There was literally nothing wrong with the Anschluss
>literally same people, same language
>majority of Austrians wanted it
>greeted German soldiers with flowers
>Austrians democratically decided they wanted to unite with Germany
There was literally nothing wrong with the Anschluss
>literally same people, same language
>majority of Austrians wanted it
>greeted German soldiers with flowers
>Austrians democratically decided they wanted to unite with Germany
Other urls found in this thread:
>There was literally nothing wrong
The signed a treaty specifically saying they couldnt do it though
Very naughty
Reminder that the idea of Anschluss wasn't even a Nazi idea, but was supported initially supported in 1918-19 by Social-Democrats and liberals.
The conservative elites and proto-fascists elements were against it.
Most of Europe rightfully belongs to the Germans when you think about it.
> There's literally nothing wrong with Sudeten being German
> There's literally nothing wrong with Danzig being German
> There's literally nothing wrong with Alsace-Lorraine being German
> There's literally nothing wrong with the Ukraine being German
There is tho.
I wonder when the exact cutoff point where nationalism jumped the aisle and switched from being enlightened forward thinking leftism into barbaric backwards rightism was.
> There was literally nothing wrong with the Anschluss
Germany would've looked like a pig head eating Czechoslovakia and that would've been both czecho- and islamophobic.
I'm not sure whom you're arguing with, OP? I imagine if you were to ask a man to give you a list of the Nazis' crimes the Anschluss would come very low on the list, if at all.
I guess somewhere in the 1870s, when it became mainstream ideology and was opposed by the newer and more radical socialism.
Literally every time Germans start uniting they attempt to destroy Europe.
>lose war
>sign treaty agreeing not to do x because victorious powers know it will destabilise Europe
>do x
>suprised people are angry with it
>German speaking areas
>what is generalplan ost
They literally claimed Crimea is an ancient Germanic clay and should be resettled with the Germans.
well, crimea used to be populated by goths..
Then why does their language sound like some tribal shit? You'd think the owners of Europe would have a language as great as latin.
So was the entire Eastern Europe from Baltics to the Danube. I guess that means there was literally nothing wrong with Generalplan Ost.
No one said generalplan ost was justifiable...
Germans are subhuman mongrels
I thought it was premissel?
I actually love to see foreign names translated to german. Makes it feel quite epic for some reason.
fake map
How would they even get this information?
This is just pure hate propaganda
>data according to locations of the most distant known direct paternal ancestor
Check out
It gathers all the genetic tests done by Germans and people of German ancestry and give an estimate according to which places they come from.
What are you doing in Veeky Forums ikibey?
>Show that Germans are mongrels using genetics
>muh name-calling
Your inferior barbarous genes are showing, Huns
What's inherently bad about being a mongrel? Dogs that are pure aren't healthy for example.
>literally same people
You have never been to germany nor austria right?
If you're a mongrel you will lose your racial character and slowly become shit
A mix of German and Slav will both lose the tribalistic mind of the Slavs and the keen intelligence of the G*rms as an example
>4816 members
Which is extremely high to estimates the ethnic composition of a people
Britain's ethnic composition was estimated with around 800-1000 people
The Versaille powers forcing the two German nations to never unite based on ethnicity while carving up the rest of Europe based on ethnicity is all the proof you need the German right were right about the post-war settlement, and the Allies were mostly just trying to fuck over Germany as much as possible led by butthurt French vengefulness. The existence of Austria as a seperate country was entirely the result of feudal circumstance and Prusso-Austrian rivalry before the kleinedeutschland unification, one of the first things the German Austrian lands tried to do after Austria-Hungary collapsed was to try to join Germany, only for the Allied powers to stop them. I'm not saying that Hitler's actions were at all justified, but they could have been entirely avoided if the Allies led by France didn't try to do everything they could to destroy and ruin Germany. People speak of perfidious Albion or the eternal Germanic, but the eternal butthurt vengeful Frenchman ruining everything needs to be recognized for the historical menace it is. If the Allies listened to France and its even more draconian occupation plans after WWII there could have easily been another Hitler by the 60s.
There no more different than a Hamburger and a Bavarian.
to be fair they were forced at gunpoint to sign the treaty
That's a meme.
The thing "destroying europe" is france or britain throwing the rest of europe on the flames to stop germany from being united.
>all those citations
after they had invaded several countries and executed their civilians
at gunpoint may I add
but you're right, treaties and threats don't matter to a german, they should have realized the german nature at versailles and destroyed the country hard enough it would never rise again
What a well thought out and high quality post
Shut your damn fucking mouth you have no idea what you are talking about.
greetings from germany
By that logic almost all of Europe and Northern Africa would have been "rightful German clay", because East Germanics had ruled it at some point of history.
Bavarians and Austrians are virtually the same. Much more alike than Bavarians and Holsteineans.
I am from bavaria and we fucking hate austrians.
We are not the same just on a very very superficial level. Another dialect completely different history food mindset politics economy.
Stop talking about stuff that you have absolutely no clue about.
Thank you
>Another dialect
I don't care since not even someone from 100km away in bavaria understands my dialect if I use it.
This map is irrelevant to the point of the thread, germans and austrians are not the same.
Now schleich di du saupreiß
Anschluss as a concept was fine. It would have been fine in practice if the Austrians were allowed to freely. I do believe Austria would have voted to join Germany of they had let them.
why did germany get to keep east prussia after world war i
why not give east prussia to poland and leave germany with west prussia/no prussia?
Because East Prussia was more German ethnically, culturally, and linguistically, and had a much longer history under German rule than West Prussia.