I'm getting kind of tired of the race baity threads and was hoping some anons are well versed in Latin American history. So let's have a Gran Colombia thread.
What went wrong?
What could have been done
Would Latin America have been better off?
I'm getting kind of tired of the race baity threads and was hoping some anons are well versed in Latin American history. So let's have a Gran Colombia thread.
What went wrong?
What could have been done
Would Latin America have been better off?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What went wrong?
People wanting power for themselves betrayed Bolivar.
Thats why it was so easy for USA to split panama. And there was the possibility to be splited even further.
>Would Latin America have been better off?
I don't think so.
There wasn't good leaders after Bolivar in any of these countries till Chavez. (you may like it or hate him but he was a leader).
So chances are that gran colombia would became another big mess like mexico.
>What went wrong?
Like every other Latin American state that fractured, regions with different interests saw themselves as being exploited by and for the capital and its political structure. They weren't necessarily wrong, either. The capital, in turn, tried to force greater centralization which usually just caused more strife.
>What could have been done
Realistically, nothing. Every state in Latin America went through a centrifuge. The confrontational divides they all experienced had existed long before independence came. Mexico just happened to lose fewer parts and that was mainly because their other territories weren't populated enough to actually break off without being broken off by someone else.
>Would Latin America have been better off?
Hard to say. I can't say it would be worse, but I doubt it would be better.
Why is it that the Spanish colonies tended to fracture, but Brazil held together?
Natives and people mixed with natives have low IQs
Those piece of shit land has some of the best history in the west. Pirate haven in money bay. The main port of the Armada. Oldest trade roads built by incas themselves running north-south of continent. A good portion of its inhabitants are of partial english ancestry. The other part Basque and Morrocan. English always wanted to find a way in...El Dorado...It is home to the oldest deforestation in the West.
It was a land the spanish robbed and gave to people of old morrocan peerage. Hence its other name.
What went wrong? Culture clashes, idealism clashes, pirating, mass emigration.
What it had right? It was said to possess the most "civil" laws in the west. It was founded by a bunch of atheists but dont tell them that. Just read names of churches. Its main port, cartagena, gave america its name from Am-i-l-ca-re. Am-er-i-ca. L' America. It was the trade center of Las Indias for a long time.
>A good portion of its inhabitants are of partial english ancestry. The other part Basque and Morrocan.
You seem like a clueless moron
>What went wrong
As it was already said, centralism, conflicts of interests, racism (pardos vs criollos vs niggers) and riffs between José Antonio Páez and Bolívar.
>What could have been done
It was dictatorship with a weak fist, so it was destined to crumble. Lack of roads made shit communications and moving the capital to Bogotá made the venezuelans upset. Just look at Venezuela before 1821. They had 2 failed republics because federalism/centralism disputes, racism (not memeing), lack of popular support(most people didn't wanted independencia) and lack of international recognition.
>Would Latin America have been better off?
It would have been a México 2.0.
t. venezuelan
as a oposed to brazil which is made of pure ayrans
t. paolo
>What went wrong?
>What could have been done
Not chimping out for independence
>Would Latin America have been better off?
No. Bolivar just had a wet dream. The regional difference were huge and the crown was the only thing keeping those lands together
Also. Colombia had a couple of wars with Perú before breaking apart. All ended up with a stalemate
Brazil was rulled by Portuguese kings and their advisors at the beginning. Bolivar had the IQ of a dog because he
had native and nigger blood
>Peru earns its independencd
Pick one
Bolívar was a pure white rich bitchboi son of spaniards.
He had no nigger blood, that would have fucked all his image and support
Oh no no, I meant a border war for the control of the ecuatorian Pastaza. Perú gained its independence all buenas themselves
>Bolívar was a pure white rich bitchboi son of spaniards.
No. His grand mother was a nigress and he couldn't grow a beard and had chinkish eyes which means N.American admixture
>He had no nigger blood, that would have fucked all his image and support
That is why he never brought it up
Why? Because im talking about its first old world settlers/homesteaders? Besides slavery of natives and africans? That piece of land is the mother of Chile, Argentina and even Cuba. Dont want to get into the 20th centuries fight for patent rights and embargos. You know US fought for rights and not priveledges and bankrupted the area. Nor the white plight from there down to Chile or Argentina or perhaps famous US tycoons.
Dude, that's a myth made by the chavistas to make him a mulato/pardo. I'm a history teacher for this thing
The surviving american bloodline of the brazilian portuguese kings lived in that region. Apparently they loved prearranged marriages with those niggers and indians.
>Why? Because im talking about its first old world settlers/homesteaders?
No. Because you just made them up
All the land west of Para, Brazil was theirs as well. Ask a Brazilian why the Para star stands alone in their flag.
>Dude, that's a myth made by the chavistas to make him a mulato/pardo.
Spaniards when they saw him pointed this out.
>Bajo de cuerpo.Hombros angostos, piernas y brazos delgados. Rostro feo, largo y moreno. Cejas espesas y ojos negros románticos en la meditación y vivaces en la acción. Pelo negro también, cortado casi al rape, con crespos menudos.
>Sus labios eran grandes. Sus ojos eran negros y algo chorreados
He fits the description of a mixed person
People were highly segregated then according to region and culture. Its what broke them up. Remnants of the native, mestizo, castizo caste. To top it off the morrocans, Basques, andalusians hated eachother but also hated Spain. Religion and ferver had a lot to do with it. The black people stayed in the coastal regions I heard it was impossible to find a black person in the middle.
