What was its purpose? Was it 'true science' or not?
Scientific racism
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the purpose was to boost the self-esteem of white bois who couldn't compete with the bbc.
One of countless instances of science trying to be 'objective'. Oh wow, it just happens to confirm the Zeitgeist!
It was to confirm what they had already made up in their minds using stupid categorizations.
It's like the use of Caucasoid; Ethiopians are caucasoid, Tutsi are caucasoid, Fulani are caucasoid, Maasai are caucasoid, Polynesians are Caucasoid, Ainu are caucasoid, Native Americans are caucasoid, everyone who isn't someone we find out right inferior is caucasoid.
It shows an inferiority complex.
unsupervised learning algorithms would clearly pic out mongoloid and caucasoid clusters on populaions plotted out by a genetic distance metric.
19th century anthropologists were able to discern nearly all of this just from looking at facial features, which is pretty impressive. And even with their slighty flaws in the idea of caucasoid, such as the saharan african populations and east african populations which happened to be genetically subsaharan african and only have slight admixture from middle eastern and north african caucasoid populations, they still identified that those people like ethiopians were closer to europeans and middle easterners than typical subsaharan africans.
Don't doctors determine a person's race by their skull shape? If it's used in modern science, then i don't see how it was "fake science" when it was used by "racists"
It's certainly not exact but it's more real than the modern world cares to admit.
It's effectively banned for political reasons by zealous factions of the left just as zealous factions of the right seek to ban investigation that legitimizes an anthropocentric role in climate change.
The big questions in history ask why there are such disparities in what is accomplished by human populations. Occam's razor demands an objective person at-least consider racial superiority.
I'm not convinced by it myself but honestly its less ridiculous than environmental determinism.
We know humans aren't equal, the notion that they are is simply irreconcilable with human history.
Native americans are mongoloids.
Which doctors? Anthropologists look for ancestor groups not races in ancient specimens. And that is just going by what is common in some groups on bone structure. Doctors identifying murder victims may say that the victim was "Caucasian" or something but that's mostly just for simplicity's sake.
The problem with OP's pic was that it always pictured (non-Irish) whites as being Greek gods and everyone else as idiotic savages. It wasn't looking for common physical traits in ancestor groups. Then you have phrenology that fucked over accused criminals, and surprise, it was mostly blacks that were targeted.
No purpose, its started when Darwinism become popular, people started to think they can classify human the same way they classify animal genus
And they were correct
mostly random memes by crackpots who few cared about at the time, racism obsessed leftists blow it out of proportion
Darwin's statements? He was objectively right. Evolution affects humans and races diverged a bit after 1000s of years apart. Problem?
Unscientific bullshit. Look at the image you posted.
>a statue
>Fetal alcohol syndrome "Negro"
>A sketch of a skull with unreal prognathism
>A chimp that looks more human than the hobos downtown
We have genetics nowadays to tell us why "race" and race realists like the mongos posting "redpills" of variations in similar species to justify their absurd ideas that phenotypical variations in humans means "da niggers are not human, goincidence (((scientiests)))? hurrr" are bullshit.
Haplotypes are real and dictate predisposition to behaviors and intelligence. Race is an okay-ish indicator. Nobody wants to admit this because the biologists that do get crucified.
Please don't confuse modern genetics with phrenology. That's like rambling about global cooling predictions by hacks in thr 70s as proof against global warming today.
Refusing to address this issue is causing widespread dysgenic problems, especially in the third world. It's a shame that Hitler and /pol/ are the loudest about this because it's a huge problem and nobody will listen if Nazis are the ones prominent in discussions.
To stop white cucks from getting any ideas of freeing niggers.
>A constant type of bone structural difference means nothing at all
The very fact that niggers have a different type of facial structure shows a high degree of genetic distance from us fucktard.
>ancestor groups
>not races
they are the same thing.
It's funny. Whenever anyone explores races using anything but genetic analysis it always came down to
My people>Your people
That's why European geneticists have Asians and Jews above whites for intelligence, right?
White supremacy over negros is fact, on other races it needs thorough revision however but white supremacy is a way to stop the genetic WHITE KEKOLD GENE that makes white people mindlessly help humans who are not them.
Arabs didnt need a theory on how they are master race to treat niggers like shit, they simply treated niggers like shit and still do treat them like shit today.
I doubt jews even believe their master race theory they are just naturally evil humans.
>high degree
It's really not that high. We are more closely related than some chimps from different tribes.
Im white and i have no problem accepting this. Cant put muh feels before science.
