What was the motivation of the confederate soldier during the civil war? Are there any testimonies or diaries left that can shed light upon this mystery? This thread is only dedicated to the SOLDIERS of the civil war, so no politicians or aristocrats views are allowed.
On the life of a confederate soldier?
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They got drafted you dumbass
This Also when blacks become freemen poor white hillbillies are no longer one step higher on the social ladder and become part of the same bottom of the barrel class as black people. Keeping slavery was in their best interests.
>What was the motivation of the confederate soldier during the civil war?
Watch the Red Pill Movie
>What was the motivation of the confederate soldier during the civil war?
Uhhhh... The fact they were being invaded?
Not until 1862, even then, conscription was hardly a new phenomena in the South. Compulsory service for all free males had been the standard in Virginia for over two centuries by then.
racism and intolerance
Meanwhile in New York...
What I have read, which is a book consisting of letters from soldiers on both sides of the war, both sides saw it as their civil duty to defend their respective governments. Average Southerners saw it as rebelling against an increasingly oppressive Northern-dominated government, and defending their homes from invaders. The average Northerner saw the South as illegal, and thought that the constitution and the Union needed to be preserved or chaos would follow. It was not until after 1862, when Lincoln made the war about slavery, did soldiers start mentioning it as a reason they fought.
TL-DR: slavery was the issue for the "elites" that drove the country to war, the average soldier on both sides thought they were defending their homes/perserving their government and didnt have slavery on theie radar until the leadership put it there.
>what was the fucking motive
Oh shit my home county is getting invaded by a millitary force from somewhere else, oh look people from my home country are gathering to fight that invading army, better go join them since i am not a complete egoistic honorless shit, and i have a sense of duty to my country and it's people.
Also draft.
Loyalty to state and local governments, and their particular culture.
>Not until 1862, even then, conscription was hardly a new phenomena in the South. Compulsory service for all free males had been the standard in Virginia for over two centuries by then.
th confederate draft was literally the first draft in american history
>In colonial times, the Thirteen Colonies used a militia system for defense. Colonial militia laws—and after independence those of the United States and the various states—required able-bodied males to enroll in the militia, to undergo a minimum of military training, and to serve for limited periods of time in war or emergency. This earliest form of conscription involved selective drafts of militiamen for service in particular campaigns. Following this system in its essentials, the Continental Congress in 1778 recommended that the states draft men from their militias for one year's service in the Continental army; this first national conscription was irregularly applied and failed to fill the Continental ranks.
It is true that Conscription was not practiced on a national level until the Civil War, but state governments had been doing it for decades prior
man USA would be so fucking good if the south won, instead it took the cuck route.
Dude that's the most normie History class bullshit non-answer and it keeps getting thrown around to avoid the fact that it was much more a rich/poor divide in the South than a racial divide pre Civil War
>if the south won USA would be better
Yes. The USA would now be a very white and very developed nation, while the CSA would be a Brazil tier shithole stuck 50 years in the past technologically and crammed to the brim with niggers.
They were drafted, or fed tales of damn Yanks coming to invade their land and burn their homes to the ground. They didn't give a shit about slavery.
When they lost, though, then it became about race, because rich whites who benefited from the "peculiar institution of slavery" slowly intermingled with poorer whites in the South and spread their dogma.
You can still sort of see the way people actually acted, spoke and lived back then amongst more remote parts of the South. Appalachian folk just see blacks as curiosities different from themselves that they might make jokes about at times, but otherwise treat fairly decently and hold no real ill will towards.
The South never had the manpower to actually invade the North, only maintain themselves. A CSA victory would have been "we got to keep our borders".
And they'd have been richer, but not necessarily more populated, able to produce war material or equal.
Underrated post.
Preserving their government's institution of slavery*
They were all privileged white males who fought only to keep women and black people down and oppressed.
So wrong. So sad. So guilt. Bad. sad. Wrong. White shame. White guilt. Kill yourself now for being born white.
Yes, the aristocracy of the South dragged the southern states they claimed to "love" into a war for their own benefit.
>Are there any testimonies or diaries left that can shed light upon this mystery?
"Co.Aycth" by Sam Watkins is a classic, one of the earliest memoirs written by a Confederate grunt.
Watkins served in the Army of Tennessee for most of the war.
Why would it be any more complicated than that?
The same dynamics are what caused jim crow laws to be instituted after reconstruction.
And those same dynamics exist today, you ask any piece of shit redneck today if his life sucks and he'll probably respond "at least I'm not a nigger."
>t. someone who actually lives in the south.
>You can still sort of see the way people actually acted, spoke and lived back then amongst more remote parts of the South.
This. Go into the north Georgia mountains and you'll see people that live a very traditional southern life. I've never seen any more racism there than any other rural place. The hillbilly white supremacists tend to be from trashy, unindustrialized towns.
>poor white hillbillies
hillbillies largely stayed out of the fighting and when they did fight it was largely for the Union.
>West Virginia
>Eastern Tennessee
If it was such a feel good racial superiority thing then why did 20-45% of free blacks own slaves? Your APUSH powerpoint isn't God. The racial shit came more from post-war butthurt than anything.
>t. someone who also lives in the south
>when you realize liberals use the movie Deliverance to mock Confederates and Southerners in general and the region the movie was shot is full of fucking Unionists