-saharan Africa never created any culture or civilization of great value?
Why has sub-saharan Africa never created any culture or civilization of great value?
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good thread
lack of challenge
>wake up
>pick up a stone
>throw it in the bushes
>collect a killed small critter
>warm enough no to need clothes
>strong and oppressive tribal culture
>no allowance for individual development
you end up with people sleepwalking their lives away
Most of subsaharan civilizations is rooted in Pastoralism and agro-pastoralist economies.
>Pastoralism spread patchily across the continent according to regional variations in the relative predictability of herding versus hunting and gathering. Domestication of African plants was late (after 4000 BP) because of the high mobility of herders, and risk associated with cultivation in arid environments. Renewed attention to predictability may contribute to understanding the circumstances that led to domestication in other regions of the world.
Personally I think these dates are later than they really are but you know dearth of archaeological sites in the Sahel.
Basically they were Huns, the civilizations that arose were in key alluvial regions where millet, sorghum, rice and other grains and pulses provided key by specific ethnic groups and mutualistic relationships occurred.
Fulani were herders from Mauritania to Sudan, Toucouleur were agrarian vassals to fula.
Only in regions of rich mineral wealth developed into mercantile hubs with high levels of agriculture to sustain massive populations. Otherwise cattle were THE focus.
I mean that agriculture or at least grain subsistence was much older as we see with the extensive kreb fields protected and guarded for later harvest.
> any culture of great value
> white basement dweller who's never been to Africa and thinks all they have to offer is poverty porn
> a thread died for this
Unironically interested in this rundown.
Thank you user.
Mail and Ethiopia.
Coastal people which had more relation to Middle Easterners than Sub-Saharan Africans.
Great Zimbabwe
I just want mods to grow a pair and start perma banning the pol users on this board. Its extremely annoying to see what could be a very fun board be hijacked.
Because of their strategic location near the red sea trade route.
Doesn't change the fact that they were sub-Saharan civilization.
Do you realize you poltards sound like anti-We Wazzerz when you accuse any African civilization of not actually being "black"?
I think it may be because the desert made them isolated from the rest of the world and thus they didn't have such great contacts with other civilizations until they were colonized by Portugal.
Tell that to the ancient egyptians you racist.
>sub saharan
Clearly op was talking about blacks and the egyptians were black. Same with the romans
Egypt owned current-day Sudan.
Egypt was a melting pot.
Not every Egyptian was Arab.
Not every was African
What race is this pharaoh? Not Nubian btw.
and this one?
>when you accuse any African civilization of not actually being "black"?
I never did this in regards to Ethopia. But North African civilization are not Black.
It's basic geography
Im not talking bout geography boi. The egyptians was all black go on witchu
He didn't mention any NA civ. He mentioned Mali and Ethiopia.
>Any culture
Is this shitpost consistently degrading?
>Then: Why does Africa have no civilization?
>Now: Why does Africa have no culture?
Later on
>Why does Africa have no tribes?
>Why does Africa have no people?
half the ethiopians I know see blacks as inferior, and the other half are ardent afrocentrics. im confused
How do you measure the value of a culture?
Reported for spam
>I'm confused that not everyone thinks the exact same way
Ethiopians change their attitudes very quickly after they go to Arab countries and learn they're niggers in everyone's eyes
when will this meme die
when they stop being black
You cherrypicked and that person would be considered black in any other conversation.
When are people going to learn that ethnic and racial borders are fuzzy and that people bleed into their neighbors just by being next to each other?
Ethiopians can be both black and Semitic, because they are in Africa and right next door to the Arabian peninsular across a relatively narrow body of water.
>Why doesn't Africa exist?
>Actually user, there's significant evidence that Africa did in fact exist, such as every accurate map of the world ever made by anyone ever.
let me correct
when will this meme die
What is Ghana, Mali, Ethiopia, the Swahili Coast, Great Zimbabwe, Kongo, Songhai,etc.?
You're probably an Ethiopian with self-esteem issues. Dude, people think you're black. They only say that Ethiopians aren't black in these argument because they dishonest but anywhere else they're going to look at you and see a black person.
im not ethiopian but I live near a bunch of them in silver spring. I got the ethiofever. one of them confided in me that they dont really consider themselves the same as blacks. checking out these ladies, I dont blame them
these are cherrypicked. plenty of dark skinned and afro haired ethiopians as well. its like a spectrum; you got the black looking ones on one end, and the yellow arab ones (though rarer, they exist) on the other. most fall somewhere on that line
wtf i love ethiopians now
way different. ethiopians have a certain look
>you'll never plant your seed in her fertile ethiopian valleys
why live
Obviously not black as you can see here
Ethiopians were romans confirmed
I can see why they would "not consider themselves black" living in the US since they share very little with afro-americans and even look different.
