Why do radical sunnis want to kill shias? Even if they don't consider them true muslims, arent they still under Islamic scripture considered a "People of the Book" and eligible for dhimmi status?
Why do radical sunnis want to kill shias? Even if they don't consider them true muslims...
Sunni Islam is fundamentally an ideology of Arab supremacy and global genocide, and the Shia, being mostly Iranian, aren't Arab.
Shia started with Arabs as well you moron, Iranians converted to Shia in like fucking 16th century
>implying illiterate sandniggers care about what happened in the 16th century
In syria and Iraq they're killing arab alawaites and sunnis.
IT seams like they care about 7th century
>Why do radical sunnis want to kill shias?
We, "radical" Sunnis, want to exterminate the wretched Shias for several reasons. Firstly, they are guilty of major shirk because of their cult of the saints, which includes the adoration of figures such as Ali and Husayn and the veneration of tombs and shrines. Anyone who has commited major shirk after claiming to be a Muslim is guilty of apostasy and should be killed. Another reason for why the Shias are guilty of apostasy is their belief that the Qu'ran is incomplete, which constitues the denial of one of the fundamental tenets of Islam. In addition, the fact that they curse Aisha and the companions of Muhammad makes them guilty of blasphemy as well, and, as you probably know, under Islamic Law (or Sharia), blasphemy is a capital offence. Plus, they can't be trusted because they are lying scum who frequently practice taqiyya. In fact, they belive that the one who stops lying to non-Shias is no better than the one who stops praying to Allah!
>is their belief that the Qu'ran is incomplete
Does anyone even possess the original manuscript as written by Mohammad? If not, it's basically a giant game of telephone through the centuries. Even if the original were to be available, would 7th century Arabic be intelligible to modern speakers?
Educate me please, I actually don't know anything about the provenance of documents in Islam.
Why is it blasphemy which companions of mohammed are cursed? They arent messengers of allah. Arent all muslims equal under allah?
Mohammad wrote nothing down, and only had visions. It was not until after his death that anything was ever written.
The koran uses still the same archaic arabic. That is the reason why the language hasn't changed much since then.
don't listen to this brainwashed talking-points sunni faggot. as with anything look up shia vs sunni yourself. you're gonna have to dig deep for good info.
The author of al-bukhary is iranian btw
That's not how that propaganda goes
What you're trying to say is that bachar, the alawy infidel, is killing INNOCENT SUNNY MUSLIMS with his big bad mean alawy army, that just happens to be a majority sunny army (since its made out of syrians, and the majority of syrians are sunny muslims)
Sunni are retarded scum who fail to modernize due to the practice of taqlid where they per verbatim copy the faggots who lived in the 6th century.
Shia practice Ijtihad which attempts to bring rational reasoning into Islamic law
that being said about 1/4 of Turkey is based Alevi
Shias are polytheists who believe in the loaning of vaginas.
Islam must die.
You neglect to mention that ijtihad is also popular among Wahhabis.
still there is differentiation between the sects
i guess it boils down the how zealot you are about the hadiths
Daily reminder that all the greatest Islamic scholars and artists were Persian
Why do Muslims want to kill other Muslims?
Why do Muslims want to kill Christians?
Why do Muslims want to kill Jews?
Why do Muslims want to kill Atheists?
Why do Muslims want to kill Apostates?
Why do Muslims want to kill Jews?
Why do Muslims want to kill Gays?
Why do Muslims want to kill Americans?
Why do Muslims want to kill The English?
Why do Muslims want to kill Germans?
Why do Muslims want to kill The French?
Maybe... And I hope I'm not being Islamiphobicâ„¢ here. Maybe the common denominator here is the Muslims?
I've read on Veeky Forums that sections of the Qur'an aren't in arabic at all, but some other semitic language that no one really understands. Is there truth to that?
I don't know where that came from but that kuffur deserves stoning
>why do humans fuck each other up
What a fucking brainless sheltered muppet. Keep your hate, we have no explanation for you
>Sunni are retarded scum who fail to modernize due to the practice of taqlid where they per verbatim copy the faggots who lived in the 6th century.
But Salafis oppose taqlid
>Shia practice Ijtihad which attempts to bring rational reasoning into Islamic law
The only schools of Islamic theology that can be described as rationalistic are the Ash'ari and the Maturidi schools, both of which are Sunni.
