Can I get a rundown of what led venezuela to this current point in time?
Can I get a rundown of what led venezuela to this current point in time?
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One word: capitalism
It's like the Nordic model...if all the money was spent on buying the favelados HD TVs.
That's a funny way to spell socialism.
Over realince on oil to support the state. There was no real planning for the posssibility of oil prices falling to this level. This left Venezuela unable to pay it depts that was racking up. To counteract this the governemnt starting inflating the currency and forcing exchange rates at unreasonable prices. People could no longer make money selling things in Venezuela so they stopped doing so legally. This reduce in trade and increase in black market cuts the government from even more money.
So why have democratic socialist governments in Ecuador and Bolivia been relatively successful while Venezeula's gone to shit? Lack of diversity in the Venezuelan economy?
This video explains it.
Venezuela is what happens when your middle and upper class doesn´t give a fuck about the poor. The payback is ruthless.
both Ecuador and Bolivia have andean culture, which is more agragrian and actually can benefit from socialist practices. That´s the inca legacy , they were really communists
>Lack of diversity in the Venezuelan economy?
But Venezuela is not the only oil country . maybe this is right:
This. Venezuela should really be a series of chiefdoms.
> telesur
fascinating, Goebbels would be proud
>Venezuela is what happens when your middle and upper class doesn´t give a fuck about the poor. The payback is ruthless.
You mean the poor votes a populist shitnigger who runs down the country even harder? And in consequence, fucking theirselves up even way harder?
they have been voting for chavismo since 2002. Maybe they did something good in these 15 years.
but it´s not just one guy, it was the armed forces as a whole that choose to play politics to get a bigger share of the national resources
why would'nt he be proud of fox, or cnn?
The military in Venezuela is considered Narcomilitary at this point, I think even the defense minister is associated with some big names cartels, cartel del sol or some shit
The only thing I got out of Venezuela's situation is that Democracy is such a flawed thing and that, regarldess of how authoritarian it sounds, you should have some manner of requirements to vote, a fucking basic education would be good or at least hold a job, because right now Venezuela is on fire thanks to the poor
>kick out all the private firms running the oil industry AFTER the price of oil dropped through the floor
>surrprised that no one has money anymore
>and you are lynching negroes
Probably some economic crisis like most other places but this one receives all the spotlight from msm and NGOs the same type that drive the Middle East rhetoric because it happens to possess a substantial supply of oil that is at the least influential on the oil market.
Bolivia and Ecuador possessed less development than Venezuela.
It's not functionally different from the DEA being neck deep in drug enterprise along with all other regional countries governments considering all the obstacles marijuana legalization and narcotics decrimilization encounters. Again it's singled out strongly because of it being a belligerent state that is unfriendly to western oil conglomerate interests.
The people are entitled to their freedom or choice, but as the saying goes....
The ones bitching about it the most are the msm and the NGOs and all their pet dissidents, like in Syria and Libya and throughout history.
Yes, that's basic Latin American commoner behavior
populism is on the rise everywhere though
is Trump populist?
for western standards, yes
he certainly fits with latin american right-wing populism, like Menem or Fujimori.
so in one phrase how you define populism?
Reputable independent libertard media
Stay tuned for more they said
>we want socialism!
>Chavez, i'll give you socialism and use oil to pay for it!
>i'm also going to make us into a pariah state, and also somehow make us a client state to the smaller and poorer Cuba.
>chavez dies
>oil prices collapse due to saudis, syria, russia, us fracking, canada tar sand, iran oil going back on the market.
>maduro is an idiot
>maduro dissolves the legislature
>maduro's solution to power shortages? women let your hair dry naturally instead of using a blow drier. now watch me dance on TV while my country enters famine and riots.
dumb fucking spics still want socialism. even if they get rid of maduro.
you tell the plebs they are being fucked and convince them to support you
Some people want some people don't. It's just like the USA where they were people wanting Hillary and people wanting Trump. If you didn't have teh electoral college Hillary would be the president.
The populist focus on the poor people. He gives them some kind of assistance
>Oh before him nobody did anything for us
They don't even know wtf is socialism. some bad shit happens. Populist goes
>Oh it is some evil force from outside
>It's the rich people
>It's them
>Oh it is some evil force from outside
>Be a country full of caribbean mongrels
>find oil
>so many that the country becomes the biggest pit of oil in the planet
>luxury, high life during the 50's, 60's first half of 70's
>decades of splurging by the government, welfare and gas subsidies turn the average venezuelan into an even more lazy and entitled fuck
>because of the former, things start to spiral down around 1975 through a succession of social democratic (i.e. corrupt and interventionist) governments led by the eternal Carlos Andrés Perez
>venezuelans are full xenophobic and because they also lack of an introspective sense, they label Carlos Andrés Perez as "COLOMBIAN" (take note of that)
>the military has always been excessively corrupt and prevalent around power circles since Simón Bolívar and they ALWAYS have had a say in the riuling of Venezuela
>social democrats keep messing the things
>Enter colonel Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías in the late 90's (military, man!)
