When a far right-winged Stacey explains the history of communism, what do you do?
When a far right-winged Stacey explains the history of communism, what do you do?
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What is "far" right, and how is communist not "far" left? Also, communism is death and oppression. Sage and fuck off.
"Anyone to the right of Lenin is literally Hitler" - average tumblrite
I'd like to see her become the daughter of a former serf in Russia in the 1890s and then have the audacity to make this video again.
You mean the type of person that would grow up to be a kulak and persecuted accordingly under the Bolsheviks?
I doubt her opiniona would change all that much in any videos she makes, assuming she survives the gulags.
Commieshits BTFO.
Yeah wouldn't her face be red!
you mean Bronstein?
This has to be bait.
That's Trotskike.
She doesn't really say anything wrong in the first few minutes but then she LITERALLY goes off the deep end when saying Lenin engineered the failures of NEP on purpose purely to punish christians n shiet.
Not sure if I can watch another 8 minutes of stacy being stacy tbqh
>there are still people who defend communism
seriously, just grow the fuck up. I get being into edgy shit like Stalin or Hitler ect when youre a teenager or in your early 20s, but its time to fucking grow out of this dumb shit.
>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates
You're not going to convince anyone without an argument nancyboy.
>convincing communists of anything at all without using bullets and clubs
Good luck with that.
>this is what /&hum/ actually believes
I want to rice her with my yellow seed desu
>Remember the ten gorillion who died in the collective farms!
>collective farms were not just normal farms! They were pure evil!
>this is how commies think kulaks actually lived