No idea how people do it, please tell me.
How do guys cope with being a Nihilist?
What do you mean by that? Being nihilist is great, as you can stop worry about all meaningful things.
What keeps you from just killing yourself though?
Too pussy to do it
Nothing matters
So it doesn't matter that nothing matters
Think about the universe. How big it is. It's really, really big. Like really, really, really big, dude. Now think about not thinking about pink elephants. Think about not blinking.
How do you cope with it? Don't think about it. But unlike a shitty Rick and Morty meme, you don't think about it because it's boring, not because it's too scary to think about or some other edgy nonsense.
That pic is a terible illustration of nihilism tho
Didn't think of elephants or blinking tbqh, although I had to for a moment to type this response. Don't think of my post tonight.
Yeah but the principle of the response is the same.
Create your own meaning.
Stop being a faggot with the mindset of a 14 yr old who browses Reddit and Veeky Forums all day and actually try to be happy and interact with people for once
Memes, weed, and liquor.
The fact that you can exist and enjoy yourself is enough of a reason to live isn't it? Find things that you enjoy, and focus on them. Do away with all the unnecessary bullshit that you don't care about.
well you see I don't believe coping to be meaningful
Become a pick and mix aesthetic christian and proselytise on other boards like many of our good friends from /pol/
I find meaning through what drives me biologically
So that means that my only goal in life is to settle down and pump out as many kids as I can, because thats the main drive of any living organism on earth
Descend into hedonism
Nihilism is retarded.
Existentialism is the proper path to living a fulfilling life.
>Nihilism is retarded
But correct, which is the problem
>im too stupid to understand that that is what everybody does, regardless of what they believe
what everybody does is your momma
why do you think that you have to *do* anything?
OK, so nihilism is correct. Theres no meaning to anything. So what? Theres no indicated objective course of action upon realizing this. If theres no meaning to anything then that means theres no meaning to logic, and doing "the next logical step" doesnt mean anything.
Once you jump ship you can either swim for shore or drown. You have to carve your own meaning out of this existence, or resign yourself to the fact that nothing means anything and existence is hollow and pointless. It get easier over time, after a while its like hearing theres rain in some country youve never been to.
"Hm. Thats nice."
I think many of you are confusing nihlism with existentialism. You cant make your own meaning to live because there is no meaning to live. Since there is no point to life you can't just make one
Double retard
If thats how everybody we would still be in The stone age
No, he is not a nihilistic, but a plutocrat, a slave to his ego
I don't take myself seriously.
Exactly this!!! Finally someone got it
never really bothered me and I don't understand why it bothers anyone else. why does your life need to have meaning for you to be happy? just keep on going as long as you can stand it and do things that give you pleasure, whether that is success, sex, children, getting high, whatever. If you get to a point where you can't stand it just kill yourself.
By not being one. I hold very firm convictions of religious, social and political nature, and constantly act upon them, or at least strive to do so.
Nihilism is just you looking at problems that bother you - philosophical, ethical, aesthetical, and saying they don't exist because you are unable to instinctively form an opinion on them. Because such things require education and thought. It is so much easier to just trivialize them away.
Read this
Because many people were raised spooked as fuck and denied themselves and their happiness for meaning and morals.
On grounds of what do you choose how to influence your surroundings? On grounds of what do you choose how to act? I should hardly think that everything that you do is an acte gratuit, and if it is not, it requires thoughts and attitudes, which require forethought. Saying that the problem doesn't exist doesn't remove it.
So was I. I was a christian til I was 19. It seems to me that most people including the religious already set their own goals and purpose in life which have little to do with religion and more to do with their personal happiness. I have a theory that those who struggle the most with nihilism are those who under different circumstances would have become priests, missionaries, in other words the type of people who are the most willing to answer a calling from God are also those who are most dependent on it for personal fulfillment.
Unironically this.
Read this
>nothing in life matters
>therefore I should feel sad and anxious
>nothing in life matters
>therefore I should feel happy and be radical
Nihilism Washington destroyed by Peterson and Dostovjeski
I want you to know that not knowing what to do after drinking up nihilism and all its easy truths is normal.
You realize the meaningful connections you had to this world are all lies and meaningless.
And they are.
