Anyone working as a history teacher in US public school here?
How bad is it?
Anyone working as a history teacher in US public school here?
How bad is it?
It entirely depends on the school. I student taught in Michigan and it was the happiest I've ever been. It's a fuckton of work but if you let loose and have fun with it, it's a blast. Last year I taught in Arizona where I had overcrowded classes of dirt poor Mexican immigrants who switched around schools all of the time and whose motivation to learn was shit and it was the most depressing thing I've ever experienced. I'm happier subbing back in MI and living with my parents again than teaching in AZ.
Not a teacher, but I'm certain it really just depends on the school, admin/supervisors, material and the children themselves
You're probably going to have the best time at schools in middle/upper middle class districts
>It's a fuckton of work but if you let loose and have fun with it, it's a blast.
Works besides grading, making worksheets, and etc?
meant to reply to u
Yeah, have you taken any sort of teacher Ed classes in college? If you're just using direct teaching (worksheets, presentations, etc.) you won't engage even the smarter students every day. The most effective lessons are ones that get the students to solve problems and/or simulate situations in a creative way. It's super difficult to come up with that type of shit on a daily basis and you'll have writer's block where you have to resort to the old standbys but it'll affect your classroom management too. Good lessons generally give you an easier time managing students. Then when you come up with that stuff you most likely have to make all of the materials students need, which could take a really longtime. Students always need super clear, concise directions too so there's a lot you have to keep in mind when finishing your lessons. For example, my favorite lesson I created was this FBI type investigation that was a total blast for the three days we did it but it took me like 7 hours in the two night before to write out all of the materials for it. Other times I'd just find an article online and have some discussion on it based on questions I would write out for students. It's different for other subjects but history is where you'll get a lot of variation in the work you'll put into each lesson. Other subjects are different though, I've taught math too and it was super straight forward and the prep necessary was minimal.
That looks more complicated than I thought. Are you a high school teacher? I'm didn't took normal word history in high school, only IB.
I'm Canadian but I'm getting my Bachelor's in Education and certification materials in the mail in about a week.
I did about 24 weeks total of in-class teaching and while I was pretty good at it, It is not for me at all.
It's not a job you can go home and forget about, and with the regulations in a public school, you're bound to fuck up or say the wrong thing.
Luckily for me I have a position as a non-teaching staff member in rural ass Prince Edward Island but in terms of actual teaching, the most I would do is substitute
>tfw studying to become a music teacher
Not technically Veeky Forums,but I'm pretty conflicted about it. On one hand, I love music and sharing it with others, on the other the idea of getting stuck teaching at some shitty public school in the middle of nowhere terrifies me.
I'm certified in secondary and have done both Middle and high. I'm subbing right now because the job market's tight where I want a job. 9th and10th grades are the best. They know how to behave and are surprisingly astute when they're interested.
>he idea of getting stuck teaching at some shitty public school in the middle of nowhere terrifies me.
Doesn't sound so bad compared to McDonalds desu
One of my buddies is a music teacher and he found a job right out of college, he didn't like it, and immediately found an opening at the school he student taught at. Shit works out sometimes.
If you bring that passion into your job, your students will reflect it. Especially at a high school level you will definitely connect with (at least one or two) kids every year who really enjoy music. But you have to get them to enjoy it on their own. Might not be that hard, hopefully, as they are in your class of their own volition, after all.
Going for a BA in history and then getting my teaching credentials how much burger flipping am I looking at?
Does any American here remember learning about China beyond the Boxer Rebellion in their history classes?
No it just ended at the Boxer Rebellion.
Nope, maybe mentioned China during WW2 in passing
Dude, world history was a mess in my school. Our APWH teacher was technically certified in PhysEd. It was so stupid because there were a number of other good social studies at my school but all of the AP classes were taught by her and this teacher who was smart but he basically just fucked around and told stories about himself instead of teaching. Really bizarre considering it wasn't like that for any of the other subject areas. When it came to China all we learned in my WH class was stuff about the Qin dynasty.
I am a teacher in a Russian high school. I can assure you that 80% of teenagers don't care about history.
However, the ones that do care are usually really smart and can hold interesting conversations. It also depends on the school. I've worked in shitty schools before and it was absolute hell. The classes were filled with retards who thought that the 1st World War happened in the 19th century. Working in good schools is a much better experience.
I'll give you some tips:
1.Think outside the box. Don't ask students "
where?" and "when?". Ask the "How?" and "Why?'. That'll make them think and, as a result, they will be more focused in class.
2.Don't be afraid to punish them. Some classes have retards who are not familiar with the concept of discipline. Don't be nice with them.
3.Don't get mad at students who don't give a shit about your subject. Simply ignore them if they are not interrupting you in any way.
Good luck, OP.
This user gets it, I worked two years in the Milwaukee PSD and it is brutal. The external issue of poverty adds so many more roadblocks to a quality education. And I'm now working in a Madison suburb and its perfectly fine, there are still issues, but its not a failing school.
You actually covered something in China before the Boxer Rebellion?
We covered treasure cruises and how some dynasties failed to feed their people so they invented canals to bring food inland. The dynasties mostly.
>China in general in U.S World History
We talk about China for about a third of the early civilizations section then it's pretty much fucking nothing until a few mentions during WW2.