Was communism ever actually reached?
Was communism ever actually reached?
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Yes. Not it's final stage though. "Final stage" communism is oxymoronic though because people will never throw off all their identities in favor of a worldwide classless society.
Every attempt to achieve it only end in disaster, its not even worth it
It was reached by hunter-gatherers before civilisation corrupted human nature.
Does it matter?
No, of course not
Well, unless you count primitive communism
>The state will "wither away"
Not true, they owned capital and exploited workers with it.
Well yeah, are you saying that finding an ideal model of society isn't important?
OwO what's this?
not in excess of dunbar's number
I recognize that bulge
She does look like she's never been tried...
It's a puffy vulva, virgins.
Tried in the sense that folks really tried to work towards it
never tried in the sense that it was never reached
"never tried" is a meme fuelled by a few naive children just getting into politics taking the thing at face value, and thus saying in all seriousness "oh yeah, it's never been tried, which is why we need to try it!"
You are just trying to get rid of some unwanted guilt. Its a boy.
it hasn't though
Hasn't what?
How is this communism?
It has not been tried.
No, certainly not. Communism refers to a specific type of society that is not really possible in coexistence with capitalism -- a society in which the production of goods is divorced from market processes. The commodity form is gone.
Capitalism, as a system built entirely upon growth, cannot abide resources being produced independent of market forces. As long as capitalism is the prevailing mode of production, practiced by the world's most powerful and developed countries, communism isn't tenable.
It cannot be "tried", communism is something that is built.
One can try to build a building, but one cannot try a building before it is built.
why do you burgers love talking about shitty people? I always 2 to 3 threads like this, why can't you all accept that the fucking communism is a fucking failure,
when will you stop flooding this already shithole with your defined bullshits, stop,
SHOVE THIS IN your pathetic asses,
Communism is a failure, it NEVER WORKed, and it NEVER WILL, sheesh you're much worst than the feminist,
> Communism is a failure
bro who is that,
Never reached? No. There are definitely still states.
Never tried? It's definitely been tried. The reason people say "it's not real communism" is because they're essentially moving the goalposts. Someone tries their own interpretation of Marxism, it fails horribly, everyone else says "well they were just interpreting Marx's ideals wrong" and claims that own interpretation would totally work if implemented, guys.
this better a boy
no, and it begs the question of whether it can be achieved or it was a flawed concept from the very beginning
please tell me there's a sauce and that doesn't have dick
Sounds like Evangelion-tier unachievable coolness.
This does not appear to be a real book
how exactly do you want me to shove it in my ass
Use your imagination queer, I'm sure you'll come up with something. You lot are champs at figuring out new ways to sodomize yourselves after all.
You're the one giving the order, why not use yours? Give me at least a conceptual framework for how I may stick it in my ass.
The means of production.
Just keep trying forever until it happens faggot, just like with communism.
The means of reproduction, I think you mean
That's literally what communism is supposed to be.
i don't see where it's become a classless society with common property, but perhaps i just need to learn more about it
best ive got user
vk dottt com/wall-88487361_225503
sry vk links must be blacklisted or something