Why was Lot´s wife turned in salt? I mean, Iknow that she looked back to see the destrution of Sodome, but was salt any kind of valuable thing, was salt relacionated to Sodome or Salt was just some kind of reflexion or leeson?
Why was Lot´s wife turned in salt? I mean, Iknow that she looked back to see the destrution of Sodome...
What do you mean, that the episode´s based on salt formations in the south of the Dead Sea?
She was turned to salt because she was a dumb womyn, these are her remains.
>escapes from Sodom, literal pit of degeneracy and deviancy
>proceeds to fuck his (probably underage) daughters
>be a calm, peace-loving Slaanesh worshipper
>dies from asteroids like fucking dinosours
U wot m8 they raped him.
the whole story was mainly to piss on the origins of neighboring tribes. you are reading far too hard into it.
Here's a rabbinic explanation from a Jewish Chumash
meant for
The Sodom and Gomorrah myth was as much about explaining the Dead Sea as it was about the homosexuality taboo.
Typically stupid Near-Eastern mythology.
moab and edom a shit.
Because it's made up
wtf i love the bible now
>Pedophilia is now officially biblically sanctioned
She heard Hillary lost the election.
Are you all retarded? His daughters raped him. I thought people here would know the Bible stories.
From what I remember, they thought they were the only remaining people and that God had destroyed the whole world, as it was so terrible.
They decided God must have chosen them to further humankind, but to do the incestious act they had to drink a lot of wine to numb their senses.
People in general know a lot less about Christianity than you'd think. I was once talking about Christianity with a French person and they were completely dumbfounded by the concept of the Trinity. Not in that they found it hard to understand, but that they'd never heard of it before.
It's a lesson that if a divine being warns you not to do something ignoring the warning will probably end badly. also the story is intended to show the origin of salt pillars that you find near the Dead Sea.
They saw that God destroyed the cities around them, and that they had to live in a cave, and that their father was growing old (which, by the way, shows that they probably weren't underage), and so they thought that they won't be able to find husbands and continue their family line, so they got their father drunk and slept with him.
>One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth.
>32 Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.”
>33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.