Native american are their own race. Europeans can also be broken down into two races germanics and meditarraneans. The latter is superior of course.
Yh so what, in human terms its a high degree.
Natives are Mongoloids their closest relatives are Siberian Natives.
North East Asians and Ashkenzai JewS you mean.
>in human terms
What does this mean? We are animals, like chimps. Yes, we are different, but some white supremacist consider blacks a different species or sub-species, which is ridiculous and unscientific.
human genetics, yes niggers are a subspecies they are more distant from us than fucking Abos of all things.
All Eurasians are one subspecies while Africans are another.
Most of it was garbage science, it's sad.
Now the subject is so taboo it cannot be looked at more objectively.
I don't think there is any sort of differences between races that justify different treatment (((((/pol/))))). But things like medical conditions do target certain populations, and knowing the race of a patient could help with diagnosis.
If it's any consolation, European peoples seem to be the best at spacial reasoning. You're genetically a plumber or engineer or something of that nature.
Those maps are inaccurately being read. East Africans are not half and half Eurasians and African.
East Africans are of a Paleolithic back migration along with North Africans who lack paleo-african archaic ancestry, this is to say both are subsets of OOA genetics but before racialization of Eurasians both east and west occurred.
Read the article again, we've argued this a thousand times use new data.
No. My skull is caucasoid but I'm clearly black.
Read the old physical anthropology books quite a few stated they were Caucasian or "proto-caucasoid"
It's dumb
The same people decrying anthropology in this thread are the exact same people who would have no problem accepting the studies showing an abnormal visuospatial competence in Australian Aboriginals. The cognitive dissonance is pretty funny.
>abnormal visuospatial competence in Australian Aboriginals
That sounds really interesting. Is that a real thing? What does this mean in Layman's terms?
There are many genetic variations found in populations that are mutations.
No one cares all people have them
For some reason, possibly related to the time spent in a clear sky environment rich in views of the horizon and low in visual obstructions, Aboriginals score well in sight tests. They were employed in the Northern Territories during the war to identify Japanese plane silhouettes because they were so proficient at it, even in low light or great distance conditions.
Forensic technician here, scientific 'fact' exists, not racism. I guess its racist that we can identify a white person from their skull (or a simple mandible bone) ann the same for australasians, sub saharan blacks, general black ancestry , east asians and so on....
To be fair, it did make intuitive sense at the time before genetics and shit.
>scientific 'fact' exists
That's cute, but I suppose they didn't bother with scientific theory at your university but just told you to "do x to achieve y".
>young chimpanzee
Depending on how young the chimp is, their skull could look remarkably human. And I mean modern human too. As for the "Negro", that's the most cherrypicked black person I've seen in a while to describe an entire race. Same for "Apollo" over there, but for Greeks/white people.
Aboriginal Australians look more like slightly neotenized Neanderthals than modern humans, and yet they're closer to Europeans and Asians than Africans. Your point, faggot?
The only peoples that are even close enough to being a subspecies are the remnants of the Khoisan race and the African Pygmy race. West, East, Bantu, and Nilo-Saharans aren't a different subspecies from the rest of humanity. If you want an actual African subspecies, look at Homo sapiens idaltu, now extinct.
>What was its purpose?
It is just biology.It is just that it is not acceptable nowadays due liberalism becoming a religion
> Was it 'true science' or not?
Biology with a lot of conjectures and not very precisse
>The only peoples that are even close enough to being a subspecies are the remnants of the Khoisan race and the African Pygmy race.
Not even lol.
I said "even close", but I don't think they are. I mean come on, most Khoikhoi and San people, as well as Pygmies, are all mixed with either ancient Eurasian DNA, recent European DNA, or Bantu ancestry (the latter applies to all of them), though there are still some pure blooded San out there. If they were a subspecies, they aren't anymore.
>White supremacy over negros is fact, on other races it needs thorough revision
Or maybe it's total bullshit. Ever thought of that.
Subspecies are arbitrary as fuck though in how they are determined though.
not that poster, but yes. For most of my life until I actually got into biology. Rethinking years if indoctrination is difficult and painful. Not all men are created equal.
I don't advocate for anything other than acknowledging it. It's unfair to except the same ability of all groups when that is just not possible. I don't expect my cat to swim and I don't hate him for his lack of ability, but I certainly don't treat him the same as my fish.
To explain the inferiority of certain groups of people.
