>the friendliest and most polite people to interact with
>also the most evil nation in history
>the friendliest and most polite people to interact with
>also the most evil nation in history
Other urls found in this thread:
>what is being fake
thats why they are called perfidious
they will say they are your friends then sink your fleet
Idk senpai, the biggest cunt I've ever interacted with is English.
>the friendliest and most polite people to interact with
They are all cunts.
this unironically is true
t. brit
The eternal ANGLO's friendliness is just a mask for his eternal PERFIDITY
> most evil nation in history
Butthurt Mainlander detected
>also the most evil nation in history
In what way?
Bit tired of this liberal meme were power is tantamount to evil guys
>also the most evil nation in history
but that's Germany.
>also the most evil nation in history
>but that's Germany.
Again, in what way?
Bit tired of this liberal meme were power is tantamount to evil guys
Germany has been responsible for nearly every internal threat to Europe.
>nearly destroy Europe twice
>still trying to do it again
This is a warn out delusion, in both instances it took two to tango, and the two world wars just loom largest in our zeitgeist because they're recent.
...Yeah it's the Germans who are pushing for the destruction of Europe.
>nearly destroyed Europe twice
Before that the bastards succeeded in destroying Europe a dozen times over too.
>implying that wasn't justified
So declaring war on neutral nations and agressive rhetoric and expansionism isn't is innocent?
You idiots do realise that when we have a go at the lefties for saying white men are useless we say well give up using everything white men have created. Youre doing the same thing now. Us British invented the modern world you moan is being destroyed have some respect for your superiors. We might have done some bad things but we are always the best at what we do youtube.com
"Some" bad things , lmao the delusion is unreal. The only reason UK is taken seriously is because of all the money it stole from colonies and used it to develop itself.
>money stole from colonies
its spent shit tons of money on developing colonies and then lost it all remaining money during WW1 and WW2 and was bankrupt in 1945 so had to let its colony go due to no money to keep it
the nature the eternal anglo can be seen by "that" happened on multiple occasions
>not giving your fleet to your allies to fight on with and risking it falling into enemy hands
Pathetic frogcucks.
>friendliest and most polite
American spotted
You don't take over countries to develop it you take over to exploit it. Stop being so thick . Is British education bad or is it just sugar coating their history?
Like I can't believe a sane person can actually believe so much propoganda. It's sad in some ways
>t. nigger
UK wasn't that bad. It was no worse than any other Western European country, only more successful.
It was more money from the Industrial Revolution.
Also what produce were stolen from the colonies? They were taken by trade deals by private citizens. That's called business, kid.
Cite some examples.
And by "it", do you mean its people or natural resources?
>waah the British were evil
Prove it. Give examples of how evil we were.
what a surprise no one can lmfao
success breads jelly
the masters of white lies
Germoney didn't exist as a country until Otto von Bismark
they only evil that anyone can blame Germany for is the Jewish Holocaust and their being allied with Austro-Hungary in World War I, and that first one isn't even evil in any way, as they were simply standing up for their friends.
The British, however, have been trying to shit up the rest of the world with their shit ever since Henry VIII freed the Anglos (what an asshat thing to call yourself by the way, a name that literally means "Angels") from the Catholic Church.
>the most evil nation in history
That title is already held by Turkey and Russia
It's taken seriously because it has done more in 100 years than most non-european countries have done in 1000
A good 50% of the crisis areas in the world right now is mostly because the British sucked at drawing maps/drew shit borders on purpose so their former colonies would rip each other to shreds while they moonwalk out.
They are also largely responsible for Chinese revanchism and all the trouble that will likely cause in the near future.
It is impossible for us, your comrades up to now, to allow your fine ships to fall into the power of the German enemy. We are determined to fight on until the end, and if we win, as we think we shall, we shall never forget that France was our Ally, that our interests are the same as hers, and that our common enemy is Germany. Should we conquer we solemnly declare that we shall restore the greatness and territory of France. For this purpose we must make sure that the best ships of the French Navy are not used against us by the common foe. In these circumstances, His Majesty's Government have instructed me to demand that the French Fleet now at Mers el Kebir and Oran shall act in accordance with one of the following alternatives;
(a) Sail with us and continue the fight until victory against the Germans.
(b) Sail with reduced crews under our control to a British port. The reduced crews would be repatriated at the earliest moment.
If either of these courses is adopted by you we will restore your ships to France at the conclusion of the war or pay full compensation if they are damaged meanwhile.
(c) Alternatively if you feel bound to stipulate that your ships should not be used against the Germans lest they break the Armistice, then sail them with us with reduced crews to some French port in the West Indies — Martinique for instance – where they can be demilitarised to our satisfaction, or perhaps be entrusted to the United States and remain safe until the end of the war, the crews being repatriated.
If you refuse these fair offers, I must with profound regret, require you to sink your ships within 6 hours.
Finally, failing the above, I have the orders from His Majesty's Government to use whatever force may be necessary to prevent your ships from falling into German hands.