>Lead coup d' etat, fail, goes to prison
>Venezuelans pull a Weimar and release him
>Came back in 1999
>misrules the country until his death in 2013
>appoints Nicolás Maduro, his right hand and former foreing minister as his successor
>Maduro inherits his mess
>cue to 2014
>oil prices tank
>the emperor is naked
>everyone claims that Maduro is colombian
t. Colombian
>ecuador and bolivia are relatively successful
They're stagnating, even deflating just like it's happening in Ecuador
How hard can it be to build a half decent socdem state when you're sitting on THAT much oil?
>venezuelans are full xenophobic
And they have like 3000000 colombians in venezuela that emigrated flying away from violence.
>And they have like 3000000 colombians in venezuela that emigrated flying away from violence.
that's what Maduro says, do you believe what Maduro says?
Those indio genes.
lmao they went there in the 90's searching after the economy boom and runnig away from the FARC/Paramilitar crisis, but that doesn't mean they didn't ate shit at the hand of Venezuelans or that Maduro's actions two years ago didn't existed
A spic has no problem kicking someone on the ground, even if they are going to soon share that dirt
I can't wait for Venezuelans to become the Syrians of SA
His name means "mature". It sounds like a trustworthy name.
Not the same user but I'll believe the years of internal conflict and high murder and kidnapping rates as a testament to that possibility.
Yeah I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact he was a fucking bus driver with no education.
greed is from the spanish part of the mestizo desu
that internal conflict hype is just a way for lefties to justify their chimpout sponsored by Cuba and Venezuela. The syrian conflict took the limelight and during 6 years it took more lives than during the 50+ years of colombian conflict. Not that much people went affected as leftie media likes to scream out.
Hope you can read in spanish, go to page 6 two last paragraphs
Besides, if there's more prevalence of colombian migrants to the USA than to Venezuela and there are the so-called "muh 3million" there, then there should be around 4million colombians in the USA but they barely make the 1 million
Oh so you don't trust data from venezuela , but you trust official data from Colombia. A gov that is in the payroll of odebretch , and has 7 U.S bases.
Oh well a large portion of the diaspora is feasible. Murder and kidnappings were at their worst in the 90's and late 80's in the lead up to the Chávez presidency. It was also a hub for migrants from many other Latin American countries.
>7 us bases
>venezuela did not receive money from Marcelo Odebrecht
Vuelve a /pol/ cualquiera sea tu nacionalidad. soy colombiano y se de qué hablo
yes it was
Also - cocaine guerilla conflict the same as oil proxy conflict.
The truth is however that body counts don't accumulate through armed conflicts but through crime. This often surpasses the death counts of war zones.
that's right
and as crime takes the lead in body counts, it becomes clear that most of those body counts are made of microdealers, bigger dealers, policemen and consumers. Civilians are not as affected as wherever a truly armed conflict is happening
Overreliance on a single unstable commodity and failure to invest tax income from the times of high oil prices into diversifying industry
Decline in agricultural production because the government looked at the value of agricultural goods as its value in currency (like they did oil) rather than its value as something you can put in your mouth and eat and continue living and not rebelling against the government
That could be true in some cases but there is a lot of migration to the US from places like Central America.
Chile here
Fucking go back you jungle niggers stop turning every building into a live action Dredd megablock
American here.
I've been planning to pretend to be Chilean if I need to get out of trouble.
How common are blue eyes in Chile?
You will deffinitely need to pass as some sort of second gen immigrant or from an ethnic enclave like Germans, Croats, Italians or English. Argentina is commieland but the common prole is far more likely to look European.
>Until 2008, agriculture and industry such as manufacturing were become increasingly important in the Venezuelan economy. This indicates the government was actually making some progress in its stated aim of diversification. However, this ended around 2008, presumably due to the impacts of the global financial crisis. Since 2008, Venezuela’s economy has slipped back into its old ways. Data from Venezuela’s national statistics agency suggests the value of food imports roughly tripled between 2008 and 2014. Looking more generally at all goods and services imports as a percentage of GDP, we likewise see a pretty dramatic upwards trend just a few years after the global financial crisis (starting in 2010).
>Part of the explanation for this is actually quite positive. The Chavez years were characterized mostly by rising consumption, including of imported goods. For example, in the 1990s, a bottle of decent Chilean wine was beyond the grasp of anyone outside the business elite. Yet even until late 2013, I could afford to splurge on a bottle a few times a year, while still making ends meet on minimum wage. The looming problem was that domestic productivity didn’t keep up with rising consumer demand, especially after 2008. In the short term, this was likely seen as a small price to pay for the massive poverty alleviation under Chavez. This was epitomized in a now famous Chavista response to an opposition activist complaining of milk scarcity. The Chavista said there was no milk on the supermarket shelves because “it’s in the bellies of the poor”. Where milk was once reserved for the rich, it had become something everyone could afford; even if there wasn’t quite enough to go around.
