How would you vote in this situation?
How would you vote in this situation?
Remind me what women gain from prohibition? Moral superiority?
I don't.
Remembering that image of the those women for prohibition, they were all ugly. So aye i'd vote wet.
America used to have a really bad problem with alcoholism. Back when the patriarch had almost unquestioned legal rights over his own household he could quite literally terrorize his family for booze.
Alcohol is a marriage destroyer, it results in broken families.
I'd assume that had something to do with the 100 hour workweek and $1/hour (adjusted for inflation) pay.
Women are no fun to drink with
Tactical vote for prohibition so that I could get in on that sweet sweet bootlegging money.
...and probably also get murdered by gangsters within a few years.
Dry. Alcohol should be stamped out
What self respecting man doesn't want his woman wet?
Americans drank less by the time of industrialization (though still more than their European counterparts). In the 18th & early 19th century when most men lived on the frontier Americans drank prodigious amounts of hard liquor and alcoholism was one of the biggest concerns women had.
I wouldn't be voting, the reason the landslide of women voters matters is because millions of men were absent to die in France.
Certainly not Dr. Johnson
>a man who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being alive.
They still wanted to be with their husbands, but didn't like them being drunk all the time. Simply increasing penalties on drunkenness would just put their husbands in jail and they didn't want that, so they thought to get rid of the alcohol at the source so they couldn't become drunk at all.
>Vote for some cunt and her kids from some other marriage
Yeah nice try cucks
Oh fuck off
Wait what?
Wet, because prohibition leads to all sorts of bad things.
Too fucking bad. Besides, prohibition is dead and we still have alcoholics around beating their wives and shit.
But it's retarded. Everyone else in Europe kept drinking and did just fine. You just fell for the bible meme yet again.
This. Feminist btfo.
Alcoholism is a symptom of underlying social problems, not something that simply disappears if you outlaw booze.
That's also why modern America suffers from such dramatic crime rates despite draconian criminal justice measures.
>Cider all but vanishes from the new world and centuries-old vinyards and cider orchards are razed and repurposed or simply left fallow; unique cultivars of grains, grapes, apples and other fruits are lost forever
>Thousands of local breweries, cideries, wineries and distilleries close
>Centuries of home and commercial brewing tradition and history wiped out; untold numbers of styles and ancient recipes for beer, wine cider, liquor and other oddball alcoholic beverages vanish like tears in rain
>People who had been keeping the American tradition of alcohol production alive were forced out of the industry and their accumulated knowledge was lost forever
>Long-standing pubs, taverns, taphouses, etc. forced to close
>Drinking culture in the US ruined
>A handful of companies that greased the right palms are allowed to keep making booze and this overwhelming market share persists to the current day
Giving women political agency was one of the biggest mistakes of the 20th century.
I mean you pretty much needed to have hard liquor on you during those times, shit was pretty rough. Women don't understand that as much, I don't think, but what can ya do?
I'm sure women living in the household of an alcoholic understood that they were living in utter privation and that she and her children might be working all day just to surrender the fruits of their labor to a deadbeat husband who would spend it on all booze and that they had no legal recourse against this. This was not exactly an uncommon scenario in early America.
>this low-brow propaganda
the only way the homemaker is potentially hurt by alcohol is if her husband, the person this poster is meant to target emotionally, is a belligerent alcoholic
wet of course, I enjoy my drink and of course I live after prohibition has been tried and shown not to work in American culture
Americans will defend this along with circumcision
>ywn slave away in a dangerous early industrial factory for pennys
>ywn develop a heavy drinking problem, not only due to the stressful conditions, but also the culture that condones such habits
>ywn spend everything you own on whiskey
>ywn return to your loyal wife and starving children with nothing for them
>ywn beat your wife and children sensless for complaining that they haven't had anything to eat in days
>ywn rape your screaming wife while drunk
why even live?
roasties voting ruined everything
Americans drank more before there were any factories around
Because there weren't enough hours in the day to work and drink properly.
It had something to do with the lack of clean water. Yes, some men were blowing their paychecks on booze, and it was kind of a huge problem for their families.
Public water fountains were a big part in fixing the problem. Kind of neat.
