Is demanding payment for medical assisstance morally bad?
Is demanding payment for medical assisstance morally bad?
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No, but medicine is one of the few areas of the economy where socialism works better than capitalism.
Not at all.
Any good or service should be compensated for.
Sometimes outlaws need doctors. And sometimes doctors need outlaws. It's the way of the world.
Fixing anyone for anything regardless of behavior or contributor status demands abuse.
Chicago is above 200 shootings for 2017 right now. Nearing 250 with a quickness. Now the majority are involved in illegal drug trafficking and violence.
Why on earth should their wounds be tended for free?
No, but the costs need to be distributed to prevent them from being ruinous, which is why we have insurance or universal healthcare. Insurance does an awful job of it though, as evidenced by the fact that the US pays a greater portion of its GDP in tax subsidies for insurance companies than most countries pay in total for their healthcare system, and individuals still have to purchase policies from those companies or else pay even more in taxes. And then those people still aren't protected from financial ruin due to stop-loss clauses in their insurance policies.
holy shit, what was this lecture about?
It might very well be. Considering there are some people who owns these corporations who gain money from a whole range of desperate people taking loans to save their lives, ironically damaging their own health working for this money.
Medical assistance should not be owned as a tool to gain money to some few, but rather serve to help many. Health is a big deal.
I'm a paramedic with 20 years experience in EMS and I can tell you that I have never worked, nor would I ever work for free.
Das Gespenst des Autismus
$14/hour isn't payment, it's lunch money. The question is about corporate profits. Obviously no one expects employees in healthcare and related services to starve or else it couldn't exist.
americans should pay, rest of the world shouldnt
Lol it was about Marxism and related conditions
Crucify yourself citizen
Healthcare is basically free in the united States the collections agencies the emergency rooms send after you basically give up after a year. Sometimes you can haggle the debt down to like 5% of the original bill. The only debts that have any real staying power are the student loans. Don't tell anyone though.
>not working only to save people
you are what is wrong with capitalism
I'd say no, but I do think that a nation should be able to collectively pay for medical services so it's available for everyone
>inb4 commie
>inb4 doesn't work
that isn't to say that current models are perfect, nor am I a smart person who has the answers. I just think it's totally possible for us to perfect it
Marxism & Autism
Socialized medical systems ignore the fact that the problem with the system is cost. The key to creating a better healthcare system is the same as all economic fields: lower the costs by advancing technology to the point where the average Joe can afford it without insurance. The removal of people from paying their healthcare costs directly is what led to these disastrous expenses for treatment that really does not cost the hospital that much to administer. There was a time many decades ago in the US where you could pay your doctor in cash for the treatment you received and when it was so direct you understood why each thing cost what it did and it kept the prices as equilibrium and at a sustainable rate. We need to let market forces dictate how we will run our healthcare system again and let these fat slugs be unable to get insurance unless they trim it down.
it doesn't proove good to US so far
Give me 10000 gozillion dollars or me and every other doctor will let you die.
Its a free market bro go bankrupt or die not my problem
Is demanding that doctors, nurses work for you for free and give you expensive medicine for free morally bad?
When the >go bankrupt and die philosophy leads to more people going bankrupt and dying than is worth it, what reason do we keep government around for?
You bet, it is criminal.
What is really sick is the industry leaders value their bottom line more than the well being and life of people.
By the time we get to the 24 century we might have effective treatments, Star Trek will be long gone by that time. It is not working, yet we have had this infrastructure, the cancer establishment imposed over this country for the last 50 years. It is a fund raising machine. The ACS takes in 400 million dollars a year. What are they doing with it? Where are the treatments? Where are the cures? Where is the good research? They are way way way out, far, drifting out to sea in terms of anything approaching human cancer. We have to re-orientate ourselves around the actual patient in front of you. The only thing that matters in cancer or any other disease.
Instead we have this very abstract, academic, cruel, inhuman system which is now going to be forced down our throats by government decree.
We have had 50 years of American Cancer Society (ACS) brainwashing on the question of cancer, so most people out there believe we are making progress in the war on cancer. We are not, we are losing the war. The statistics...
If you look at the board of directors of major hospitals you will find that the drug industry has a dominant position on that board. One company in particular, Bristol Myers, which produces between 40 -50% of all the chemotherapy in the world, and they have top positions at major hospitals.
