Sup Veeky Forums so I jumped on this crypto chain at the start of this bubble and made a lot from chasing ripple, dgb and eth at the start and managed to get out with a good bit of profit but it seems pretty clear this run is all coming an end now until the next boom begins.
So I saw this picture and It seems ridiculous to me now looking at it but It got me thinking there must of been similar price prediction shit floating around in the past years so I'm wondering if there's any oldfags in this crypto game that have any old screencaps or images of the prices people predicted for the big coins in 2017 or before, be interesting to see how accurate they actually ended up being.
I know the dgb looks retarded, not the point of this thread.. just a random pic i saw on twitter that made me curious of the prices ppl predicted for
Jose Brown
I don't know what is more autistic: ETH @ $ 7,358 or DGB @ $ 416.
Either way, you made me reply. So mission accomplished.
Easton Bennett
I don't have any screencaps but I was present during the cease in '14. It was exactly the same. Alt coins popping up every single day, normies getting in, daily mainstream coverage. Only difference is that IRC was the way everyone communicated, and DOGE was being shilled hard instead of DGB - both worthless.
Dominic Cook
Which coins from the '14 alt days are still around and relevant?
Cooper Lewis
Fucking mobile, can't spell. Also misunderstood your question. Thought you were after general anecdotes.
Kayden Moore
It's clear you know nothing of crypto. You seem to think that a coin having a bigger number next to it means it's the better coin and don't consider why the disparity is so large.
You put 27K next to bitcoin like that meant it was the big dog. No you fucking moron because you clearly don't understand what market caps are.
27K puts bitcoin at a bit less than half a trillion market cap. Ripple being 1K means it's market cap is 40 fucking trillion which is about a quarter of the debt on the planet.
You are a fucking moron holy goddamned shit. Not even going to touch the rest. It's staggering how little someone could know about Crypto yet still post.
I mean holy fuck there are actually 100 Billion Ripple coins which would make the cap 100 Trillion if they were in circulation. Hell it would make Ripple labs the most powerful and rich company on the fucking planet because they would be work 60 goddamned trillion.
Jose Gray
Barely any. Lite coin was considered semi-memy but it was the first scrypt so it had that going for it. Almost all died.
ETH wasn't a thing.
Levi Sanders
Did you even read the post before you sperged out you autist?
Carter James
Holy fuck if you took the time to even read the couple lines I posted instead of writing a paragraph yourself attempting to insult me and end up making yourself look like a fucking retard.
Not my image like I said, I found it on twitter, I even said myself it looks retarded to me but got me curious to similar images predictions in the past and see if they would of looked equally as retarded in their time.
Fuckin biz can't read past looking at an image I swear
Angel Howard
>27K puts bitcoin at a bit less than half a trillion market cap. This one isn't totally unrealistic for 2020. I mean, I think it will be maybe 6k or so, but if all the other alts die and BTC remains the leader, a half trillion crypto market sounds feasible to me.
Elijah Long
Chill dude, BITB will be 1000 alongside XRP too. It's just the future.
Joshua Morris
Ripple will be $0 because it's a scam You have to be a retard who doesn't know what a blockchain is to invest in the Ripple scam.
Top 4 will be BTC, LTC, MNR, DCR
Bitcoin will be $12000 Litecoin will be $500 Monero will be $500 Decred will be $1000
Ethan Taylor
monero is XMR, newfriend
Caleb Roberts
Check history snapshots on coin market cap > basically things that improved bitcoin but later fell > some are still around
Hunter Lewis
If any of Crypto got anywhere close to those values I'd suck every dick in the US. Screen cap this.
Mason King
How am I supposed to help eth get to 7k if I can't even make a fucking wallet, why is this shit so complicated - you know crypto could rule the world if someone just made it retardedly easy like paypal and eveything else is.
Eli Reed
and ark and zcash?
Wyatt Peterson
Ayden Russell
DCR has the best community, those guys deserve to see atleast .1
Eli Fisher
If you want that just wait until the normies rush in
Robert Wilson
digibyte worth 416. it's ceiling is 1 dollar max and that's if it's used as bitcoin's poverty sidechain.
Ian Sanchez
litecoin has no valve other than be trusted. is might be the silver to bitcoin. but its not trusted at this price. just jumped 40 dollars after 4 years of nothing for no fucking reason. ripple is shit digiby dont even know what that is but most likey shit. is it a ico? shit eth will and is allways shit. if you invest into eth you deserve to get aids bitcoin will be 100k by 2020 so that pic is shit
Bentley Barnes
How old is that girl now?
Ryder Long
Where is IOTA @ $0.01?
Mason James
I like how that picture snuck that stupid fucking DBG in there it's so fucking obvious.
Kayden Edwards
This is the most retarded thread I have seen
Asher Peterson
15 of the top 50 banks use it to transfer funds for cheaper and faster. Def sounds like a scam to me
Nathan Barnes
You do realize that XRP is a deflationary currency, which makes your market cap statements incorrect, right?
Camden Sanchez
Julian Cooper
Sorry friend it seems you have been caught spinning bullshit. Please do full research next time instead of roughly quoting other retards stuff.