>morrocans, Basques, andalusians hated eachother but also hated Spain
Can you stop making things up? You are just polluting this thread with your nonesensical made up history
South America over the past century has embraced a movement called Bolivianism and not Bolivarism. They call it Bolivarism so as not to taint the name of Bolivia. It is to an extent holy. It reminds them of their european imperialism and racist history.
Thosw are descriptions made by people that saw him irl. He was a manlet,had no facial hair,had chink black eyes and nigger lips. Like most """"white""" hispanics he is a mixed mutt
>Spaniards when they saw him pointed this out.
You know, his worsts enemies aren't the most trusty source for that. Right?
Look up "limpieza de sangre de Bolívar"
As another example, Francisco de Miranda was son of a parda and he was taller, white and refined
There were Spaniards that fought for Bolivar. Even then even the English ambassador pointed out that he looked particularly weird
>No facial hair
>Nigger lips
U wot
You can see the samething in Brazil with the Guarani. The history is that the whites armed indians and mestizos against the Spaniards so they could die. The most powerful military of its day put against an ill equiped military. Then moved as many natives they could into Bolivia.
Anything is better than keep being servants of the endogamic and corrupt kings of spain.
I recently read a Napoleon biography (Andrew Robert's "Napoleon: A Life") and now im in the mood for some Bolivar. What are some good books or a definitive bio i can read?
Caracas was bigger than Boston before independence which was the biggest city in the US. And it wasn't even the biggest city in the region. Independence destroyed the entire region and just made it a huge fighting ground between Bolivar's generals
>He had no nigger blood, that would have fucked all his image and support
Thats bullshit.
Some of the big names of the independence were mulattos like Jose Prudencio Padilla. And Bolivar had support (resources and troops) from Haiti.
so what? It proves nothing
And Tenochtitlan was bigger than london.
And Potosi was the biggest city of the americas for a while.
And now Sao Paulo is bigger than paris.
>so what? It proves nothing
It was a huge port city that dacayed once they got independence. As Colombia,Venezuela and Ecuador as a whole
>Tenochtitlan was bigger than london
And Mexico city is still bigger than London
>And Potosi was the biggest city of the americas for a while.
Until the mining crisis starded and it became a decadent shithole. Justclike Caracas
And being vassals of the endogamic weak pussies that could'nt even defend their ships from pirates would've saved America how?
You picture like it was a paradise. It was not. Thats why people supported independence.
>defend their ships from pirates
This is a huge meme though.Pirates where hugely innefective and practically death by that time
>You picture like it was a paradise. It was not
It wasn't.It was still much better than what Bolivar accomplished.Even Bolivar admitted it
Like Mexico, most of Brazil's holdings had very few people in them and none with enough people to break off outside of Rio Grande do Sul. If you had a power that challenged Brazil like the U.S. challenged Mexico, you would have seen pieces spin off of Brazil too.
>most of Brazil's holdings had very few people
Mexico had the biggest population on the continent.It had more to do with ethnicity and the political divisions that the Spaniards made
>Mexico had the biggest population on the continent
And 99.9% of it was within spitting distance of the capital. Very few Mexicans resided outside of Central Mexico until the 20th century.
He's right about the basques. For the basque, going to America was something to be desired. If another basque said they wen to america, they would be looked at with respect
>what went wrong?
>what could have been done?
Killing Paez when they had the chance
>would Latin America have been better off?
The whole world would have been better off
I know there were a colony of Basques in Colombia.But that they had comflicts with Andalusians is just an invention of his.And that there were Moroccans there is even dumber
They same happened in the US.Most of the population was distributed in the 3 main cities.And southern and central Mexico were heavily populated not just Mexico city
>There wasn't good leaders after Bolivar in any of these countries till Chavez.
Colombia is a mad place geographically.
Isolated valleys, extremely hot lowlands, cold highlands, tropical jungle. Just in the last decades the colombian state could get a grip on its whole territory
Ever realize when you look at US on the map you see it divided by states? That doesnt occur with any other country United States is just a union of countries/free states. Half of the US history is a lie promoted by Scots and Irish Americans who's ancestors worked in Banking and seized the poor farmers assets via refinancing. Gave eachother homes. Its the reason nyc flag is orange and blue. Orange for Gaelic Isles and Blue for the Norse. NY is technically the most strategic State. If it wishes to leave it takes New England with it. And going back to the regions academics it is a hushed scrutinized secret that yale, harvard, mit, brown, cornell and columbia are the worst schools with historically the most staged/set up academics due to academic terrorism of the scots and irish majority.
Most Elites just send children to their schools for business/political network. Not for learning. For a long time they spied on IRA affairs from their. As IRA was a terrorist front of the English speaking Gaelic union. Hogwarts was inspired by Harvard had something to do with UN magistrate. It means Pig games/rough play or foolery.
t. Manolo Garcia
It should be called Bolívar while the Andean countries and areas unite and become "Andea" or Tawantinsuyu again.
San Felipianos de Barakas should just unite and call it America.
Baraxas abraxas.
Well one thing is geography, Brazil is flat/hilly and most people live around the coast and all not that far from each other and therefore they are more culturally similar, also foreign powers did their fair share of divide/conquer using the local caudillos to make made up shit like Uruguay