Professional Code of Conduct for Physicians
(“Berufsordnung für Ärzte”)
A large part of the regulations are codified in the Professional Code of Conduct for Physicians
The Hippocratic Oath, the core guidance to a physician’s conduct, states famously:
Free Profession – Not a Business
The model code of conduct codifies the most important duties of the physician. Some of these relate to ethics and morality, i.e. that the doctor is obligated to carry out his profession in a conscientious manner. Paragraph 1, Section 1, Sentence 1 stipulates that the medical profession is not a business but a free profession. That means that the main objective of the physician may not be devoted to generating the largest possible financial profit but to healing patients and safeguarding public health. Accordingly, physicians may never be bound by the directives of non-physicians in connection with medical decisions. Even though there is growing competition among physicians, the profession is not designed to maximize profits
Did you know that before 1973 it was illegal in the US to profit off of health care. The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 passed by Nixon changed everything
>the law Nixon mandated also included clauses that encouraged medical providers to not CURE afflictions, but to PROLONG them by only treating the symptoms. There’s no money to be made in CURING sickness.
Is the health insurance business a racket? Yes, literally. And this is why the shameless pandering to robber baron corporations posing as “health providers” is such an egregious … and obvious … tactic to do nothing more than plump up insurance company profits.
the downfall of the American health insurance system falls squarely on the shoulders of former President Richard M. Nixon.
In 1973, Nixon did a personal favor for his friend and campaign financier, Edgar Kaiser, then president and chairman of Kaiser-Permanente. Nixon signed into law, the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, in which medical insurance agencies, hospitals, clinics and even doctors, could begin functioning as for-profit business entities instead of the service organizations they were intended to be
it costs peanuts to produce that stuff
R and D runs into the billions ya chucklefuck.
Most prescription medicines are a meme though.
Pic unrelated, I hope.
R & D is peanuts. getting FDA approval (government extortion) is where the shit is
the cost is hyperinflated by useless greedy speculators/investors and the FDA that set expensive trials
before the Rockefeller/Nixon/Kissinger depopulation policies, new revolutionary drugs like penicillin, aspirin were given to the people right away and for cheap, no expensive FDA clinical trials
consider the fact that the FDA setup red-tape and expensive phased clinical trials to delay and discourage new treatments
Because of drug safety issues raised by thalidomide in Europe, Congress had passed the Drug Efficacy Amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1962.
the FDA then red-taped and hindered any r & d through draconic regulation requiring $1 billion in clinical trials as a barrier erected by the FDA to approve it any therapy.
THE FDA also thinks a specific number of rat turds and meat is acceptable in your food.
States were already handling food and drug safety before the FDA was created. The FDA serves to protect pharmaceutical monopolies through multi-million dollar, decade long approval processes.
Seriously, don't cheerlead for the FDA. They need to go.
why and how did the FDA approve the non-therapeutic, risky and lifethreatening, sex reassignment surgery and therapy as a standard treatment for those gender dysphoria mental disorder?
why and how did the FDA approve the risky and lifethreatening, non-therapeutic circumcision of male infants as a standard treatment in newborns?
Unwilling parents are even persuaded by doctors to have non-therapeutic circumcision of their newborn male children.
and why does the FDA deny, reject, and disapprove of life-saving, therapeutic cancer treatments that are practiced in other countries?
FDA approves circumcision clamps, tools etc
FDA rejects laser/cryoablation/hyperthermia/immunotherapy tools for cancer
Soft Genocide Measures Promoted by American Eugenics & Planned Parenthood to reduce US population in 1969.
anti-fertility chemicals in the water, air, food
Modify tax policies
Postpone or avoid marriage (via master degree job requirements, economic crisis)
Encourage increased homosexuality
Educate for family limitation
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
Reduce/eliminate social benefits
Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/eliminate publicly-financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more than N children.
Encourage increased homosexuality
Compulsory education of children
The Genocide, Eugenics and Birth Control movements were forced to completely re-make themselves after the Holocaust.
ie: away from hard genocide, to soft genocide
Returning to the root Malthusian hysteria, they repackaged their agenda as based on ‘over-population.’ Many, if not most, of the measures entertained prior to the Holocaust remained on the table for consideration. Only the reasons for implementing those measures were changed. Thus, in the 1950s and 1960s, calls for ‘population control’ increased in frequency and volume. See Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb” as one example that made a dent in popular opinion.
