>Middle eastern man takes christianity, slaps his name on it, renames it "Islam"
>Now has 1.6 billion followers
>pretty much the same thing as Christianity, but with looser marriage rules and a different main guy
Am I missing something? Seems like all the Abrahamic religions hate each other for no reason.
Replace "Christianity" with "Judaism" and you would be right. Sharia is virtually indistinguishable from halakha.
they don't all hate each other, they hate jews and jews hate them back.
Muslims don't agree with the trinity stuff and they want christian to recognize that Jesus was one of the prophets and Muhammad was the last one. They also don't like depictions of anything.
Islam is different in the sense that the prophet wrote the rules. Christians base their rules on stuff written about their prophet/saviour while muslims base their rules on stuff written by their prophet.
Its a small difference but the effects of these differences are massive.
>Am I missing something?
the beheadings
Iranian girls were CUTE before Islam.
>and Muhammad was the last one.
I have no idea who that is. I just said what I understood from a little bit of debate that I watched.
I didn't realise they had magazines in 600 ad.
>Am I missing something? Seems like all the Abrahamic religions hate each other for no reason.
Yes. You have a cursory reading of Abrahamic religions. People within Christianity have been killing each other because of religious disagreements and the same happened within Islam. So don't talk nonsense about "it's all the same".
It's the same to you because you have no theological insight. While our image of God has similarities, in matters of doctrine Christianity might as well be further removed from Islam than Buddhism.
Except some hard ass protestant sects. They are pretty much like Muslims.
god in christianity = guy with big beard
god in judaism = abstract being
god in islam = abstract being
islam is more closer to judaism than it is to christianity
This is exactly what I have always thought of Islam. People don't realize the implications of this one simple fact.
levantine sibling rivalry
>killing for 'religious' reasons
No. You are missing the fact that religion is/has been basically identity and politics, and even in that, not a cause but a manifestation/formalisation. To put it into a very generalised perspective, cultures aren't opposed to each other because they have theologically conflicting religions. They have theologically conflicting religions because they oppose each other over wordly matters.
Islam is absolutely nothing like Christianity.
>I know nothing about Islam AND Christianity:the post
Islam is not a religion. It's a total control system. Religion, school, police, army, politicians, judges, everything. Cradle to grave, soup to nuts, convert or die.
>islam is more closer to judaism than it is to christianity
Especially because of this one very simple verse:
1 John 2:23
Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
I've always found the philosemitism in Evangelicals very bizarre. There isn't a faith more explicitly opposed to Judaism in theology than Christianity.
Jesus is a Jew.
What the Jews believe is wrong; they have been blinded by God and cannot understand their own tanakh unless they turn to Jesus, who is that vail placed over their heart.
The Jews who were not wrong about Jesus became the early Christian church.
In other words, I don't care if they hate me, or murder me, I'm not going to hate them back. They are the apple of God's eye, and touching them, you touch Him.
>i am only capable of examining things on the most superficial level conceivable
>the the respective spiritual ethos' of Islam and Christianity completely elude me
>i take no consideration for the essential qualities of things
nice post op
>pretty much the same thing as Christianity.
>implying anthropomoprhism isn't a heresy
Christian God is just as abstract as the rest, there's a reason John calls Jesus the word.
Kek, fuckin savage
You were good until the last part
I think that's the guy that started the Ahmadiyya sect.
Skydaddyism is the most popular meme ever!
Joos, what have you done!
oh I thought maybe it was the bab or the bahai dude
t. Christian
>catholicism =/= christianity
It doesn't take a Christian to realize that this post is retarded, just someone who knows literally anything about the theology of both religions
>god in judaism = abstract being
>god in islam = abstract being
I know that you know nothing about what Islam and Judaism teaches about God.
Judaism is also a total control system. Even more so than Islam. Does it mean that Judaism is not a religion?
Holy fucking shit stop samefagging