Who were Sunnis
Islam was born from violence and will die from violence
Not him, but perhaps it's because you don't have an excuse?
According to sharia, muslims associating themselves with apostates are apostates themselves.
yes, we don't have any
Non exactly. Muslims who are fighting alongside infidels against other Muslims are apostates who should be killed. This is the reason for why ISIS and al-Qaeda accuse the Saudi regime of apostasy. Saudi Arabia is a member of the US-led coalition against ISIS and al-Qaeda (i. e. it is fighting against Muslims together with infidels)
so its apostates vs apostates then.
Ashari are the opposite of rational.
They basically arose in opposition to the mutazilite school of theology and told them all to stop trying to reason and be rational about theology or the koran and to simply receive divine revelation.
>Firstly, they are guilty of major shirk because of their cult of the saints, which includes the adoration of figures such as Ali and Husayn and the veneration of tombs and shrines
You mean like how Sunnis venerate Mohemmed and shrines such as the kaaba?
>In fact, they belive that the one who stops lying to non-Shias is no better than the one who stops praying to Allah!
This is also mainstream in Sunni Islam, you are forbidden from making friends with unbelievers and are instructed to mislead them in order that you might conquer them.
Because the majority of the "Shia's" are filthy Persians LARPing as Arabs while filling Islam with their old pagan customs and traditions from early Mesopotamian times like Nowruz from their Fire-worshipping days.
True untainted Shia's are the adherents of Zaydism and not Twelver memes or Psycho'smailis.
I am sure the actual Sunni's have no issue with leaving them alone but the problem with Sunnism as you well know is "quanity over quality". As in the majority are retards that have probably never read a book in their entire life and follow some senile hadif cleric.
Sufi and Ibadism, not Shia and Salafism ok. praise Vishnu
Then why did my Iraqi friend, who is both Shia and Arab, have to witness his family get murdered by Sunnis because of their religion?
I don't think ethnicity plays a part in this
There are plenty of non-Arab Sunnis, like Turkish-speaking nations in the Central Asia and Russia, or Persian-speaking Tajiks, and there are many Arab Shias in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and in many communities around the Sunni world.
good post
Run into an asshole in the morning, and you ran into an asshole. Run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.
As much as I truly hate sandniggers they are right, you can't rationalize the divine, we do that in Christianity and it only drives people away from their faith, once you rationalize god he stops being god, and there is no reason to worship him
Ah yes which explains why tens of thousands of foreigners all non arab joined ISIS and Al Qaeda in Iraq and Syria. All part of that Arab supremacy
Good post
Yeah man, those goddamned Buddhist and Mormons are blowing people up at the same rate as Muslims. Disregard all the data and whatnot, just trust us.
>calling someone brainless in the same post you admit that your opinion rests on emotion, and not rational explanation
Wew lad
Literally cannot tell if you agree and are summarizing the theory, or disagree and are calling me an asshole. Please clarify so I know what reaction maymay to attach
Their cucks thats why.
the former
If you believe without a doubt your religion and sect is right and everyone else is wrong, then you have no self awareness or humility.
The most apt comparison I ever saw is
>Ok, say Goku dies for good at the end of DBZ, who is the strongest Saiyan?
>"Obviously Vegeta", says one side, "he's the Prince of Saiyans by right and the most fit to lead"
>"Nah mate, it's clearly Gohan", says the other, "the Son of Goku himself trained by birth and one who always had those Chosen One vibes"
Now imagine the two sides split, go to war, and argue for 1300 years.
I mean, the concept of having a religion and believing other people's religions are valid as well seem pretty mutually exclusive to me. I don't even have a religion, just an outside observation
You seem to be implying that ijtihad is unique to Shias. It's not.
Oh, it's a larper post
Isn't that pretty common everytime a monarch dies. That's what happens too when Peter the Great was young.
Nice. Throwing around unrelated buzzwords is kinda the same as defending your argument, I guess
Not an argument.
You've been very convincing in refuting his claims or even discussing them so far...
>they, who speak bad of Aisha, are guiltily of venerating saints
they have been brainwashed by saudi ideology funded by the oil money