How do most of Western intelligence figures have brown or dark hair?
How do most of Western intelligence figures have brown or dark hair?
cuz aryan lol
Who here white, brown hair, brown eyes masterrace?
So Hitler was wrong about this?
Blonde is not superior at all.
Brown hair + blue eyes > Brown + Brown > blonde + blue eyes
Brown hair is superior
>intelligent figures with blue eyes
By the time they had reach their status as an intellectual they weren't likely to be very young anymore and hair has a strong tendency to go darker with age (before it starts to go grey/white of course).
Most white people are either black or brown haired. It's no surprise the smartest white people had these features.
Muh Aryan
I think we know what features all the great intelligence figures of history have.
It's funny how human beings like to divide themselves.
>caucasians are better
>oh but only the pale ones
>but only the European pale ones
>but only the European pale ones with such and such features, who spoke this language, of this nationality, born in this town, that went to this university and believed in this religion
Jordan Peterson discusses conservative people (I'm a conservative btw) like borders. Any kind of borders, be it national, or between races, and neighborhoods, and fences, etc. That is they like order, everything in their own place.
Which makes me think why the concept of race is so hard to define. People try to present a purely psychological thing (group preference) as a biological one, and they have a hard time doing that. It's not so much about genetics as it is about us versus them. The left days that "us versus them" is the bad, but it's not bad at all. The individual finds fulfillment in the group, and the group is defined against the other groups.
Discusses how*
The left says*
Because the majority of europeans have brown or dark hair. Look at map related, even counting light brown and red as "light hair" it's still a minority in most of western Europe.
It's very hard to say which one is better.
And better at what? What should be the ultimate standard by which we should compare different populations?
By purity? Cultural and scientific achievement?
Social progress? Physical advantages like hormonal levels, muscle mass, bone density, limb lengths and stature? Intelligence? Survivability?
The best group is the one the person speaking belongs to. Duh.
Brown hair and grey/blue eyes are better because that's what I have haha.
Hitler himself had brown hair and dark eyes. While blonde hair and blue eyes were commonly identified as aryan traits, Hitler himself also did not seem to hold this opinion, given that he called Unity Mitford a perfect Aryan specimen, and her hair was rather dark.
this guy gets it
Brown eyed brown haired people are vastly superior which is exactly why butthurt barbie dolls started nigger tier ''w-we are human too! Did you know that Egyptians were actually nordic?!!''
Because we, mediterraneans, are superior
this: Med pride worldwide
Genetic dominance.
Less Indo-European admixture = more intelligence
>grey eyes
Are you blind?
t. Tyrone
Hitler had blue eyes though?
Medditerrean masterrace
It's funny how faggots like you like to try to force all the disparate races of humanity together, when they have naught alike but taxonomy