True or False?

True or False?

The British Empire was objectively more evil than National Socialist Germany.

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False. Objective morality doesn't exist.

Get a load of this Critical Theory Frankfurt scholar

>sell chinks a high quality product at bargain basement prices
>somehow this makes you the worst country ever

What product was that?


>a high quality product

False. The empire never rounded up entire ethnic groups with the aim of exterminating them.

>inb4 nor did the nazis :^)

>what is the boer war?

Something the government and people rapidly put a stop to, best described as an overwhelming act of incompetence and stupidity. Also not an action against an ethnic group.


> Famine is okay if it was done by capitalism! XD

>acts of god are the British's fault
I'm flattered but no, shove a potato up your arse, paddy

>Force Opium onto the Chinese people and kill them when they don't accept
>Purposefully starve various peoples to death for no reason whatsoever
>Genocide the Native Americans such as by giving them infected blankets
>Divided the Middle East, India and Africa in arbitrary ways that make no sense and have only lead to bloodshed

>Britbongs will defend this

Nice mental gymnastics

>being responsible for famine is an act of God because the Queen we serve is divine

>blaming Britain for smallpox genocide instead of redskins for not just gittin gud


But the British killed and enslaved hundred times more people and are gullible for most of the conflicts still ongoing (middle East, Africa, India/Pakistan,...) The Nazis only persecuted Jews and to some degrees Slavs, Brits killed and enslaved all races. How does this speak in favor of the Brits?


Once again based France is an only good major European power.

If you can't see the difference between the Boer camps and the holocaust then you have a serious mental problem. The scale alone is not even close to comparable.


sounds spooky

>believing the holocaust

You do realize that the holocaust is Soviet propaganda right? You've been memed in your school and media.

>Boer camps
Wew lad, sounds like a fun park, right?
The British concentration camps were on a smaller scale than the Polish concentration camps because there simply weren't that much Boers.

The British are the major reason slavery doesn't exist in the developed world. Very tired of this meme.

>britbongs played a role in the Emancipation Proclamation in America

Does that make it ok for them to kill million civilians around the world?

This is too rich. America was one of the last large scale slaver societies. The War of 1812, predating the ACW by almost half a century, was in large part instigated by the hurt feelings of slave-trading Americans over British attempts to stamp out the practice at the source. American slave-carrying ships would swap flags (often to Brazilian) solely to avoid British impressment.

Only because they did not need slaves anymore.

Why the fuck did you post an image of Bismarck?

No, it was to block Americans from receiving slaves that did free labor.

>objectively more evil
another retarded /int/ thread

>it has to be an action against a racial or ethnic group for it to count

>an action is 1000000000x worse if it's RACIST
wew laddeh

Killing another country's civilians is less immora than killing your own.

*blocks your path*


>muh boers
Exact same persecution complex as bullet heads. Played stupid games and won stupid prizes.

Quantitatively more evil? Yes.

Qualitatively more evil? No.


The Brits killed savages, while the Nazis killed Europeans. That makes the Nazis worse by default, no matter how many more people the Brits killed.


Pick one

Well, the Germans got almost as many Germans killed as they did Jews, let alone the rest...

>implying that was their intention


no, just no

That's an opinion. Though it is true that America's wild west expansion, the British Empire, Napoleon and the Roman Empire were all influential on Hitler yet they are still romanticized.

It literally was an action against an ethnic group though.

>Critical theorists invented moral relativism.

>>Force Opium onto the Chinese people and kill them when they don't accept
more like they'd kill themselves if they didn't get what we were offering, 25% of Chinese people by the 1900s were opium addicts
>>Purposefully starve various peoples to death for no reason whatsoever
if you're talking about the Boers, I'd say it's fuckin clever tactics to deal with guerrilla warfare
>>Genocide the Native Americans such as by giving them infected blankets
mixing us up with our kid aren't you
>>Divided the Middle East, India and Africa in arbitrary ways that make no sense and have only lead to bloodshed
India is only united because we united it, otherwise it'd remain an arbitrary mess of princely states. Middle East being divided is part of (((anothers))) agenda. Africa was divided in Berlin, we simply got the lands we had taken.
>>Britbongs will defend this
against baseless accusations by salty pissants jealous of the empire

There's tons of ways around slavery.

*cough* Boer War *cough*

How is it not? Put yourself in the position of the persecuted people. If you're honest you'll see that it is objectively worse.