But population control advocates understood that the scope of the problem they were presenting required government action at all levels. Thus, Richard Nixon was prompted to enact population control legislation (still in force today). In 1972, Nixon would call for a commission to ‘study’ the problem and present recommendations. This is known as the Rockefeller Commission Report.
The two names most prominently listed on the Jaffe Memo are Bernard Berelson and Frederick Jaffe, the one responsible for the memo itself. These two same individuals were members of the Rockefeller Commission. Berelson was a full commissioner, while Jaffe was listed as a ‘special consultant.
Wouldn't the agenda be dead now? The Malthusianic hysteria is over and nowadays we have exactely opposite problem: plummeting birth rates.
In 1971, when President Richard M. Nixon initiated the War on Cancer, the average person had a 1 in 10 risk of developing cancer in his or her lifetime. Today, that's changed – for the worse. The risk as of 2005 is 1 in 2.
this is the major cause of rapid decline in western populations
cancer is now as common as the flu, that is intentional. the existing cures for cancer are intentionally suppressed.
the great culling/poisoning orchestrated by CIA, CFR, etc has led to dramatic population declines. the genocide machine is being refueled by new immigrants to pack into the poison chambers
Ancap plz go
FDA is a minor cost in the overall scheme of developing new drugs
no, the plummeting birth rates and increase in homosex and diseases is their success. the remaking of global society is centered on population reduction. this is the focus of globalism. destruction of family, healthcare, economy. turning society into homosexuals and importing immigrants to experience the genocide of those they replaced (population replacement)
penicillin, aspirin were developed for almost "free" before the draconic FDA regulations. penicillin developers even rejected profit and gave it away for free since it was so cheap to develop and produce.
if it were done today. it would not be approved. if it would no one would afford penicillin
comprende pablo?
Doctors need to eat too. So yeah, gotta compensate them for their time and labor - no way around that.
Whether you want to have them paid by the collective public or by individuals is another question.
Now, in the hypothetical situation where you find someone bleeding out, and want to charge them to use your first aid kit before you'll hand it over, that's another thing. I suppose demanding compensation for saving their life afterwards isn't too nefarious, particularly if all you ask for is to be compensated for the loss of the first aid kit (which are generally tiny one-shot deals). But letting them die because they wouldn't fork over a couple of bucks, that's another thing, given your loss set against theirs.
Doctors, however, are not that situation writ large, particularly in nations where emergency care is free, or at least, the payment is not excised until after you're stabilized.
>cutting edge 21st century drugs designed to regulate the endocrine system or the neurotransmitters of the brain are as easy to develop penicillin at the turn of the last century
The first internal combustion engines were built in somebody's metal working shop too. Go back to /r/ancapistan
>Most current universal health care systems were implemented in the period following the Second World War as a process of deliberate health care reform, intended to make health care available to all, in the spirit of Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, signed by every country doing so. The US did not ratify the social and economic rights sections, including Article 25's right to health.
>Article 25 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 states that "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services." The Universal Declaration makes additional accommodations for security in case of physical debilitation or disability, and makes special mention of care given to those in motherhood or childhood.[3]
doctors dont starve
if they care about money they should become used car salesmen instead
>doctors dont starve
They would if no one paid them.
Plus the survival rate would kinda suck if all the doctors were living on the streets. I mean you could pay them in room and board, but that's still payment.
Whether they are paid too much is another question.
>Sorry, but that ebin gelebist conspiracy doesn't make sense, if they wanted to prevent overpopulation they'll focus on Oriental counties not on West, where policies to support feritility are pursued
most drugs are actually older than you think
thyroxine/Levothyroxine drug regulates the endocrine system used for centuries
Um sweetie, have you forgotten about China's one child policy?
At the same time, Japan isn't particularly homosex happy, isn't hardly taking in any immigrants, isn't involved in any wars, or particularly suffering from any diseases, and is still suffering from rapid population loss.
The one they recently cancelled?
