*cuts your supply line*
*cuts your supply line*
Congratulations, you played yourself.
My men usually die the day after they arrive, supplies are not needed.
>Come on supply line step it up
What went wrong?
any interview or pictures of him after that war?
*stands in a tank and screams "IM THE KING OF AFRICA!" at you*
that's not Patton
'What did he [Rommel] know of war? All he could do was stand on a tank, baton in hand and shout "I am the king of Africa.'" -Convicted war criminal Sepp Dietrich.
>Outruns own supply line
>As they pushed deeper into Iraq, the loudspeakers fell silent. Already a keen student of history, McMaster had studied the tank tactics of Erwin Rommel, who he “idolised”. A photograph of the German general was pinned inside one of his vehicles.
>The Iraqi battalion commander was taken prisoner and bundled into a Bradley, where he spotted the photograph of Rommel. He asked, in perfect English, why a German general was a pin-up for an American tank commander. He was told: “If you had studied Rommel a bit more, you would not be sitting in the back of my track” (slang for a Bradley).
What did he mean by this?
>Rommel relied on overwhelming air-power to force token demoralised enemy to surrender and then moved huge tank battalions through empty desert doing nothing but capturing a few prisoners here and there
W-what? That's not what happened, burgeranon...
What did he mean by this?
>"I won because im smart, not because i command a far superior force."
>This was a fight between foes of equal strength, and I won because of my superior intellect.
I really don't know what he mean about this
Rommel was lucky
Is Rommel a meme? Why do military people like McMaster gush about him? Is it purely wehrabooism?
>Is Rommel a meme?
>Is it purely wehrabooism?
I would say "popular culture", he's well know for being used by the allied propaganda for boosting the morale by saying he was a fucking Napoleon or Alexander the great tier
then again I'm an armchair "military" historian
so don't listen to me
*deep operations intensify*
The current NSA.
not american
so I don't care for who runs proto-big brother
No one (save a filthy revisionist) would deny that Rommel performed well in Africa. Trouble is he was fighting subhuman Brits, rather than glorious Soviet master race. So we don't really know how well he'd do against an actual opponent.
It also helps that, not having fought on the eastern front, he escaped the whole "war crimes" thing that the rest of the Wehr got stained with.
Rommel was an almost perfect example of the Peter Principle. He was a GREAT infantry captain, and due to staying with the Wehrmacht in the interwar period and aligning himself with the Nazi party, he rose through the ranks very quickly when the re-armament started, he very quickly became a divisional commander, and later a theater commander.
Problem was, he never really adjusted his mindset to take into account his new responsibilities. He doubled down on his strengths, a very keen understanding of initiative, a flair for tactics and inter-arm coordination, but for instance he still primarily thought of supplies as a question of prestige and getting it doled out from command, the notion that the supplies couldn't get to him no matter how much was given to him never penetrated his thinking in the North Africa campaign until far, far too late; he also wasn't really much of a planner; his orders were to hold Cyrenica as long as possible, and only really conceived of driving the English into the sea after his initial victories, which led him to leading DAK out to Tobruk which he couldn't take and couldn't supply a retreat either, leading to the disaster at Crusader.
But tl;dr, he was really really good at some things, and really really bad at others. People who idolize him tend to focus on the former, and people who denigrate him the latter.
Britbongs bungled up the North Africa campaign despite having every advantage and it took them way too long to wrap it up, so they invented the "Rommel is super powered" meme to account for their own incompetence
Stop moving towards Moscow.