*Blocks your sovereignty*


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Not so fast.

*Chills your thaw*

this is unironically a pretty great thread

This is unironically a pretty great get.


NKVDamn those quads

I don't think so kiddo

Ok, honest question. Did Stalin intentionally starve all of those people, or was he just a retard like Mao?

Holodomor was 100% intentional, but don't worry, the Soviets also caused unintentional famines through the power of Lysenkoism.

Soviets were mismanaged as fuck, it's hard to say.

Here's a fun one

Ok, there's no way this was an accident. Did Khrushchev stop this kind of shit when he leading the USSR, or were they all assholes?

>there's no way this was an accident.
It was entirely accidental and a result of a breakdown of communication and absolutely nobody giving a fuck.
A good chunk of those 6 thousand people weren't even meant to be deported, but "the guy down the line will sort them out" bureaucrat mentality went all the way until there were no guys to sort it out.

> Holodomor was 100% intentional
Because Stalin can control the weather, right?


What the fuck.

>Stealing people's food during a famine isn't mass murder

>Stalin taking food from Ukraine and selling it by the boat loads to buy shit is him making it not rain.

really activates my almonds

At a certain point it stops being an accident and becomes criminal negligence. They had to try to fuck up this hard.

It's actually missing some good parts.
>Island commander just didn't give a fuck, since soldiers also got fuck all for real food as well he just ate sugar all day every dat until he lost all sense of taste
>he also took relaxing boat rides every day

>Prisoners didn't get warm clothes because nobody knew there was a designated warehouse full of warm clothes to be distributed

Other things I'm forgetting about. I've read the original russian report and had a good giggle.
It's horrifying but every aspect of that situation was absurd.

> it stops being an accident and becomes criminal negligence
Like Indian famines, you mean?

Yeah, that was genocide.


>some of the largest rivers in europe flow through Ukraine
>Ukraine also has a long coast line
Why didn't they just take up fishing?