>sometimes doctors need outlaws
>Japan isn't particularly
>Postpone or avoid marriage (via master degree job requirements, economic crisis)
>Encourage women to work
>Modify tax policies
>Reduce/eliminate social benefits
>Chronic Depression (via job instability,hostile work environment and culture, economic crisis, social isolation)
>Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
>Compulsory education of children
Was replying more to: but the problem with is all those things were either rolling in or already a matter of fact, well before 1969.
Though I'd be more inclined to agree with . Like so many things we accept as a matter of fact now, there were good reasons they used to be almost universally illegal.
no but dropping coverage for millions of people because super common things are now pre-existing conditions is
fucking acne is now a pre-existing condition
while congress and their staff keeps full coverage unlike the people
Because they are Humans and you shouldnt Place a pricetag on Human lifes.
if you look at the history of healthcare in US, it was provided for free for most of the history of the US.
for example, in late 1800s and early, Dr William Coley treated thousands of cancer patients free of charge, most being impoverished lower east siders of NYC. he tracked down patients in the slums, to understand the immune reaction of Coley's Toxins. He cured countless cancer patients with immunotherapy. The hospital he worked for would become Sloan Kettering.
Dr Ron Paul even mentions that he treated for free or at very low cost since this was the standard practice with most doctors, prior to Nixon's healthcare reform (part of a population reduction agenda)
Of course, human lives are only as valuable as I decide them to be.
But what gives you the authority to decide for anyone else besides yourself?
why do you respect and honor the artificially inflated (monetary) value of Bill Gates and the oligarchs over yourself and your peers?
Because I am the unique one and everything is my property (I just have yet to lay my claim upon it)
I don't, were I able I would kill Gate's and bring his fortune back to it's rightful owner. I lack that capacity at the moment and so must make do with what I have and can readily obtain.
Well but uniqueness isnt necessarily a sufficient reason. And at lease you should proove that everybody else isnt
Reminder that the Caduceus (winged rod with 2 snakes) is a symbol of Hermes/Mercury, and is associated with commerce and new interchange (as it's the symbol of the herald).
The Rod of Asklepios (no wings, 1 snake) is the proper symbol of medicine, and Americans are the only ones ignorant enough to keep making this mistake today.
this always rustles my jimmies. I never figured it out wether it was just a mistake or it had a reason behind it
You start back in the fright of others because you think you see beside them the ghost of "right"
He that has might has "right". Am I to submit myself to the lord's will, No. Then why should I submit myself to another's will unless It is my will, and neither should anyone else submit to another's will unless it is their will. All things are nothing to me.
>neither yould anyone else submit to anothers will unless its their will
>everything is my property
well i think you have to choose one here, or am i mistaken?
Dr Ron Paul talks about his work at free hospitals and how everything worked great.
Paul replied:
"I practiced medicine before we had monopolies at hospital. And the churches took care of them. We never turned anybody away from the hospital. The reason the cost is so high is It becomes a special interest, it cow-tows to the insurance companies and then the drug companies."
only a barbaric, cannibalistic society would seek profit from healthcare
Key word here being should, if individuals would follow another's will that is their own (misguided choice) If someone submits himself to my will than I may tell him not to or use or abuse his trust or subservience in me.
well this would enable a system where it would be profitable to misguide fellow human beeings. Humans would be degraded to means to achieve something wouldnt it?
due to vested deep state corporate genocidal interests any attempt at universal, affordable healthcare in burgerland is sabotaged and destroyed
many states have passed laws for single-payer and all failed to implement the laws due to the deep state
>Massachusetts passed a universal healthcare program in 1986, but deep state sabotage resulted in its repeal before the legislation could be enacted
>New York State has been attempting passage of the New York Health Act, which would establish a statewide single-payer health plan, since 1992. The New York Health Act passed the Assembly three times: once in 1992 and again in 2015 and 2016, but did not advance through the Senate after referrals to the Health Committee.
>California attempted passage of a single-payer bill as early as 1994,[62] and the first successful passages of legislation through the California State Legislature, SB 840 or "The California Universal Healthcare Act" (authored by Sheila Kuehl), occurred in 2006 and again in 2008.[63] Both times, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill
In 2009, the Hawaii state legislature passed a single-payer healthcare bill that was vetoed by Republican Governor Linda Lingle. While the veto was overridden by the legislature, the bill was not implemented
>Vermont canceled its plan for single-payer health care
>The Minnesota Health Act passed to establish a statewide single-payer health plan but was
> this would enable a system where it would be profitable to misguide fellow human beeings
Isn't this already the case though?
