Post your losses

Post your losses

>1000 $ so far

$250 -> $145

24hr: -$17k

thats crypto


It hurts too much

Literally buy high sell low

I lived long enough to become a meme

7000$ today

>Haven't sold
>Planned on going long anyway, just used the bull rush to acquire more ETH & BTC


$1550 to 1284.04

First time I'm down in ANS ever. -$3.49

anyone who bought in after may is the buy high sell low meme


From ATH? Around $100k

Lost $23. Im literally shaking rn

I went from 27k to ~13k in a span of 3 weeks.

make it stop



ATH: 10k
Now: 4.3k
Initial investment: 2.3k

Sucks that I didn't sell at 10k.

I lost about 5 bucks this week.
From an initial investment of 12 bucks. I am poor but it makes me feel better when I see how much you fags lost.

Over 50 fucking thousand. Fuck this shit why are retards ruining the market!?

1.5k......500 bucks left lmao



-£823 in a day


-34% BTC

Yeah if coinbase could have technical issues right about now that would be great

>blood in the streets.

this is exactly what we've been waiting for gents. these are the moments that will make many people poor, but a few smart people even richer.


-13000$ now

ATH £8000
Now £1714
Principal: £400

Couldn't sell as I was in Japan during ATH and all my coins were held in wallets back on my pc in England

glad i cashed out :)

I'm proud of you user. Some of these fucks think that a market never goes down.

I was +20% on ETH last week

Now I'm -20%

Fucking crazy. How the heck do you fuckers do it? I pulled out cos I can't

Margin call on ETH/USD
-4000 USD

dont pull out at the bottom lmao

just lost 100k.

15k down in a month
More than I made last year

I should have known I was meant to be poor. This is my fault. I am sorry.

eyy same lad

I stopped looking a long time ago


DOGE is only 12% down

>Couldn't sell as I was in Japan
filthy weeb

Filthy and proud

How much Monacoin does she cost?

Post your portfolio now.

Thank fuck I got out of this form of (((currency))) yesterday, with a 15% profit. ETHniggers welcome :^)

+650~ this month but i do tsx v

i bought in really low about a week ago and i lost at around 2500 right now

Like 10 billion now, monacoin is fucing dying as we speak

I don't know mate it's going down too quickly.

They all are

20% gain on my stock portfolio

Ah well.



I come to you all in a time of need.

Fuckers, now ETH is going back up.
My margin wouldn't have been called if it the floor had been just $2-$3 higher.
It's almost as is a whale was hunting.


would be 29 grand in red if I hadn't sold


Mfw my boss gave me a 2k bonus last week and the cheque hasn't cleared so I didn't invest it yet

I've been too busy working two and a half jobs to calmly evaluate my situation. When I would have pulled the trigger, I waited a day due to having no time and lost $700 the next day. I'm still 50% above initial investment of $2000, but a third of it is in 4th tier risky aka shit coins and might not even survive before the inevitable August bull rush.

I can't pull out now. My window has come and gone. I'm sorry for your losses though. We will HODL through these trying times. I might even risk the falling knife and invest another thousand while there's still blood in the streets.

I lost everything...absolutely's gone. all gone.

3k in one day

It'll likely take months to recover

down about 2m from peak. should have probably sold and bought that beach house...



34% all in on antshares.

+$5k but i'm not trading anymore.

i'll start putting money back into stocks (and maybe some crypto) in october. until then i'm just here to laugh at people holding i guess.

>tfw I lost 99.74% of my portfolio

Could be worse could have never had the chance to almost buy a yacht anyway

Hard to measure. Since the Bitcoin peak I guess I'm at like $75k lost or something, but I was up like $200k before that so I'm still sitting pretty.

Got about 6.7 BTC out trading cryptos, I still have 4.7 in Polo which I've been slowly building on by lending and shorting. I put only 1 in there, so that's a $15-20k boost even though Bitcoin has been falling, depending how you want to measure it.

Been buying Bitcoin for the last 5 years, will buy for the next 5...

Why is everybody selling and literally losing money? Isn't it better to hold and hope for recovery? Doesn't it always bounce back?

I'm not being a smartass, I'm a noob.

Looks like the 1% asset allocation via your portfolio went out the window huh?

I've barely tocuhed red and I find it so mind bending people failed to see this coming in time.


Lost $50.

Sold ATH.

Enjoy those iron hands as the drag you to the bottom of the lake

It's like a chain reaction of hysteria right now.

Due to all the August bullshit people are more edgy, when nothing happens it should return to business as usual, and Veeky Forums will be back to pushing shitcoins again an posting moonrockets.

We will see. But I think this is going to be a hard month.

200 bucks... oh no....

3.5k . can't pull out now. See you next year biz


Yeah I still don't get it. Is it even possible for BTC and ETH to never recover? Even with value dropping significantly, you shouldn't actually lose money if you don't sell, right? If it's not possible for them to never recover, it would be sensible to hold, and long term you'll get your money back, probably even make profit.

tl;dr: I don't get the mass hysteria if it's not possible for the coins to go to 0$ and never bounce back.

My money is cruising in chain coin!!!!

> is it even possible that nobody will trade $300 for a single unit of a shitty inefficient platform for ponzi schemes, even if i wait decades to find someone?

doing the hodl dance wit my chc and we're still crushing lol

30 euros

I was up over 30k and now i'm down like 2k. It stings a bit, guess i'm a bad trader or unlucky. The memes made it worthwhile though.

I thought BTC and ETH are very active and you can buy/sell at any point.

I just don't understand crypto I guess.

>tfw you invested in Gulden instead of all these other shit cryptos

I've got you all beat, so far. Down around $300k from the ATH. I'm up significantly overall though, and still looking long term. Trying to time the Bitcoin market seems riskier than hodling

It's over


>mfw know when to cash out and surrounded by Veeky Forums hodltards

I miss umineko.

who else didn't buy into the cryptocurrency meme?
who /smart/ here?


Since ATH

No idea. Not checking right now. I'm half in MONA and USDT though, so I'd guess I'm down $500 at worst, which would put me breakeven with my initial investment ($1500, when I bought at the very top). I'm a latefag, but these rough waters are a great opportunity to practice before the next bull market.

I shorted btc and made $15000 in the last 48hours, and just made another $5000 shorting Ethereum.
Fucking right back off to USDT for now.
Calling it a fucking day; I also made $3200 on a USD/CAD Forex trade :)

So nothing.
Get fukt you inactive shitmonkies.

Im around there aswell.

350 to 70usd

maybe it will go up right?


Remember: it only had to go down 80% for that to happen. Now you have to wait for it to go up 400% just to break even


Can you crypto faggots explain me how hard or easy it is to cash out? For example, let's say that, at the beginning of January, I had 20 million dollars in Bitcoin. Would it have been possible to sell all of it before July 1st? I read it is hard to cash out large quantities, you can't just click a button and deposit whatever worth you have of BTC into a bank account in USD. Is it true? Can you explain me how much money you can cash out every, say, 30 days? Asking as someone with no knowledge on stocks and crypto.

>Is it even possible for BTC and ETH to never recover?
While I suspect it will recover the is a very real possibility that it will not.

There is a none zero chance that
Segwit could turn into a cluster fuck effectively destroying btc's value.

Eth may never find a killer app or gain support

40 bucks