Holy fuck I love What We Do In The Shadows
Wow. This thread really proves that Veeky Forums knows jack shit about history but will take any chance it can get to prop up its ego. Noice. My people.
>Choice between beer and Montezuma's Revenge
>Let's ban all alcohol!
>Everyone else in Europe kept drinking and did just fine
3 nordic countires had prohibition also
Prohibition didn't work out for us, either.
Wet, but that's with a modern view of how to consume alcohol. It's fair to say that the United States had a drinking problem in their culture when Prohibition was a thing.
I'm not redpilled enough to blame it all on women, but this guy is right that prohibition is the reason that, when you want a beer, you can choose between cold, watery piss-bread and HOPSLAM 666 XXX.
Why is liquor always more of a male vice than a female one?
Protestcucks deflecting blame as usual.
But Anglo-Protestantism is what feminism evolved from.
Swede here.
Dry. Out youth is being ruined by alcohol and drugs.
t. youth
That's wrong. There's loads of great beer available. Maybe you just live in a shit area? Or maybe you're just too stupid to Google up a good local lager or doppelbock. You can get Ayinger anywhere.
Some people never get past their straight-edge phase.
The solution was retarded, but there was a huge problem.
So basically American settlers lacked the beer or wine culture of their European counterparts. Which is why hard spirits such as Kentucky Bourbon and moonshine were developed.
Whisky began in Scotland and Ireland, and then the Scots-Irish brought it to the American South.
>Minimal adornment on the church interior compels one's focus towards the one almighty creator.
wtf I love Protestantism now
>needing the state to exert self-control on your behalf
Free will is an illusion, user.
World War Vol. 1
This! Also tell the /pol/acks that
Don't forget anti-German sentiment.
Almost ALL of the brewers who were demonized like in OP's cartoon were German-Americans. WWI anti-German sentiment was rolled up with the Temperance movement to give us Prohibition.
>hundreds of German language periodicals and newspapers closed down
>German-American societies like the Turnvereine closed or forced to change
>German language disappears from American schools
We lost a hell of a lot of cultural heritage. Most midwestern cities still bear some marks of it but nothing like before:
>Enormous, beautiful Turnverein buildings
>Beer halls
>Churches modeled after German cathedrals
>traditional delicatessens
I maintain that if I had a time machine, I'd go back and eliminate the Temperance and Women's Suffrage movements. Eliminating those two mistakes alone would do so much to fix American history.
You might as well go to the source and destroy New England. What is anti-German sentiment if not Anglo ethnic animus?
All joking aside, it's hilarious how the rise of the automobile completely destroyed America's drinking culture. By the late 90s MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) had ensured that a DUI would be a life-destroying move especially if you lived in a suburb without any transit access. Now we even have DUI checkpoints outside of colleges and on major roads to prevent DUIs after major holidays.
Because it's a degenerate activity which destroys the family unit. It hurts your ability to think. This is why Jews always encourage heavy drinking, especially in pregnant women.
>used to
I mean, the only thing it brought is raise of crime and illegal and sometimes deadly moonshine brewage. Same thing happened in USSR, if there's anything they can share with USA it's this. Prohibition is a meme.
Wet, moral busybodies can get fucked.
Don't even care. Letting in continentals was a huge mistake in the first place.
that picture was actually from a magazine mocking it most of those supposedly dudes in Drag
>This is why Jews always encourage heavy drinking, especially in pregnant women.
Do you ever stop to think about how insane what you're saying is?
Fuck women.
Next time pick a better husband whore.
I have no sympathy for "battered" housewives.
Of course you had to bring the jews into this.
Do I work in a brewery?
This is what's actually degenerate puritcuck. Also allowing non Mediterranids to create their own drinking culture was a mistake.
You though the eternal Anglo and eternal Roastie were awful, their fusion is something to behold. These birds wanted to ban coffee during the Enlightenment because they did not like how men would congregate with no cunt infiltrators around. Women fear being named, and within a de facto males-only safe space, this is the only outcome.
Feminism was a staunchly upper class WASP thing until the cultural upheavals in the 1960s.
That's certainly what Alcoholics Anonymous wants you to believe.
>free will doesn't exist
>give your power over to an angry, jealous zealot in the sky
>inb4 Fedora!