How does one blasphemes against the Holy Spirit and why is it unforgivable?

How does one blasphemes against the Holy Spirit and why is it unforgivable?

You take a poo on its face.

>How does one blasphemes against the Holy Spirit
By being Mexican.

>why is it unforgivable?
Have you ever met a Mexican? The answer should be obvious.


There's lots of different ways, it essentially means ignoring what the Holy Spirit instructs you and failing to listen to it's call. For example if you are told to save yourself for marriage and then you sleep around at school then you're going to go to Hell when you die even if you lead a good life after that.

Well that's fucking stupid.

Being a non-believer.
It's basically Jesus explaining that literally the only thing you have to do to save yourself is be Christian.

How very convenient for Jesus.

OP, it's not exactly clear what is meant by blasphemy against the holy spirit, but agreement across denominational lines tends to fall on the conclusion that it's a permanent, unmovable, and knowing focus on sin with a refusal for even the possibility of change.

No priest or pastor would ever support this as being blasphemy against the holy spirit.

This isn't in line with large parts Christian theology either, although at least some Orthodox would agree

> How does one blasphemes against the Holy Spirit
by doing it consciously and purposedly I guess

>not exactly clear what is meant by blasphemy against the holy spirit

Well that''s a bit of a fucking serious problem, isn't it? It's not like this is some minor thing, this is the one UNPARDONABLE sin, yet we don't even know what, exactly, it is? Why didn't Jesus clarify?

This. One of you faggots need to get hold of Jesus by telepathy and get a proper explanation.

Are you incapable of reading or critical thought? It's not explicitly stated but even the slowest person could figure out what's meant implicitly after a few seconds of reflection.

I thought only suicide was unforgivable

I for example are not only a non-believer but also an apostate who feel from the one true faith.
Plus I seldom post atheist troll threads on Veeky Forums
>Hell is mine!

Is everyone in this thread in fucking high school? Holy shit, it's as if no one here has ever opened a fucking Bible or looked into biblical interpretation.

How can you justifiably post on a humanities board if you have no knowledge of what's likely the most important text in human history?

I hope you're not the guy who just said it's not know what is meant by it. Maybe you should have a word with him rather than us.

As mentioned many times before, Religion is quasi dead in western society. Deal with it!

>just said it's not know what is meant by it
Well, I guess that answers my question about your inability to read.

>Most people identify with a religion
>quasi dead


>As mentioned many times before, Religion is quasi dead in western society. Deal with it!
So high school or just extremely uneducated?


Yes, thats you you spend your days on internets cesspool dedicated to hentai, yuri and horsesex.
Churches are empty for a reason.

It's bait, Jebadiah. Pretty bad bait too. You from around here?

Fuckin' destroyed

In your dreams Mr "know one knows what it means, waahhhh I'm an imbecile it's obvious what it means, you can't read!"

I've spoken to some enormous fools on Veeky Forums but you truly are without a doubt the biggest failure in life it has ever been my misfortune to encounter.

what is meant implicitly then?

By calling him a faggot.

Not realising that Ahura Mazda is your true lord and master

God isn't real and Jesus was a queer who died like a pussy.
That was easy.
It's unforgivable because God is eternally butthurt.

The Holy Spirit is witness to all men, individually, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

If you do not believe that, you are calling the Holy Spirit of God a liar.

If you call the Holy Spirit of God a liar, you are saying that he is doing the work of the devil, the father of lies.

If you say that the Holy Spirit of God is under the authority of the devil, you have expressed the unforgivable sin.

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit of god.


You have one job. Believe.

Believe not, and this applies to you:

John 3:18
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

>Why didn't Jesus clarify?
Probably because the actual Jesus taught a largely esoteric teaching to a few select disciples of which little to nothing today remains but when Christianity expanded it became plebianized and many of his formerly obscure expressions were given crude interpretations by the unwashed plebeian hordes of Christian clergyman.

