Any of you richfags own a high-quality house? Does it worth...

I've lived in super modern homes like above. They are awesome. They look all sterile in photos but once you have your shit spread everywhere it's just the same as any other home. Usually with a banging view.

pls post comfy houses so i can get motivated to make it because right now i'm more inclined to watch porn rather than finish my tensorflow crypto prediction bot

crypto will make u broke

nah it's made me a decent profit so far. i'm about to step up

>finish my tensorflow crypto prediction bot
Tell me more

Pic related isn't mine, but definitely motivates me to make monies.
If I ever get rich, that's where I'll live. Fuck fancy shit, I just want a nice comfy modest little house in the middle of the woods away from civilization where I can spend my days enjoying nature and solitude. That is my goal in life.

>I just want a nice comfy modest little house in the middle of the woods away from civilization where I can spend my days enjoying nature and solitude.
Why not a hobbit hole?

How much to move to a hobbit hole in NZ?

this desu. i hate living among other people

> Indoor pool

Enjoy paying out your ass for maintenance.