Well yes, but the Question is wheter it is desireable of not? If not, it might be morally bad.
The only morals I follow are my own, following the morals of god or society is merely following someone else's illusion. I follow my own sense of justice.
allright then. That too is debatable but what does your sense of justice really tells you? Doesnt it sounds fair to pay a reasonable amount of money to make sure everyone you love is able to get goot healthcare if they needed to? Chances are, that one of your loved ones will face a illness which may be too expensive to treat just by yourself or your friends.
Fair yes but considering the number of people in the country I would rather they pay and I not, but yes on topic, coming from Australia our public health system is amazing and much cheaper then the american system so I would rather pay into that then risk tax evasion.
Most people in Germany dont even understand the question wheter somebody would be against public health or not because we always had it. It was a pleasant discussion with you Ausfag, stay safe
Isn't the continued use of it as a medical symbol enough to mean it's now a medical symbol though
Not at all. Socialism is why we have ridiculously expensive drug costs, not capitalism.
>Socialism is why we have ridiculously expensive drug costs
Patents are socialism now?
Patents have already expired on many expensive drugs; the reason they're expensive is because the FDA grants indefinite monopolies to corporations to manufacture certain drugs.
Charging several hundred for something cost at most 6$ to make, is socialism?
That's not socialism thats cronyism
When the government stifles free trade so that may happen, yes.
It's done under the guise of "protecting American consumers". It may not be true socialism, but it's a common side-effect of it.
No, but refusing to give at least basic assistance due to one not being able to pay is.
>monopolistic control/access to publicly funded resources and developments
>gouging price to make cheap pills (funded by tax payers) unaffordable
>FDA declining/delaying approval of safe and effective treatments
R& D and production of pills is substantially cheaper than a smartphone, but Pembrolizumab was priced at $150,000, no justification
There is lots of competition in the drug market, including from off-patent drugs which are blocked for re-purposing by FDA regulations
This keeps the monopoly and profit margins high, as people have no options but to obtain unaffordable drugs approved by FDA.
pills are cheap to manufacture and invent
ie: penicillin, aspirin before big pharma
return to the penicillin days
deregulate by allowing generics
the scamming comes from:
monopolistic licenses
billion $$ clinical trials that impede development and increase costs
old drugs being repurposed for new stuff are also being marked up 20000%
ie: antibiotic Thalidomide from 1940s was pennies before repurposed for cancer, now costs $10,000
this is why only corrupt 3rd world mexicans, hindus are the only ones that flock to the barbaric savage burgerland shithole
no civilized 1st worlder would dare to step foot in the land of cannibal morlocks
>wants modern affordable singlepayer healthcare like the 1st world
get a load of this goy
whats next? Free Energy via Tesla Tech? High Speed Rail? Cancer cures? Space colonies?
why dont you fuck off and move to Japan
Pharmaceutical giant 'plotted to destroy cancer drugs to drive prices up
>Soft Genocide Measures Promoted by American Eugenics & Planned Parenthood to reduce US population in 1969
Alright Alex Jones...
>Modify tax policies
Taxes going nowhere but down since 1969.
>Encourage women to work
WWII led to the mass employment of women. By 1967, they had doubled the size of the labor pool.
>Encourage increased homosexuality
The Free Love movement and Civil Rights movement, both which started years before, spurred the gay rights movement, culminating in the Stonewall Riots this same year.
>Educate for family limitation
SFAIK, this is not, and never has been done, in the states. We're kinda big on encouraging kids to have families, particularly girls. (Note all the damned toys.)
>Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
There were no federal paid maternity leave laws in the US until the 1993. Only five states had such laws in 1969. By 1980, twelve states.
>Reduce/eliminate social benefits
Welfare expenditures have skyrocketed since 1969, even under Reagan, and didn't see any real slowing until Clinton in '96.
>Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)
Crime rates, nowhere but down. Not seen an economic crisis like The Great Depression, since The Great Depression. Socially, we're more interconnected than we've ever been, with the average person statistically having more contacts with other individuals than ever before in history.