It was 'true science' for its time, i.e., before statistical methods took over the natural sciences. As a result, they made broad, overreaching statements and got a lot wrong, for both scientific and cultural/political reasons. However, their ideas had more merit than their opponents in the second half of the 20th century would let on, and today some are being validated with new technology. Namely,
1. Phrenology may not be a bullshit idea after all. You can make conclusions about people's minds by studying their heads. Examples include:
>Neural Network Learns to Identify Criminals by Their Faces
>a meta-analysis that examined the results from 26 imaging studies concluded that the correlation between IQ and brain volume is consistently in the 0.3-0.4 range
2. There is probably a heritable component to the differences in IQ between the races. A lot has been written about this, but if you read just one thing read www1.udel.edu
>user claims to be "into biology"
>One of the first things taught in low level biology classes concerning genetic diversity is that natural selection doesn't make anything "better" just more suited to their environment
You sitting on the crapper watching YouTube videos is not the same as getting an actual degree, faggot.
what? White people far outcompeted blacks in literally every aspect of life and had no explanation why so they resorted to shit science that half explained the phenomenon
Yeah tbqh Black's just had shitty environments and fought countless petty slave wars which ruined their countries and stopped any technological progress.
>inferiority and superiority
And the shitty borders the colonial powers left had no respect for ethnic divisions and the racial hierarchies left in places like Rwanda just led to attempts to cleanse out of revenge.
This kills positivist fucking shits
The race is not real, genetic is.
You can apply that to species too. Genus is a little harder though.
Cats can swim user, they just don't like water.
>It's a shame that Hitler and /pol/ are the loudest about this because it's a huge problem and nobody will listen if Nazis are the ones prominent in discussions.
No shit. But no one in the beltway wanted to listen. You said it yourself, any scientist who admits it will be crucified. This was the case long before /pol/ ever existed and it would still be the case if it remained silent. Even if there was not a single one, you would still be branded as Nazis by both the media and academia, just as James Watson was back in 2007. And though your peers may agree with you around the coffee table, they likely will not come to your aid or defense. The far right is absolutely terrible at conversation, but don't kid yourself into believing that if we went away you would have the right to speak freely without losing your job. You never had that right in the first place.
All I can read is:
>I'm a sociopathic nazi. Instead of being a normal human being I keep obsessing about race and fantasizing about genocide. Day of the rope soon
What the fuck are you trying to say? That his expertise is wrong?
I don't think they realize how much we just graze over their ravings like the lunatics they are.
All I can read is:
>I'm a apathetic academic. Because I can't speak my mind I keep obsessing about what other people are saying. Day of the coffee soon
>A constant type of bone structural difference means nothing at all
>muh skin colour and longer jaw
It really means nothing at all, fucktard, it's a minor PHENOTYPICAL characteristic. It's a degree of divergence that is not noteworthy. It's not some radical variation, it's literally NOTHING.
>The very fact that niggers have a different type of facial structure shows a high degree of genetic distance from us fucktard.
>High degree
>from "us"
Next you'll tell me one of the chickens here is the "pure", or "better" one or something.
Wow so compelling
When did I say better?
Different behaviours are favored in different environments. What works in Africa does not work in the north does not work in the mountains does not work in the desert.
Places with harsh seasons produce people with delayed gratification.
Exactly. Multiethnic states just don't work as well. Strong countries can tolerate it even if it is a drag, and weak countries fall apart.
>It shows an inferiority complex.
How could the race which dominated the world and made your great great grandpappy their bitch have an inferiority complex? Stupid nigger
This, pretty much. The actual "science" might have been shoddy, due to the limitations in technology or scientific understanding, put they still approached a truth.
Then the Hawlocaust happened and the UN jews made the race question paper and then racial science became a taboo
>normal human being
And what exactly is that? You sound spooked
Do people evolve differently based on scientific factors? Yes. There, racism is existent. Now, to what extent those differences exist is a question modern science is scared to delve into.
Scientific racism is the same thing as transgender studies on a scientific level.
It's mainly politics partly funding.
>Comparing us to things we have ancestry with as far back 325 million years ago.
Your a braindead moron. I guese skull shape doesnt matter because lol like fish skull changes hurr.
>and made your great great grandpappy their bitch
Feels good to be Turk. Cucking Euro's for centuries.
>phenotypical variation doesn't matter if it's observed in a contemporary species we shared ancestry with a long time ago, and I can dismiss it cuz we r humanz durr
>he thinks chickens are "living fossils" or something
Bitch get your retarded ass back to your containment-cum-ecochamber(pot) board... This discussion is for people with IQ's in the triple digits.
> * YOU'RE a braindead moron