The actual answer is that Jesus taught Judaism, and the New Covenant did not come into place until his death, as He is the New Covenant.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't really afford you the opportunity to denigrate those of us who do.

>if you don't agree with me, you just don't get it man!

If you don't agree with God, you end up with nothing. Why you shits think you can go toe-to-toe with the Almighty is nothing but mental illness and delusion.


Spooky. You should get your head checked.

And since there is no reason to actually believe that Yeshua Bin Joseph was anything other thena religious/political dissident who got killed for pissing off the authorities just about anyone who looks at the supernatural claims of christianity with a critical eye is therefore guilty of a crime so horrendous that they deserve to be tortured forever and ever.

Thanks for reminding us all how vile the christian faith is and how stupid people who believe it are.

You should get your soul checked.

Why you shits think the Almighty will up and let you into his home by bowing down and praying really hard because he sayd so is nothing but mental illness and delusion.

PS: Is it really because you believe, or just because you're scared of the lake of fire?

I don't believe in fairy tales.

Except for his virgin birth, sinless life, profound grasp of the tanakh, dozens of miracles, and rising from the dead after fulfilling over 300 messianic prophecies, some of which were time dependent, yeah. Sure. Keep being dumb, Jew. See where that gets you.

Dead people go where dead people go. Order in the universe.

Stop being dead.

God died on your behalf, paid off your entire sin debt, and you said fuck you. That's worthy of being separated from God forever, sure.

Neither do I.

You had better start believing in Jesus Christ though.

Sorry can't find any place for that user

You have no proof for the existence of the christian god other then scripture quotes and apologist propaganda. You are wasting your life and your time on Veeky Forums arguing with people who will never be convinced that your delusions aren't delusions.

Come over to my house and make me faggot.

It's relying on God keeping his promises.

That's more sure than anything you can imagine, or anything you have experienced.

That's not an answer. I can believe Jesus was god and still blaspheme against the holy spirit, in part because I have no clue what "blaspheme against the holy spirit" means. Maybe believing Jesus is god is "blasphemy against the holy spirit"? I don't know, and neither do you, because Jesus never bothered to make it clear.

You can't even google properly. That does not bode well for you.

>relying on the all powerful entity to not throw away the promise that doesn't hurt him to throw away at all to keep his promises

lolling @ you, enjoy burning in hell with me at the end

I have far more proof than you will ever understand, unless you repent and are likewise saved from the shit being you are now to a new creation in Christ Jesus.

Jesus clearly didn't teach "judaism", in part because no such thing existed in his time, and in part because he was (rather famously) opposed by the Jewish authorities.

I come over to your house, you die.

You have no proof for these claims outside of the bible and apologist propaganda.

>Jesus Christ
>not a fairy tale
This is how we know you're stupid.

>implying Messers. Smith and Wesson don't have another thing to say about that

Figured you were a nu-male like the rest.

I just told you.

People who believe the Holy Spirit, that Jesus is the christ, the Son of the living God ==> heaven.

People who do not believe the Holy Spirit, that Jesus is not the christ, the Son of the living God ==> hell.

All of your sins were forgiven you before you were born. You were given one job.

Believe Jesus is who he says he is. And then the unpardonable sin is gone too.

Nothing hurts God.

>Neither do I.
>You had better start believing in this fairy tale though.

You morons are too funny.

>Except for his virgin birth, sinless life, profound grasp of the tanakh, dozens of miracles, and rising from the dead after fulfilling over 300 messianic prophecies, some of which were time dependent, yeah. Sure. Keep being dumb, Jew. See where that gets you.

Fun playtime activity for the slow kid (i.e. You): prove literally any of that happened.

Jesus taught the Law of Moses to people who were following Pharisaical Judaism.

Better, nit picker?

>>I have far more proof
>>the shit being you are now
I am not a "shit being" and I refuse to indulge your cult of self-loathing and self-delusion.

I have all the proof I need. Because I demanded it.


You want to rebel against God. You have the power to do that because God gave it to you. And you will reap the whirlwind.