How come brown people can grow neckbeards and still look formidable and not completely dopey?
Cuz theyre not 300 pounds?
Unlike the Germaniggers, they didn't have a nearby much more advanced people to bring them civilization.
Ethioboo are the most disgusting ferenji on this site, they are worse than white supremacists because at least a true white supremacist will recognize we are black and not try to make us out as some exceptional dark white people.
Somali are the same as us but blame their African roots on their dispair.
>Somali are the same as us but blame their African roots on their dispair.
how so?
Whenever people shit on Somali and calls them niggers no one pops up and say "NO THEY ARENT NIGGERS THEY ARENT BLACK THEY ARE CAUCASOID!!!" it's stupid especially when recent genetics and perceptions of out genetics shows the actual history of our people.
lol thats true. thats because Somalia is shit; no one wants to claim it. its chaos makes it seem like just another failed african state. also, , somalis are often shitty immigrants to western countries; involved in crime and shit disproportionately
Ethiopians are Hamitic. Modern plebs would call them "afro-asiatic" They are different from Negroids. They are CAUCASOID.
Do this experiment: take an ethiopian and make him/her get into an altercation with a white man/woman in the USA. Post the video on youtube and /pol/ and look at the comments. Tell me if people are going to see two caucasians or a black person vs white man.
>when will this meme die
You really don't understand how ingrained racial ideas are. The second an Ethiopian leaves Africa, he might as well be from Somalia or the Congo as far as anybody is concerned.
Its not unique to Africa either. If you are a white skinned South American, literally descended from slave owners who fled to Brazill, what do people outside of South America say? "lol, those Brazilians are all part black so its super ironic that they celebrate confederate heritage!'
Its not a skin color thing. Anybody south of North Africa or associated with Brazil is immediately black, so says western civilization. Notice a lot of people leave off South America a lot when talking about "western civilization"? Its the same with middle-easterners, they are all Arabs as far as anybody is concerned.
And just to end this paragraph, yes, Ethiopia is black, a lighter skinned black is still black, even if those guys are not the starving stick figures in loincloths that speak in clicks like how South Park depicted.
If I did it with an Indian people would recognize is as such despite indians having darker skin in many instances with Ethiopians.
Although looking at Americans would probably just think they were very light skinned Black/mulattoes/some sort of quadroon.
Ethiopians are unique, some of them look lighter than Indians
There are literally millions of afro-latinas that look like that girl.
pretty much this, underrated post
European imperialism and exploitation
HAHAHA so funny like the "we were kings" phrase that "SJW" people say am I right? Hahaha that is funny I am laughing
haha you got him this time
this is funny because "Tyrone" is usually a black people name, you really got me this time. haha yeah
t. unoriginal inbred 15 yo named cletus
Wow you are back from you break. How's life going user?
>what do people outside of South America say? "lol, those Brazilians are all part black so its super ironic that they celebrate confederate heritage!'
Your impression of what people think is pretty damn off. People think of Brazil as some Brown place.
>somalis are often shitty immigrants to western countries; involved in crime and shit disproportionately
Not anymore exceptional then other African migrants in regards to crime, lol. Somali's just have the twofer of being disliked for being Muslims AND Black.
You have to realise that the good folk are ignored because it's much easier to notice the bad and want the bad to happen so that they feel justified.
fucks sakes on /int/ some sperg Hungarian tried to get people to sympathize with him in regards to him being pissed off at a hardass Gypsy (working!) shopkeeper being on his case. He just wanted people to shit on the Gypsy for making him feel bad basically.
It has.
Niggers have lots of primitive cultures.
Yea I have seen this shit before too. There was a forest fire around this Native American community where I lived a year or two ago and the newsmedia decided to make an appearance since a lot of the people evacuated wound up there. Well they didn't give a shit about the outpouring of helping hands and how even the local government was also trying to help the people out by providing the evacuees with things that they needed like food, water, shelter, etc. No they tried recording the one guy who had a small breakdown, got drunk and made a small ruckus before people got him to calm down. They were told to fuck off if that was the only thing they wanted to document and so they did.
Yeah, a brownish place that is like a 4th African at least. Probably seen as the most black out of all south Americans.
To use the Spaniard caste terms, Brazil seems to me to be be perceived as a nation of Pardos, Mulattos, Zambos, and Negros.
it did and its getting really tiresome to see the same old uneducated bullshit middle class loser children post their pol memes here
Someone should start a mali empire general
They have an apish facial structure so they look intimidating with anything even fedoras.