>Today though, we again have an economy dependent on imports, but where the devalued currency makes imports like wine prohibitively expensive. Domestic non oil productivity has relapsed, making milk harder than ever to find. All the while, the economy is more dependent on petrodollars than ever.
I love Shirvan
>When the price of oil slumped, it was therefore inevitable that Venezuelans would see a downturn. Indeed, in some ways, the current crisis isn’t anything new: Venezuela has experienced boom and bust cycles coinciding with oil prices since the 1970s. With historically high oil prices, Chavez had luck on his side during his golden years, while Maduro has drawn a short straw. However, it’s worth noting that no other petro state in the world is facing the same kind of crisis that has hit Venezuela. Back luck aside, the Maduro administration could avoided the current conditions by reforming monetary policy in 2013 or 2014. While low productivity or anti-government sabotage are issues that can’t be resolved overnight with the wave of a hand, monetary policy could have been shored up in a relatively short period of time. Unlike international oil prices or long term issues like Dutch Disease, the Maduro administration had meaningful agency here, but failed to act. If serious reforms had been enacted, Venezuela would still be facing a nasty downturn, but probably not a fully fledged economic and political crisis. Likewise, even if the oil crash never happened, Venezuela would almost certainly still be heading towards a crisis sometime down the road anyway, largely thanks to failed monetary policy.
>No matter how we cut it, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that poor currency management was a pivotal factor in the current crisis. This, in turn, was the result of a government locked in procrastination and disarray, unable to look beyond short term political necessity.
>The right wing can blame it on the vague specter of socialism, but only if they ignore the successes of the Chavez years. They also need to ignore the fact that throughout the Maduro administration, many of the government’s top economics decision makers have been from the pro business wing of the PSUV. They also need to ignore the fact that no opposition party has offered anything resembling a viable policy solution to the economic crisis.
>Likewise, the left wing can continue simply blaming the imperialist conspiracy, but they have to ignore the fact the government has made some very obvious missteps. Assuming there is a conspiracy involving the US to crush the Bolivarian movement (which frankly, is already an open secret), the Maduro administration has made life pretty easy for the conspirators. It’s also important to point out there has only been so much the government could have done to prevent sabotage over the past few years, making relatively easily controllable factors like monetary policy all the more critical.
>Unfortunately, through procrastination and inaction, poor monetary policy has been permitted to rot the foundations of the economy for years on end, and now a political crisis rages on with no end in sight. The only question left is, can this go on much longer?
(actual article is a lot longer, filled with actual economic data as well)
The crisis is caused by poor monetary policy that incentives corruption, The global financial crisis fucking diversification efforts and dutch disease.
Maduro is stuck between a rock and a hard place because he has no charisma or mass support from the PSUV base so he can't implement reforms. He's also an idiot and kicked out all the smarter Chavez era people and brought in idiots.
If we didn't have the electoral college we would probably have higher voter turnout in the less populated areas because they would prioritize it more. If not, policy would degrade even faster.
Exporting only one resource from your country even through in theory you can export much more and then said resource (oil) drops down in price due to the US finding untapped oil wells all over. That and not saving for a rainy day and wasting it on stupid socialist policies.
Chavez was lucky the US didn't find oil deposits during his reign as were the Saudis and the Russians. The thing is the Russians and the Saudis are now investing in banking because there isn't money to be made selling oil now that the US has found massive oil deposits all over the country. However, because Venezuela didn't diversify their economy and they spent a lot of their money on social programs within Venezuela that many people are reliant upon, we are now seeing what happens when you don't have any money to support said programs: retaliation and possible (even probably) revolution/regime change.
It's basically a situation where daddy has endless pockets and his dozen daughters fight among themselves over who gets the most money for shopping.
Then suddenly daddy goes bankrupt and the little shits realize they've neither held a job in their whole nor bought anything useful back when they had money.
Nobody seems to have mentioned that the govt is essentially a fucking kleptocracy at this stage
No I don't because it's the same country that brainwashes it's people into thinking every problem they face is America's fault, even though we were hardly involved in the Venezuelan leaders being corrupt central planners of their economy (the only type of central planners)
On his wikipage, it says he's part Spanish Jewish.
I don't think that means jackshit, but damn that's a bit funny.
>What how many levels of irony are you on right now?
Leopoldo Lopez has been transferred to a military hospital, without vital signs. The regime maintains a hypothesis of intoxication.
Or some shit like that.
welp>Leopoldo Lopoez (Head of the opposition before being arrested years ago) has been moved from the prison to the Militar Hospital, without life signs. Regimen deals with hipotesis of intoxication
Apparently, nothing is known about this yet, the goverment released a life proof video yesterday but it was at different times and it's denying anyone from seeing Leopoldo
The one about Costa Rica is exagerated. They denied permission to dock, but they were having some territorial issues with Nicaragua (another socialist shithole, ruled by a literal witch) so they allow one military ship near their ports and that shit scared the Nicaraguans. You could even argue that both governments planed it.
It doesn't work, it will never work.