>I and a lot of other people are going to get slaughtered
>I and a lot of other people of MUH RACE are going to get slaughtered
Really makes ya think

>a famine is worse than intentionally exterminating entire ethnic and social groups

Gonna guess this is that same frog from the Dunkirk threads.

>I am going to get slaughtered because I talked too much. Shit, I shouldn't have talked too much

>I am going to get slaughtered because I am what I am

50 years before that proclamation the Royal Navy was patrolling the Atlantic and saving millions of slaves from Americans.

Obviously you would never have been taught about it.

You probably know it's worse. You can't be that brain dead. You're just dishonest.

The British didn't go full retard across their own continent for clay and the chance to exterminate a minority nobody but them really cared about.

At the very least, their atrocities were done on time and with some degree of profit for just about all involved. The Nazis couldn't even manage that.

How can you be jealous of something that doesn't exist?

>what is the commonwealth
>what is modern anglo dominance

Yeah we are, what the fuck are you going to do about it

I hope you're not serious.

"evil"implies intent

>There are people on Veeky Forums who ACTUALLY BELIEVE the Middle East wasn't a complete fucking mess before Britain got their hands on it

Loving every laff

Guys srsly listen up, i have a mayor secret for you all
Famines can also occur because of natural reasons. End transmission, will terminate itself in 10 seconds

Why would you post about it otherwise?

not an argument


>America is the only country in the world
t. sheltered burger

>implying Americans weren't the last western nation to abolish slavery

The British weren't the worst to their colonial people, the Dutch were the worst.

I'm sure Australian Aboriginals would agree with you

What exactly was so bad about the Aboriginals? Half of the country is still run under a separate Aboriginal law system today

Brits genocided 500k Irish within a decade and sold 300k Irish into slavery out of a population of 1,6m. Brits are fucking evil scum who use Hitler as an excuse not to confront their own past.

I'm sure the Native Americans and African slaves under British colonial rule prior to 1776 would agree with you as well

>t. Seamus McWashington

t. bog-brained Murphy

Not an argument

It is an argument, though

He's right though, you guys exported food during a famine. That's genocide no matter how you look at it.

No it isn't

>implying that the 3rd reich was evil

The Irish exported food during the famine.

False. Even after everything they did to my country, the British empire did more good for the world overall.

Although not in Ireland, where they definitely did more bad.

Britain was more perfidious. Imagine a grandstanding moral demagogue denouncing his enemies as evil for standing up for their families and homeland, lying to everyone, and pulling strings from the shadows. A more infuriating kind of evil, more morally disgusting.

No one can match the sheer brutality and empire of lies that was the Soviet Union, though. Even Mao's millions of dead during the great Leap Forward was mostly a mistake and result of poor planning, compared to the deliberate brutality and malice of Stalin and the NKVD.

What are you, American? The completely wrecked ME-NA and Africa-proper, and did nothing good for India. They have a higher bodycount overall than Nazi Germany ever thought about having.

Even the Nazis at least admitted that they were there to subjugate and rule, by any means necessary. An Englishman's dying breath will still let out one final lie.

>Soviet Russia, Commie China, Socialist India, and their various victims are products of capitalism

>The completely wrecked ME-NA and Africa-proper, and did nothing good for India
Read a book idiot

Pull some more made-up borders out of your ass, perfidious Albion.

>Unironically proving his point

Britain was the first western power to make the slave trade illegal and cucked American slave imports to death. This resulted in having to breed slaves instead of just working them to death and buying new ones.

Britain also exported the first major emancipation movements to America through the Anglican church.

You're dense.

Almost all of those victims were in communist or socialist countries.


>1940s india


False because morality is subjective

>morality is subjective

Is than an objective fact?

>everything in post 1920s india's political landscape
>not various shades of socialism.

t. G*rman

>implying this was done through good will and not because they were butt hurt that Americans had a growing economy

False. le eternal Anglo meme is only spouted by edgy contrarians who want to seem enlightened. Its the equivalent of that vegan who tries to show you what factory farming does, or that kid who never showered telling you that "Capitalism kills more than communism."

That's not to say the Brits are innocent. Far from it, but to say they're worse than Nazi Germany is laughable, they've been comparatively saint like considering all the shit the Nazis did in 1/50th of the time scale of the Brits.

Not by ideology but by the sheer quantity of awfulness and how they spinned it around saying they were civilising the world .

>Implying it matters

Also, there was a genuine and large emancipation movement. Just Google Wilberforce for Pete's sake.