If every single president was suddenly alive, and they all ran against each other...

If every single president was suddenly alive, and they all ran against each other, who would wind and be the ultimate president?


Kennedy, then Reagan

Eisenhower, Gerald, FDR, Coolidge, Garfield

Kek, Kennedy barely beat Nixon in '60

Even after he got dead people voting for him in Chicago, and cattle voting for him in Texas

Washington. American worship of the founding fathers.

I do wonder what a Washington administration in the 21st century would look like. How would he react to Syria?

Washington, There's mixed feelings on most presidents, but pretty much every American worships Washington.

Washington, probably. Americans meme him so hard that it'd probably be considered unpatriotic not to.

Washington. Other presidents would drop out just to let him be president.

>Other presidents would drop out just to let him be president.

I can just imagine an exasperated Washington trying to tell those fuckwits this isn't how democracy is supposed to work.

Obama would probably win

whoever the CIA & Oligarchs backed

Washington, Lincoln, and FDR would all probably decimate everyone else besides perhaps Reagan, even though the general opinion of him seems to be declining.

De Gaulle.

clinton is the best debator and best debator of them all so him

Washington, is this even a question? Hell, half of the zombies would drop out just to vote for Washington while the other half would stay in the running just to give Washington someone to run against (while still voting for Washington). The big O.G., meanwhile, relegates himself to his coffin just to angrily spin around in it.

*best debator and most charismatic

>implying the SJW population would vote for a slave owner

Washington easy
also if Washington somehow came back to life he would be the highest ranking officer in the army

Washington and Lincoln are so heavily mythologized they would shit on everyone

Washington, though, ironically, he never wanted to be

FDR would get most of the Gen Z vote.

>implying the SJW population would vote

Obama would win because he has the least privilege

Teddy of course.

You mean the same SJWs that failed to stop trump?

Who else if not the greatest?

Eisenhower would win easily. People underestimate him nowadays, he was possibly the greatest politican of all time.

>Stop it you guys, you can't keep electing me president.

>I do wonder what a Washington administration in the 21st century would look like. How would he react to Syria?
"Why have we taken Britain's place as global tyrant?"

What inescapable epithet would Trump give to Teddy Roosevelt? How about Lincoln?

If he can wreck 2 political dynasties he can also wreck 42 more.

>tfw trump dies people will literally shit on his grave

I voted for him but come on. If Washington, FDR, Jackson, Eisenhower, JFK and Grant were around noone would vote for him.

>presidents playing cards ina heavenly scenario

>tfw eithere there is no afterlife, or they're all burning in Hell

Really fires my neuron


>Tubby Roosevelt

Not sure about Lincoln but JFK would be Little Johnny.

I'd prefer to play cards at the table with George Washington, the other Founding Father Presidents, and Andrew Jackson.

I just realized those are all Republican presidents. W-what happened to the Democrats?

This picture triggers me. Eisenhower, Nixon and Teddy Roosevelt would not want to be associated with the neo-cons.

People should realize Washington wouldn't want to be president.

I really can't picture TR tolerating this without Roshamboing Trump.

He'd be General of the Armies, by law he holds that position posthumously.

They are at the farmers market buying locally-produced, cruelty-free eggs.

If Washington were supernaturally able to live for centuries, or longer, then he would have to learn the latest tactics and military doctrines, constantly. I believe he would be able to do it, as long as he doesn't get advanced aging mental and physical problems, though.

Two of these people are currently alive, user

Kennedy, he died the youngest and could probably run the fastest.

I know, but this is clearly the depiction of the afterlife of ALL of those presidents, and so was my scenario.

>people in this thread forgot that Washington owned half of the country

He would be either a oil tycoon or a cutthroat Wall St. speculator: the guy was basically the personification of US monopolistic capitalism


With their current popularity?

>He would be either a oil tycoon or a cutthroat Wall St. speculator: the guy was basically the personification of US monopolistic capitalism
He did own a shit ton of land but basically did nothing with it because muh gentleman. He would not make a very good modern capitalist at all.

Funny enough lich-Washington would probably still be a shit general.

Washington, but one of the Roosevelts if he were to withdraw.

Unironically true. It's a pity about his policies.


The left's reproach of Regan doesn't stop the fact that he was (easily) the most charismatic president since Kennedy. Also, he was an absolute master at debating, he could mock people without it sounding contemptuous or aggressive.

Teddy would think the neocons aren't going far enough.

worked well last election


I think modern Carter would be one with huge potential for doing good
He always has been too kind of a person for politics
He's tried to help plenty of people post presidency

>Ford not laughing with the rest of them

Too dumb to get Lincoln's joke.

The black one.
With the way the demographics of the US right now, he'd fuckig pulverize any white person, from Trump to Lincoln to God himself. The blacks and Latinos would all vote for him, and wouldn't bother voting if their melanin level isn't present in any of the candidates. And a good percentage of whites would, too because dude slavery lmao

Teddy would've put the entire Middle East to the sword and turned it into an American oil colony/vacation resort.
Would've been glorious.

>implying people would vote for history's greatest monster

I know who I'd vote for

My dude! Although even I'd have to admit Washington would easily win in this scenario. Ask anyone to name the first president that comes to mind from a little 1st grader all the way up to an elderly person on their deathbed, and they'll almost all say Washington.

Lincoln. As cool as Washington would be, I don't think he would understand modern American issues quite as well as Lincoln. I think the American public would be really disappointed with Washington's laidback style and unwillingness to use his executive powers.