>also the most evil nation in history
Common lad we weren't that bad as empires go.
Do remember that the prerequisite for any battle was that the enemy should under no circumstances carry guns.
Even spears made the Brits nervous.
>Spearchuckers couldn't handle the banter
> Not recognizing Blackadder
Go turn in your license to be British, along with your license to drink tea and eat custard.
>the friendliest and most polite people to interact with
this is only true of the upper middle class in this country and even then its all essentially an act, on the inside they are still cunts just like the rest of the population.
Slaves , literal tonnes of money to fund the wars , all the cloth (I think indian). Guns, food(also causing famines( in Bengal) etc all for just WW1 and 2. There's nothing worse than exploiting something and think you're doing them a service.
Also for sources just google it. Has British education not taught you how to use the internet?
Piggybacking over user.
apparently if Britain were to repay all the money they took from India they wouldn't be able to pay it because it doesn't have enough money .
Veeky Forums is full of butthurt paddies, frenchies and krauts. Success breeds jealousy.
Forgot pic.
Were bought from African rulers before Britain colonised Africa, retard.
>all the cloth (I think indian)
Because buying cloth from Indian weavers would have made them really poor. Britain was able to massively out-produce the small producers of India using industrial mills in the North of England, driving millions into poverty, retard.
What? Britain stole guns from the colonies?
So Britain was taking food from India before there were effective means to preserve it?
>There's nothing worse than...
Sacking their homes, murdering their children and raping their wives is worse.
>just google it
Lazy, worthless cunt.
I don't even like this country, but I hate how stupid people jump on the wotten bwitain bandwagon to get backslaps from their professors.
That's not how you spell Germany, and that isn't the German flag.
you have to get along with people to be stable enough to be a world power. when you're a world power you'll end up doing some evil shit because that's just how it goes.
Speaking from the only perspective I know, because lazy, the English government did nothing here but milk the country dry, land, materials and labour. Land, seized from natives. Materials, mainly wood (Ireland has lowest forest cover in Europe.) labour, countless millions of people in the UK who claim irish descent. Sure, they built railways. From the farms to the docks. And let's not even start on the famine.......... 800 years
> I don't even like this country, but I hate how stupid people jump on the wotten bwitain bandwagon to get backslaps from their professors.
Here's one of the better examples. I went to Athens over Christmas, and the Parthenon Museum has plaster replicas of the sculptures that used to decorate the Parthenon. The information plague next to the sculptures states that these are casts made from the originals, which were removed from the Parthenon in in 1800 and taken to Britain. Today the Elgin Marbles are on display in the British Museum. At the bottom, there's a very pointed phrase about how the Parthenon Museum has asked for the Elgin Marbles back, or even borrow them for an exhibition, but the British Museum refuses to attend UNESCO arbitration meetings.
If you removed all the "rightfully acquired" items from the British Museum, it would pretty much consist of some crayon drawing of the English countryside and some modern sculptures of feces.
The only reason there is a Greece is because Britain fought the Turks on their behalf.
I like how everyone 'eee eee eee's about the Elgin marbles - and everyone does, because its a heavily publicised story - while the Greeks conveniently ignore the fact that everything on the other side of the Aegean was stolen from them, that the piazza of St Mark is decorated with war spoils from Constantinople.
You won't hear them asking the Italians for any of that back.
You proved nothing except that Britain opened itself up to moral condemnation, unlike every other empire, because of its constant moralising, and so is considered uniquely eviw and wotten. Yawn.
>because Britain
and France and Russia, sorry.
Besides, if you were to take every stolen item, from every museum in the world, and return them to the country of origin, then you'd find that Britain is no more or less guilty than anyone else, it was simply better at it.
Have you ever met british tourists? Fucking hell! OP must be some murrican idiot because only their media shows brits as a fucking victorian gentlemans because "muh culture and history".
Face it you fag. You guys will never have any culture even when you try to steal it from a bunch of drunken hooligans.
>the friendliest and most polite people to interact with
Where does this meme come from?
1800 is a good bit more recent than the 4th Crusade. Old wounds close with time, and acceptable standards for human behavior gets higher over time as well. The mongol hordes raping and pillaging is more accepted than say, Nazi raping and pillaging.
The other thing is that the Brits don't send their stuff on exchange as often, perhaps out of a semi-justified fear that the other country will just keep it and say "was rightfully ours". A Chinese exchange student made a joke about having Chinese warships sail up the Thames, raze Buckingham palace, and take all the stuff from the British Museum, to which a British exchange student said "come try it", but considerably more rudely.
the fleet our government promised would be put beyond german reach? the one offered reasonable terms as quoted? terms that the admiral on station actually had standing orders from his superior to accept if offered -option (c) specifically- the french have only themselves to blame for that
Remember when the Brits, despite having troops and noncombatants alike brutalized and tortured to death under a deceptive guise of negotiations, actually turned around and assisted the Qing to defeat the Taiping? Were they stupid, incompetent, or evil?
