>le untrained peasant horde meme
Why is it so difficult to understand that all able-bodied men in Soviet union were conscripted for 2 to 5 years since 1939?
>le untrained peasant horde meme
Why is it so difficult to understand that all able-bodied men in Soviet union were conscripted for 2 to 5 years since 1939?
>all able-bodied men
Impossible, we're talking about tens of millions in Soviet case.
Not much of entire population is ever mobilized, not even in large wars. General rule is that a country should be able to mobilize maximum 10% of its whole population in case of war.
By 1945 it was mostly Mongolian rapists.
Because "historians" on Veeky Forums get their knowledge from video games, memes and infographs.
It's similar to "scientists thought world is flat 200 years ago" bullshit.
Parroting slogans without any deeper knowledge.
Thus a highly sophisticated and capable Soviet Army becomes "drunk Ivans clogging German MG's with their blood".
At least try to disguise yourselves. These were men who lived on rations long before the war even broke out
That was a good thing.
About 34 000 000 Soldiers served in the Red army, which is about 17% of the 1941 Soviet population. (percentage of women is very small)
Because nearly all battles between the Nazis and Soviets resulted in a far higher Soviet casualties, including their victories.
Stalingrad was so unusual in part because the casualties were roughly equivalent.
Man for man, the Soviet army simply was not that effective. Hence the memes.
I'm not an expert on history, but damn do those guys look Yugoslavian, like Tito's partisans.
I don't know if it's the mustache style, the faces that sort of looks Dinaric or something else, but if I were given this as a quiz I wouldn't say they are Soviets at all.
The image search links to articles saying this an image of Soviet soldiers but my instinct tells me they got it wrong.
Anybody else know better?
You're autism
Thinking that k/d ratio is measure of effectivity is a fucking meme.
They are Soviet 100%
They have hammer and sickle on their stars on hats, guys on the left have 1943 type uniforms and guy on the right has 1936 uniform with shoulder mark, this was quite common between 1943-1944 because its quite hard to re-equip several milion soldiers. Btw he also has medal for defense of Leningrad, Sevastopol or Odessa+ some other.
then what's a good measure of effectivity for the victors in a battle?
I liked the video of that gnarled old Russian vet talking about the time he killed a German with a shovel and him mentioning how delusional they were to think they were more badass than these hard ass fucks who lived a spartan lifestyle in Siberia since they were born
winning a battle
Thanks user.
So what? They were never good at fighting anyway and only won because of their superior numbers
Sun Tzu says otherwise
Nobody is denying that. Soviets were more effective despite the heavy losses.
Which were acceptable because there was a lot of little conscripts.
"Hey guys we won this battle even though we lost most of our soldiers, the rest of the war is looking good so far :)"
Sun Tzu doesn't say to throw all your men to their deaths for one victory, he says to exploit their weak point which was numbers
Soviets were autistic
"Hey guys, we have lost this war even though we have not lost most of our soldiers, the rest is looking good so far. :)"
Sun Tzu says commander that cares too much about own casualities is likely to loose a battle/war.
Read Art of war
>people honestly think art of war is more relevant than vom kriege
You are more likely too lose if you care too little
*Only if you are rash. It is better to loose more soldiers if you achieve your objectives. Battle of Rzhev is perfect example as well as operation Mars.
The soviets, by 44-45, had developed extremely advanced tactics. Look up their Deep Battle doctrine. It was like a schwerpunkt designed to work even when the enemy knew you were going to attack. Soviets made lots of probing attacks to tie down reserves so that mobile reserves could not be used to counterattack in weakening areas, then the weak points identified by the probing attacks would be hit hard and a breakthrough and envelopments would be achieved.
So yeah the scouting/probing attacks may look like a big waste to someone on the German side, until there are soviet tanks coming down on your flank or from behind you.
If Hitler had wanted k/d ratio to matter he should have started team deathmatch and not CTF.
>"take care of your men and keep their morale high"
>half of army dies
>"sun tzu must be so proud of me, with this victory my men will be more motivated than ever wait why is everyone mourning oh well it doesnt matter if they stop we shoot them :)"
You should read the art of war.
>"take care of your men and keep their morale high"
>you send your army to vecation
>no one in your army dies
>you loose the war
Do you understand that not fighting isnt "keeping morale high"?