What is happening?

Explain to someone who doesn't Veeky Forums.


niggers and jew are bad news

ICO bullshit, August 1st, and panic sell.

People set stop losses & buy orders at psychological price points.

At $200 a lot of stop losses were triggered and then a lot of buy orders were triggered.

NBT dark horse, next ETH.

bear market, all possible prices are dropping and Veeky Forums doesnt look further than a week so they are losing their shit

But what led to the fall to 200? Below 200 is easy to explain. But what led towards this dip to 200?

miners panic selling because it's approaching 120 degrees in their small as fuck apartment

crypto's been severely overvalued since March and it's trying to correct but there's enough new buyers to prevent a freefall

Well, you see, user. Ethereum--it doesn't actually -do- anything.

And people realised in 2 weeks or so? Why not a month? Or a year? What does bitcoin do?

>Well, you see, user, you can - fuck off - if you so desiro.

At least you tried. :^)

Very true. ETH does actually fill a role but not an immediate in demand $400/token role. ETH is the answer to problems that are in the near future but not fully identified today.

this + ICO bubble = /thread

Kinda the wrong question. Better question: why did it go to $395 in the first place? Answer: it was very bubbly.

Further downward trend after popping the $400 bubble is expected because of the ICO boom etc.

In the long loong looong term it will rise again, unless a competing coin pops up.

This explains ETH's long term price fluctuations, sure. But I was asking what caused this short term sell to 200$ my dear user. If you don't know, it's ok, seems like nobody can pinpoint it to something specific. And your reply at least sheds some light for those uneducated.

Because hype and many people joining the crypto and ETH market and companies associated with ETH and media and bla bla? Not this?

ETH is essentially an inflation of the USD and has to correct itself.

Because it was so overvalued it is part of what is bringing the market as a whole down.

Either way don't despair; now is a great time to gather up shitcoins while BTC is down, sell them (day trade) and when BTC finally corrects itself you will be ahead or at least have more of the reigning BTC than you had before.

How much you lose depends on the price BTC settles at.

Or just buy some goddamn LTC before it goes up again.

Most likely, this was a well orchestrated grabbing scheme facilitated by a group of miscreants possibly working with a govt. Most likely China, Russia, North Korea, or Israel.

Veeky Forums doesn't actually do any business beyond buttcon, and now that the market is crashing they're having an aneurysm.
Laugh. Point and laugh.

That pile of money is your life savings and the Joker is the jew that made bancor.


Why the fucking trip? I have no inclination to trust you now. Especially with a name like kryptoqueen. Are you psychologically thinking that with a "female" name you might trick some betas into believing you? Pathetic desu.

While I'm not saying that is impossible... It does sound pretty damn tinfoily user...

Although... Having read recently about room 39, and what shady stuff they do in order to fund the glorious Kimmy, I'm starting to give it some reason.

nobody actually knows shit and everyone has a theory, but I think it goes like this:

>bitcoin scalability problems will result in people exiting the market
>"better start selling before something goes completely wrong in august 1st!"
>people start selling close to this date
>"see guise it's happening!! fuck get the fuck outta here we're losing all our money!!"
>market crashes

I could be wrong because I'm a complete newfag, but I'm really starting to see the whole cryptomarket as a huge hivemind and nothing else, if the consensus thinks the price it's gonna crash it will, not for X or Y reason, but only because people are lead to believe this

it's actually kind of retarded

agreed, but it bodes well for the future.

If a thread on Veeky Forums is enough to start a coin mooning we are all going to be driving lambos.

I love these retards who spam Eth like its going to save the world and completely disregard LTC, I can only wonder how many suicides are going to occur when ETh returns to it's true value, zero.

No; actually this board doesn't like women for the most part. Typically when I trip I use it as a minipulation tactic, which has (ultimate lulz) worked in my favor and made me gains.

I don't always use the trip.

Anyway hate all you want, sometimes that is the point. All the neet women haters do exactly the opposite of what I say and I make money. I'm sure I'll get responses like "wiminz are evil bitches" blah blah fucking blah but I'm just after money, that I can make on my own, with crypto. Not my fault you all are so manipulative.

I'm giving read advice here though. Eth IS an inflation of the ISD and I can't wait for it to be dropped to shit so I can 1. Buy some and wait till everyone hypes it up again and dump it like a lava rock and 2. For the market to correct itself as a whole

If anyone has screen capped posts of mine I have been saying this for a long ass time. Not even trying to tripfag. This is truth.

>a real woman

why would anyone cap your posts you stupid self absorbed cunt lmao, we get those posts a thousand times a day you're not some kind of prophet for regurgitating the same shit other people say wtf

>hurrr am a gamer gurl

I like women, nobody likes worthless attention whores tho


Femanon, why did you just give a big speech about you being a woman?

Because it's all you have going for you in life. If you weren't a woman you'd be one of us. Look at you, you're almost already one of us. You're here, aren't you?

Shut the fuck up, I wish femanon-posting was banned on all of Veeky Forums. You're always so fucking LQ and boring talking about yourself, that's all you women can do

Lmao you are SO mad. I bet you don't even talk to girls irl. I bet you trade crypto (if you do that) in your moms basement.

I've been on Veeky Forums for 10 years and I'm not going anywhere.

I'm not a gamer. I'm a trader.

I seriously hope no one listens to me. Cause when your ETH is worthless I'm snapping it all up. That's why I be tripping on this board. Because you are all such women haters you do the exact opposite of what I suggest. I know the market is huge, but I have literally given myself short term gains on shit coins by telling people the opposite of what they should do. And they do it! Cause I'm a girl. On biz. And they hate me.

You don't even know if I'm a real woman or not :)

Stop trying so hard Emma

Can you shut the fuck up you obnoxious faggot.

H8ers gonna H8.

They have this thing called a filter. Do you know how to use it? I can show you :). Then you don't have to see any posts by me ever again.


>problems are like weeds
What you're saying is I need a flamethrower?

Shut up roastie

Noone cares but thanks for derailing the thread cumslut

Stop trying to shill on Veeky Forums. We both know somewhere early down the road, like 99% of neets, you bought ETH cheap and got lucky. You let the money go to your head (among other delusions), and got lucky in other trades. Big wow, you rolled the dice and got snake eyes.

Keep saving up for that FFS though, honey.

They have a dick.

i m a trans woman , check mate

This is why women ruin everything. It's a thread about everything going red, and this whore ends up making it about herself.

ETH is probably just another scam to trick plebs into initially funding, hyping, testing and building up infrastructure for the actual Ethereum network that will be used for big businesses (the real customers) for their own proprietary tokens

degenerate poverty level gambling addicts.

>inb4 I have money

new money is not real money you peasant

>I bet you don't even talk to girls irl
Are you kidding me? I have a wonderful wife and two beautiful stepchildren who I am currently babysitting while my wife is out watching a movie with a co-worker while I relax, and you have the gall to insult me online? You are nothing