>Limit/eliminate publicly-financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more than N children.
There's more child welfare programs than ever (despite Clinton's efforts). Medicare is wider spread than ever. There are more scholarship and housing programs than ever.
>Compulsory education of children
Been a thing in the US since 1852.
Though it's true, we are making the frogs gay. (Well, turning males into females, at least.) Dun think it's part of the plan though.
>we dindu nuffin
Alright Soros Kissinger...
the use of the tax system as a means for controlling population growth
> the UN race replacement, homosex, family &economic destruction...
Alan Frank Guttmacher president of Planned Parenthood and vice-president of the American Eugenics Society
Harry L. Shapiro
Michael Teitelbaum (US Congress staff; US population policy
Link all ya want, doesn't change the fact that exactly the opposite of everything you're claiming came to pass.
shitpost all ya want, Soros, doesn't change the fact that exactly the opposite of everything you're claiming came to pass.
Maybe you should actually read that article, rather than the highlights of whatever blog sent you do it. Most if it is talking about how reducing poverty through better social support reduces population growth - so evil.
Meanwhile, you're claiming welfare has been cut is part of the evil plan, which 1) hasn't happened (certainly not even a dent within decades of '69), and 2) is the exact opposite of what this proposes.
This report basically says no feasible amount of immigration will fix the population loss problem. It is instead proposing options to encourage population GROWTH and labor participation. It doesn't mention homosexuality at all, but it seems encouraging would be rather counter to solving the problems it is addressing.
Yes, these exist, what of it?
Literally a blog linked by the Alex Jones website.
obviously they arent paying you enough, your shilling is too pathetic
>The American eugenics was funded by various corporate foundations including the Carnegie Institution, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Harriman
>German Nazi eugenics was funded by he Rockefeller Foundation.[8]
>The Rockefeller Foundation even funded Josef Mengele
>Population Council Established in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III, with important funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The Council has its roots in the discredited eugenics movement.
> Planned Parenthood received extensive funding from John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his family, who continued to make anonymous donations to Sanger's causes in subsequent decades
> “Philip Jacob Jaffe,” memo,
The Dissent Papers: The Voices of Diplomats in the Cold War and Beyond
Viewing the Earth: The Social Construction of the Landsat Satellite System
also washingtontimes and nytimes
I think you're (((their))) plant, making self-contradictory arguments, ignoring simple facts of history, and then repeatedly linking to debunked conspiracy nuts.
Nothing like a flood of Agenda21 disinfo to detract from things that are actually happening, like yonder:
>Jaffe Memo, US constitution, Rockefeller Foundation, Population Council,American Eugenics Society, Alan Frank Guttmacher
>debunked conspiracy
lel, weak b8 shill
President Richard Nixon appointed Bush as Ambassador to the United Nations,
Bush was leader of Intelligence
The Eugenics movement was big in the US between the World Wars. American backers, Carnegies, Bushes inspired the movement abroad. Including funding to build a central research facility, the Wilhiem institute in Germany, with the assistance of Adolf and American money.
The Bush family, as you said tried to install a regime inspired by Hitler's 3rd Reich before WWII but got BTFO as you said. But during the war the Senator Prescott Bush was involved in military intelligence. And after the war was responsible for setting up the CIA and helping get his close friend and buisness partner Allen Dulles, named as Chief.
The same people are involved with each other before, during and after the war.
Bushes and other Americans helped formulate the Nazi policy and plans for a master race.
Then after the war gave them safety.
Does it occur to you that economic incentives of being a doctor affects the amount of doctors doing their job full time?
I am more curious as to how the people for privatization are clearly majority Christian when Jesus presumably would have wanted is to all contribute to the health of our neighbors. Can some religious person here argue with me about this?
>literally abusing the word socialism
What is this Orwellian shit?
Jesus was a filthy commie, Supply side jesus is were its at.
P.S fuck Niggers, they are not my neighbour
>Be a doctor
>Bust your ass in undergraduate so that you can qualify for medical school
>Go through years of extra schooling to get a medical degree
>You're completely drowning in debt by the end of it
>Some idiot has the gall to say you shouldn't get paid for all your effort
would you want madoff/soros or Jesus Christ to be your doctor?
be a used care salesman then