It's like, SOOUULLL KNOWLLLEDGGEE man you wouldn't understand anyway lol heathen

>fedora posting a christfag

>How does one blasphemes against the Holy Spirit and why is it unforgivable?
By knowingly attributing the works of God to Satan. It's unforgivable because you're giving Satan credit for God's work, which is basically the same thing as saying Satan is God.

You do not understand the concept of dying in Christ Jesus.

It's almost like that wasn't my point.

He who laughs last, laughs best. That is, if any of you satanists were remembered. Which you won't be.

Just admit you're too much of a pansy to ever convert anybody and in fact the christian thing is just a LARP you do in your free time.

Then you better look deeper into your pitch black wicked heart. I did. Never forget it, either.

>I was a shit once so everyone on earth therefore is a shit by association

Typical christfag. Were you a pedo before? lyl

>>I have all the proof I need.
Of what? That you're an incredibly deluded dumbfuck? Yeah, that's obvious.

If you were shit then, you're almost certainly shit now. Your physical brain from which your consciousness springs has not changed meaningfully.


Funny you should bring that up, because in Revelation, Satan is humanity's last, best hope against a being of unimaginable horror and cruelty.

>dividing G-d into sky daddy, a man, and a bird.

chr*stians, not even once.

And then insisting that he's both divided and not divided.

>God is a Jewish carpenter who is also the Neoplatonic logos who is also but at the same time isn't the patriarchal deity who presided over the israelite temple cult and is also a spirit symbolically represented by a dove but isn't a spirit represented by a dove, and is all of these things simultaneously even though they are one thing so there is no distinction between them but they are three distinct entities and you must have faith in this incoherent concept even though you can't technically believe in something which is incoherent by definition
Being a Christian is tough, man.

>No priest or pastor would ever support this as being blasphemy against the holy spirit.

You are retarded, this is literally official interpretations of what that line means. I literally was told what it means in Mass by my Bishop. He literally dedicated the entire Homily addressing that line.

So Jesus said, "When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. (John 8:28)

>it's an over thinking the trinity episode

are you like literally gonna meet up with becca at starbucks later omg

Thinking about it at all fits the description of "over-thinking" due to it not making any fucking sense.

The things of God are not understood by the children of the devil.


It's almost as though your point evaporated.

Go ahead and tell me why God would break his word. Break his promises. Break his covenants.

I've seen many people convert on Veeky Forums. Many.

>we took the time to carefully formulate these intricate theological dogma but pls don't think about it

Everyone's a shit. Mother Theresa is a shit. The Dalai Lama is a shit. Everyone but Jesus.

First tell me why he wouldn't.

>be all powerful deity, can do literally anything without a thought
>convince a bunch of scrublord creations to worship you by telling them you'll let them into your home if they play nice
>send them to the bin in reality

Of God and his power, obviously.

Keep thinking that when you're in the dark, alone, and on fire, and bump into him. Screaming.

t. I got trolled by people who told me they'd praise jesus from now on for the lulz

I bet you think the shitposting that is thread is legitimate proselytism too, fake christian/LARPing wannabe crusader

Ridiculous. Absolutely retarded. Here's heaven's population if you are right.

0 Human beings.

You're confusing blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (Unbelief) with grieving the Holy Spirit.

You say that based on the same foundation you say everything here.


You have a point. If your imaginary God is God, mankind has no hope.

Luckily for some of us, your imaginary God is just that.

Confirmed for pedo-who-into'd-bourne-again.

Stay away from my children.

>fear tactics

You guys need a new line. You just make yourselves look like assholes with this shit.

>false conversions are anything but air

lol. the problem is -you- think they all converted, that you're doing an epic crusade on the evil bowels of le Veeky Forums hell when in reality you're just shitposting like the rest of us and this thread will be archived like all others.


Ah, the classic "i have no arguments but a personal hotline with god! he told me everything honest!!!!!"

Shame it's so shitty at actually converting ppl though. Too bad about them personal hotlines - they don't tend to spread.