Why did Himmler look asian?
Why did Himmler look asian?
Tojo in disguise,
Do you think HHwhite people were able to run concentration camps with their consicence?. Na it's all the eternal nippons fault
Nazis dindu nuffin, hitlah was a gud boy gettin his countries economy togetha
Goebbels looked jweish
Whaddya mean?
Nigga was a Jew in denial
nah, looks wormy and skeletor like, but not really jewish. doesn't have the nose
>dorky and weak
>former marxist
>crooked nose
You can figure for yourself.
Hun genes.
>most of the nazis either had dark hair or dark eyes
Really makes me think
But the huns were white
He was German.
Asia begins at the rhine
Yet most Russians, Polish, Latvians and pretty much most people of all other Eastern European nations don't look Asian at all. Russians could pass as Swedes.
Tell that to Heydrich, literally Mongolian Rabbi
look at the beak on ghengis rofl
Uh no he wasn't
>most Russians don't look Asian at all
Top kek. No other nation on Earth has been as KHAN'D as Russians.
Finnish blood
I'm glad someone else thinks this. In history classes I thought pictures of himmler with Hitler were really pictures of Tojo meeting with Hitler.
[citation needed]
Who were the poster child Aryans in the higher ranks?
Josip "Herman Goering" Broz
Some Russians actually do appear Asiatic, but it has nothing to do with Mongols. Mongols just went there to collect taxes every once in a while, they didn't massively interbreed with the population. The Asiatic traits are a result of native Finnic admixture, Putin in particular has a Vepsian Finn ancestry.
Somewhat thisGermany is where western faces begin to became eastern, Scandinavians, Slavs and so on dont look like Brits, French or even Spaniards and Italians. Germans are in the middle, some look Western, others are fully Eastern.
He doesn't look Asian, he looks like a Jew. Actually it's hard for me to believe he was an ethnic German, he just looks so Jewish.
I dont care if he claims to be Jew, or Dragon. Germans are too Easterling on average.
But he doesn't look "Eastern" the way Russians or Poles do, he looks like a fucking Ashkenazi.
Brits often look like Russians. Look at Gary Oldman or Daniel Craig, they wouldn't look out of place anywhere in Russia.
When I think how russians look I think of people who look like Karpov.
It's time to play... chav or slav?
Why are you so desesperate to deny the German Easterness?
Because you are making shit up. Either you don't know what Slavs look like or you don't know what Jews look like, or probably both.
Karpov looks more Polish or Lithuanian than Russian. Typical non-Finn'd Russians look like Nikita Kucherov or Viktor Bout.
I don't get this meme Heydritch looks like the archetypical Prussian villain
He looks Jewish as fuck. Look at the ears, the nose, the lips, the eyes. His only non-Jewish features are blue eyes and blond hair, so he was probably a mischling.
When I think of typical Prussians I think of people like Hindenburg. Square head, thin lips, robust masculine features, strong brow ridge, etc. Completely different look.
No, he looks Asian.
You've never seen an Asian person in your entire life.
I literally have and they have eyes just like that him.
He doesn't have epicanthic fold.
>When I think of typical Prussians I think of people like Hindenburg. Square head, thin lips, robust masculine features, strong brow ridge, etc. Completely different look.
it's the glasses
Look closer
Von Saucken looks very German unlike Heydrich. Here is a pic of Heydrich's father by the way, probably a pure Jew.
it's 100% the glasses
Yeah he looks kinda Jewish I guess, gotta admit
Heydrich looked so jewish kids teased him about it in school and he had to provide assloads of documentation to the SS to prove he doesn't have a jew in his bloodline. I'm not sure about his ancestry but he definitely looked like a kike.
Idk what's particularly Jewish looking about Heydritch other than his nose, which isn't unique to the jews, he just looks like one of those Germans with a slightly Asiatic look that's very common.
I can't tell if you're desperately trying to push an agenda or you're just legally blind.
He looks like Michael Wincott who is Anglo + Jew.
I'm really not, the only thing about Heydritch that's weird looking is the thick lower mouth that's common to jews but when I look at him his face doesn't exactly scream jewish
Squinty doesn't mean Asian. Asians have epicanthic folds, which Heydrich doesn't have.
It's Heydrich not Heydritch
What about him looks Asian?
When they mix it gets weaker.
His eyes
slavs arent white