>Tried to destroy Europe
>Tried to destroy the eternal Germanic
Which side are you on?
>Tried to destroy Europe
>Tried to destroy the eternal Germanic
Which side are you on?
Anglo of course. They trump Germans by a large margin. That's not saying much tho.
Anglos are Germanics and they have been destroying a better Europe for the last 500 years. Napoleon was /ourguy/.
Germany has a period of autistic screeching followed by flailing its arms at people nearby by till someone punches it into obedience
You mean the same Germany that basically is running all of Northern and Western Europe sans the UK through the "EU"?
Germany doesn't run the EU
>not a flop
t. britcuck
How the fuck does that make me a Britcuck? Read a book
Shut up nigel.
How is nappy /yourguy/?
He is probably french
>Capitulate twice to the British
>Get Paris overrun by slavs
>Kill millions
>Bankrupt your nation
I don't get the love, even if he is french
The English language is more Latin and French than Germanic. Genetically they are also not as Germanic as many believe.
Anglos are neither French or Germanic, they ascend above both, this is why they are so much better than both. :^)
English still got a Germanic structure and most of the Latin/ French words aren't usually used
Lists of English words by country or language of origin.
Latin and French makes up 68% of words in the English language. Combining all the Germanic words from all the Germanic influences only makes up less than 30%
If you're speaking in English, chances are that only 3/10 of the words you're speaking are of a Germanic origin.
>being this dumb and projecting this much
Because he blew out perfidious Britshits.
I'm with the British, krauts are really disgusting people. ( I'm French )
Fuck off dumb faggot
>Tried to destroy Europe
>Tried to destroy the World
Germany all the way.
This is a meme image created on the notoriously liberal Wikipedia.
In actual usage, Most conversations are largely English in origin.
The bulk of the french words in that pie chart are obscure legal and medical terms and lesser used adjectives.
Good lad
I'm with the British and I am German.
Once one analyzes history, one realized that Germany is the cancer cell of Europe, endlessly trying to fuck everything up for everyone else.
Krauts need to be killed for their crimes against humanity.
Thankfully, the german language will be replaced by English with the future, the kraut genetics will be replaced by anything else but krauts and their shitty culture will hopefully dissappear too.
Fuck Germany and fuck Germans.
I'm a Brit & I'd say the Anglo argument is that Germany DOES run the EU, or at least can dictate & that's one of the many reasons it's bad
Shit places like Greece are Merkel's outright vassal
If you value your life, always side with Anglos.
How shit is Greece that they defaulted on their debts 5 times and actually got KICKED out of the Latin League?
Both of those flags try to destroy the eternal Germans
I'm on the side that figts against the BEADY EYED ANGLO
Dream on buddy