ITT: Post historical waifus
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One-eyed waifu best waifu
pious and cute
What's her story?
>combat skirt
For fucks sake at least wear pants
Photo op.
>Anne will never tuck your babies into bed, singing them lullabies in Dutch and Hebrew
It isn't really known although it is said she lost it around age 14 or so.
That's actually Odin in disguise.
wasn't that a dude?
>ywn an artist in revolutionary France racing against time to record this beauty for posterity
>ywn be interrupted half way through by the dirty Jacobins that have come to prepare her for the blade.
>ywn receive a lock of her hair as a parting gift before her hands are bound and she is lead out to the waiting cart.
>ywn marvel at her courage and fortitude as she is lead slowly through the rain and hateful crowds.
>ywn see her blush from the immodesty of having her shawl torn from her to expose her pale neck and shoulders to the blade.
>ywn witness the barbarism of her head being held up to the crowd then repeatedly slapped
>ywn feel an inhuman chill travel up your spine as the look in her eyes and the blush on her cheeks leave no doubt that she is all too aware of the horrible indignity.
I'd still hit it.
>not having a DEUS VULT waifu
Heathens, all of you.
Was Vendee really a genocide or is that just /pol/-tier right-wing virtue signaling?
It's a little bit of a stretch to call it a genocide by the common definition of the word but it was particularly brutal.
So in other words... Somewhere in between.
We all knew this was coming
But when will this nigga draw it?
This app will singe-handedly turn an entire generation of men gay.
Essentially. The aim wasn't to wipe out the entire population but the government definitely went out of there way to wage war on civilians
After her execution they performed an autopsy to see if she was a virgin, as they believed it impossible for a woman to commit such an act on her own. They believed that she must have had a lover who convinced her to do it. The autopsy revealed she was a virgin and there was no lover.
She was so beautiful.
>Orlando Furioso
who is this
Hi Jeff
Charlotte Corday
who is this semen demon?
Mary Robinson
I wouldn't say the fighting casualties in war in the Vendee was not a genocide, but the actions of certain people who killed civilian men, women and children deemed counter-revolutionary for their or their parent's political beliefs (with the idea being that because their parents were monarchists or, at worst, didn't completely support everything in the new government, that the children were tained) would fit within the concept of genocide. I believe it was Carrier who wrote something to the affect that he intended to wipe out all trace of counter-revolutionary families.
Oh, the quote I was thinking of was actually Turreau, not Carrier. Although he may have said something similar.
Turreau's quote
>We must exterminate all men who have taken arms against the Republic and strike down their fathers, their wives, their sisters and their children. The Vendée must become a national cemetery.
That's not from Orlando Furioso, that's Florine of Burgundy, an actual historical person.
It's Ravager, Deathstroke's daughter and anti-heroic Teen Titans member.
Hello there,
Mind if I confess about my love for Anne?
>no Joan of Arc
You disappoint me
Came here to post these
Who dat?
brutally murdered waifu
I remember being VERY attracted to her seeing that portrait in a history book as a teen.
Thats why G*D in his endless love allowed something called Google to be invented; just for cases like that.
But to answer your question its
"Princesse de Broglie" (named after one Joséphine-Éléonore-Marie-Pauline de Galard de Brassac de Béarn (1825–1860), who actually died shortly after getting painted), painted by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres in 1853 in Paris.
>Thats why G*D in his endless love allowed something called Google to be invented; just for cases like that.
I'd like to hear Veeky Forums's summary of it
Just wait until you see her with long hair
Not half bad actually
>actually died shortly after getting painted
Sad boner
>picture from 1988-9
>all those shit-tier waifus
>not posting the ultimate waifu
I wonder what her natural hair color was...
Dark blond. Why?
Just curious. I've only ever seen depictions of her with her hair covered
Kate Cobain
Your waifu is shit. Unironically.
I highly disagree with that opinion and so does my dick.
Lets just go with it.
>ywn be King Xerxes
>ywn be comforted by your Jewish qt Queen when Sparta kicks your ass
>ywn feel her take your hand and put it on her belly and feel the kick of your heir growing inside of her
Step aside
Deer Park me, daddy
Best crazy waifu.
Cleo de Merode.
I ain't gay, but this is the only correct answer.
>Finally, I saw a woman appear, as white as a sheet, being helped by a turnkey. They said to her harshly: "Shout 'Vive la nation!'" "No! No!" she said. They made her climb up on a pile of corpses. One of the killers grabbed the turnkey and pushed him away. "Oh!" exclaimed the ill-fated woman, "do not harm him!" They repeated that she must shout "Vive la nation!" With disdain, she refused. Then one of the killers grabbed her, tore away her dress, and ripped open her stomach. She fell, and was finished off by the others. Never could I have imagined such horror.
>Two men were dragging by the legs a naked, headless trunk slit open to the breast, its back to the ground. ... At my right, on the end of a pike, was ahead which at the gesticulations of the bearer often touched my face. At my left another fiend, more horrible still, was holding in one hand pressed against me the entrails of the victim, and in the other a huge knife. Behind these a great coal-heaver was waving, suspended from a pike above my forehead, the fragment of a chemise soaked in blood and slime.
Fighter ace > sniper
100% this!
Who's your HREfu lads?
>the Jews were behind the Persian invasion of Europe
Is history repeating itself?
>Oh user-kun, push into my line with your heavy cavalry~
Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time.
Louise Brooks. Watch Pandora's Box, it's top-teir goodness.