But in time you will either reach inside yourself or something out in the world,
Like someone elses orgasm.
And then thats how you make sense of the world.
Then just repeat the cycle.
But if you're looking for a quick fix,
Immerse yourself into art.
Create something
I know people here will say ubermensch shit
Absurdists shit
But really these dont do anything more than just say to persist, and live consciously.
Theres also Shakespeare who said that life is but a stage and we are actors. So just think of a part you want to play in a story and just go with that.
By doing that you renounce nihilism and return to the search for truth.
When confronted with the aspect of nihilism and nothing not mattering.
Then if nothing mattering isnt absolute then that must mean nihilism is just part of a cycle that is just as imperminent.
See destartes meditations
And maybe some greeks.
No you dont No
I ultimatly came to this conclusion
Becuase like it or not the mind inherently searches for meaning,
So you might as well make the best of making meaning.
How about you start giving me more than two-lettered responses and empty assertations?
No it doesn't, just do what you like
Dude apperception of experience and perception of expierence cannot be separated out, only minimised.
You cant help but make associations
We do it subconsciously even.
Yeah. You can't escape from making judgements about the world, try as you might. Not that you should want to escape from it - it is essential to your person.
>Haha How The Fuck Is Nihilism Real Hahaha Just Be Happy Like Nigga Interact With Other People Haha
The smug pleasure of being right sustains me. Also I get an active pleasure from the idea that everyone will die and become nothing, just like me. No one is really, meaningfully better than anyone else.
The pleasure of this conceit is that it thwarts the /differentiation of social status/ which is projected into religion. Some people, who through no particular effort or virtue of their own (say, by being born in a time and place where the religion of choice predominates) are supposed to be able to enjoy a pleasant afterlife, while others will have an unpleasant one. Nope, you all just rot. Normies, even "secular" normies who haven't really thought deeply about these things, hate hate hate the suggestion that they are literally every bit as good as a Jeffery Dahmer. They hate that true equation, and religious views of the afterlife are precisely a vain effort to escape the miserable equality where no one can feel good about themselves for "doing better than others". A projection of the existing normie social order into the next life, where none exists.
The first thing that you need to understand is that so-called meaning is nothing more than a disered conclusion of your actions. It doesn't really matter if your actions or desires amount to nothing in the end because that timeless future is literally as far from you as galaxy on a distant edge of the known universe.
"Meaning" being a human construct doesn't mean you cannot continue to construct it. Recognising this, however, means that you gain greater control over what you consider personally important.
Nihilism is a weak philosophy rather than a lifestyle because it is simply a logical observation. It doesn't actually have to change a fucking thing. The only thing I can imagine it does change for most people is the realisation that you are in fact completely mortal and do not have an immortal soul to be tended by a despotic all-powerful entity, which if anything should be heavy disincentive to kill yourself or stop enjoying your life as well as you can.
All you can really do is knowingly chase the dopamine high.
do whatever the fuck you feel like doing, because as you know, nothing actually matters.
Also, is legitimately good advice
I like this advice the best
Enjoy being impoverished by child care costs (damn kids can't work in factories anymore) and having no free time or ability to succeed professionally. If you have your wife stay home and deal with your 10 kids all day you probably won't be married for long.
Thinking life has no purpose doesn't mean that you can't love it.
>nothing in life matters
>therefore it doesn't matter what I feel
>empty assertations
He's already giving you the rundown on his philosophy dude.
Or anything seriously
just b urself
>succeed professionally
Maybe that doesn't matter to me
I can't be the only one who wants to live that comfy, rural, farming life and have fuckload of kids instead of living a white collar hollow existence in some metropolitan/suburban shithole
Literally, unironically and objectively this.
It's easier than being religious, that's for sure.
I don't take my existence as a given.
Consider how unnecessary, and unlikely your specific existence is. Time and space could have passed by and exhausted itself into oblivion without me having a moment of consciousness, and yet here I am. Even the worst possible life, the most possible pain, it's something to marvel at when compared to what seems to be alternatively a silent eternity in that blind spot of nothingness at the edge of your vision.
Google how to "see" your blind spot. Then meditate on the idea of total sensory death, and the death of thought. When I think about that, I'm just damn happy to have the chance to experience anything.