So I'm curious to know if there was ever a time that Veeky Forums actually focused on business and finance instead of meme coins?
I came here hoping to share knowledge and gain some as well but found out this is just a crypto forum?
does anyone here actually care about building real businesses? (running an energy brokerage out of USA)
Does anyone have any real questions that need to be answered?
I'l be here on an off for today. just in case someone out there wants to REALLY change and not jsut stroke on crypto
Luis James
Alright BASED OP, lets hear it. How much did you invest to get these?
William Nelson
Be the change you want to see. Start us off OP.
Cooper Carter
>yikes Alright, serious question here. Is there a link between homosexuality/effeminacy and success in business? Out of the millenials who make real money, so many talk like schoolgirls.
James Adams
>leddit spacing this is why nobody here will take you seriously.
Colton Morales
I got in to Canadian (and a bit of American) stock market last October.
Made decent gains with a weed portfolio, and 3 Tesla shares (yeah, can't afford more now). But in total I transformed 2k into 4k.
How do you find and "measure" good companies to invest in? I know of decent industries that have a future (robotics, space exploration/ mining, bio mechanics etc.), but how do I pick companies?
Isaiah Bailey
It used to be non crypto. But to be honest, you could reply to threads from a week ago.
Angel Martin
There's so many different kpis you could choose from. I generally focus, for long term investment, on the intersection between interesting industries that I think could provide beyond competitive rents.
It's a big reason why I'm long on Nvidia and amd. Intersection of car's, ai, and graphics processors is a big deal for a stagnant industry.
Joshua Myers
Veeky Forums was created as a crypto containment board because it was shitting up /g/
So yeah its always been pretty much nothing but cryptos but no one even cared until this year.
Lucas Parker
what do you do for blue star energy solutions llc? also do you have any recent gains? 2015/03/16 is over two years ago
Jeremiah Morales
I invested 5 years of my life to get to that point.
1000s of hours of actual work/pain/punting leisure.
what are you working on?
Landon Hernandez
good meme friend. nah that was just the ready photo I had on my computer.
working in energy isn't as lucrative working independently
I've since started working in construction industry. how many crypto you got?
Jacob Miller
Nope, biz was created because Anons kept asking for business and money tips for a while ("hi /b, how do I become rich by the end of the year? I have 20$ and 15k CC debt...).
When it was first created, people talked about business ideas, portfolio, day trading, dropshiping, education, how to become rich by the end of the year with only 20 bucks and 15000$ credit card debt, etc.
Now, it had become a crypto board where people think that thanks to interwebz coins they'll become rich by the end of the year with 20$ to pay off their 15k debt.
Nathan White
Veeky Forums was much better without cryptos. There was still a lot of garbage; people constantly posted clickrings and affiliate stuff. But at least they were putting some effort into making money versus cryptos which are pure speculation.
Cameron Peterson
So like, why did you sort of partially scrub out the bank's account number on some of the checks? You did such a poor job on the upper ones I can tell your company's name is/was blue star energy something llc. With the bank being in Ohio, that would put you in the Chicago Blue Star which was the one that changed their name in 2012, but you've managed to obscure the dates on the check completely which means this is an old picture, which means you're lying about the entire premise of this thread. You're just some pajeet or something. Ha! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHHAHA!!1
Tyler Mitchell
can't fix stupid or teach pigs to fly so I decided not to
numbers don't lie. post yours?
first you have to understand the type of person you are.
are you an investor/math wiz? or a hustler entrepreneur?
there actually are ways to make $1m in your first year starting at 20 bucks but certainly not with crypto
this is because you have one resource if you're poor:
Jeremiah Powell
nah man just old irrelevant checks.
came here to give some advice while you jerk off to memecoin
Andrew Lopez
>fap fap fap fap
Julian Cooper
classic meme tactic.
type random things or analyze my image to divert from the truth.
instead of looking at the FACTS (I made 80 stacks in 4 days) demonstrating sales/communication techniques that I have scaled to multiple industries
while you have only lost money?
Michael Peterson
What do I have to do to build from nothing on the side and surpass my income from my job? I make about $35k a year and I'm never going to make it fixing other peoples tech.
Carter Diaz
I'm actually really interested in marketing, if that counts. Taking some certs right now, going to try digital marketing for local businesses on the cheap to get some experience
Jordan Phillips
What is the best payroll program that i could use
Anthony Clark
if you are going to attention whore, at least post pics of your feet
- Merk
Hudson Ross
Google Facebook Yellowpages All free Billions them everyday to find local companies. I do classic china town style marketing for my business. Red backgorund yellow or white letters or green background with gold letters
Lincoln Parker
You mean as advertising channels?
Jack Perez
sure bro that's sweet. How good are you at teaching other people to fix the popular tech of now? you can take this 2 routes 1) take an offline approach - find local guys (craigslist etc) that can repair or LEARN from you - then market (flyers/facebook/cold calling locally) and SCALE. easy when you break it down. this is the approach I would use. 2) online approach - pick a medium (youtube or anything else) then find a way to communicate your skills to an audience. this will most likely be video assuming your average user. hope this helps. yeah of course. I have seen a few friends take off in digital - the most common strategy goes a little like this 1) hone your skills - TEST TEST TEST on random accounts maybe focus on a niche depending on your area. so for me I would call local pizza places and learn how to market food best. you can do this by going on instagram and typing in PIZZA or plumbers whatever it is.
then direct message these people and offer your services (website building/social media management)
if you want to win fast - give it all away for free in the beginning. get really good. then charge $$$$$$
what size is your company? 50 or less? Gusto. it sounds like you're super broke. let's just skip this step. ?
Elijah Campbell
If I were to create an entertainment website/web-based game, what would be the best way to profit off of it? I assume ads would be more or less out of the equation, since all that would do is annoy people and get them to use Adblocker, which would leave me without a source of money.
Christopher Powell
This is kinda what I was planning on doing, actually. As soon as I pass my Google Analytics IQ cert I'm gonna study some other things that can enable me to do build websites, market on social media, and then track my efforts.
Helps that I'm still a student and have the whole summer (when I'm not working) to learn this stuff
Nicholas Collins
more likely you just don't understand that the english language is contextualized and changes depending on person, region, age, sex etc yeah not sure on this one. maybe someone else can chime in Honestly with no context at all and just kind of thinking of when I spent a year at university -
just do. don't spend any time tracking shit until you HAVE CLIENTS.
your time should look a little like this when you first begin
80% of the time spent on prospecting/finding clients 20% on the actual service
scaling will happen naturally. I've seen people go from 0 to $100k monthly in a short period
Bentley Russell
There is a pretty big gulf between replacing iphone screens and doing component level repair. I'm not sure I could source 10-40k for the test equipment and the other skills I could teach are certifiable already, so endless stuff already exists. I can't replace a screen for cheaper than a shop can do it already, and consumer electronics are far too cheap to service anymore. I'm already a dinosaur, I just haven't stepped in a tar pit yet. I have to teach myself new skills to not be a welfare pleb and finance seems like it could reward my skills.
Thomas Kelly
>entertainment website/web-based game, KEk, name me one successful web game made i nthe past 10 years
Isaac Johnson
you know you best.
if you need to switch industries then do it - just make sure you are playing to your strengths
Nolan Mitchell
Right on. I know fuck all about financial jobs though. I'm wanting to know where the technically minded in finance work? I can teach myself literally anything, I just don't know which jobs are sales and which ones are technical mind fucks. Hint: no sales jobs, I want to do the complicated things others find distasteful.
Nathan Cox
Thanks for the advice my dude. Any good resources you know of for anyone who knows nothing about digital marketing??