The Qing were the purveyors of an apartheid system that oppressed the average Han Chinese while giving themselves and their barbarous invaders special legal privileges. The Taiping were (heretically) Christian, at least, but would have been more than happy to trade with the Brits after the rebellion had been won, unlike the Qing who hated the outsiders.
None of this is really surprising coming from the nation that allowed the EIC to run roughshod across the world in pursuit of profit. Got any more wars to start to keep the locals addicted to Opium there, Albion?
I like how you idiots say Germany.
If you fuckers lived here you would realize that the average German is no diabolical genius, but rather a naive, autistic simpleton. Hell, even educated upper-class Germans. We just want to wörk in peace and build stuff and then be cozy. We are far more famous for our coziness than our evilness.
The Brits however? Those fucks are truly satanic. A German couldn't even come up with the idea to travel to totally foreign places thousands of miles away with people with totally different cultures and then trick, exploit, enslave and exterminate the very people who treated us like guests. It just feels wrong. We already have our homeland.
Everything Nazi Germany did they simply copied 1:1 from what America did with blacks and native Americans.
>A German couldn't even come up with the idea to travel to totally foreign places thousands of miles away with people with totally different cultures and then trick, exploit, enslave and exterminate the very people who treated us like guests. It just feels wrong. We already have our homeland.
You seem to have conveniently forgotten all the sick shit that you Jerries did overseas in the brief, tiny period that you had an empire.
For example
Thank you for your valuable insight.
Until you point out their speech impediment.
>Prove it. Give examples of how evil we were.
That's easy, remember the time you showed up without warning in the Chesapeake bay and burned down the white house with Canadians?
Fucking redcoats.
It was a fleet of ships loyal to the Vichy government, good fucking riddance. Those ships may as well have been kraut ships.
>Again, in what way?
The moment you krauts try starting shit again, just remember the eternal anglo will bomb you back.
>In what way?
>start holokrauting every european that resists your smelly bullshit
>enslave the nations you capture
>any nation that doesn't surrender to them is a warmonger nation controlled by jews or communists or both
>only starts to think war is bad when they start losing it
you krauts were pretty fucked up desu.
>Everything Nazi Germany did they simply copied 1:1 from what America did with blacks and native Americans.
How can you say you copied us when you got BTFO? Not once, but twice.
Also, blacks and natives are still alive today.
Your natives are suicidal alcoholics who won't even survive another 50 years as an ethnicity
Your blacks are already dead inside and have no real culture to speak of which doesn't involve violence
>europeans actually believe this
Youtube education at its finest.
>the friendliest and most polite people to interact with
The part of UK really matters on this one. Same with anywhere really. Generally, the rich get blamed for everything.
You can start a conversation with anyone anywhere and no one freaks out or calls the police.
Unless you're living in London or Manchester, you're actually safer around forgeiners who don't speak good English than you are around British strangers. To know this as fact, you need to spend time walking outside for more than street length.
>also the most evil nation in history
Yes. Objectively. Often refuted by
>Britain ended worldwide slave trade of black people
that was probably actually America that did that, but...
Britain is evil BECAUSE they ended the slavery of black people.
Britain host the most jealous and most incompotent people in the world. They survive of the back of their ancerstors work alone.
Tbh the english people I met were total cunts but the rest were bros.
He is right though dabbing and screaming "BIATCH" like a chimp is not culture.
>Henry VIII
>Catholic Church
1/6th of the "British Army" was indian.
Indian cloth was famous all over the world (before britain came). Brits went and destroyed all that cloth and cut off the hands of the weavers and took all their materials.
guns were made in india for the british, horses and other animals wee taken. uniforms and other food for the army was all financed and made in india.
> Sacking their homes, murdering their children and raping their wives is worse.
implying Britain didn't do that.
i guess you really can't google. keep living an ignorant life la (p.s don't reproduce, you can't even use google and are insanely ignorant about your own past).
Honestly can't wait for this country the size of Florida to become irrelevant. Getting out Of EU was beautiful to see.
Hope I have to never meet you in real life or on the internet
ta la
>also the most evil nation in history
Germany has ruined the West 3 times in the past 103 years all at its own volition. The UK might have betrayed a few countries individually but they have yet to degrade all of western society at once.
How am I supposed to find proof of something that didn't happen?
>He is right though dabbing and screaming "BIATCH" like a chimp is not culture.
better than chimping out behind a computer screaming all sorts of kraut-speak.
>had to let its colony go due to no money to keep it
>Current year
>Still not understanding postcolonial capatalism
Take a look at the GDP of colonial powers like the UK and France during decolonisaiton - notice how not only does "loosing" not decrease GDP it increases remarkably
>The UK might have betrayed a few countries individually but they have yet to degrade all of western society at once.
"attack Germany because they recovered"
Thats a pretty perfidious way of describing the the start of World War II Electric German boogaloo