What are your thoughts on Dan carlin?
I recently listened to series on the eastern front and the Mongol series and really liked his narrative.
What are your thoughts on Dan carlin?
I recently listened to series on the eastern front and the Mongol series and really liked his narrative.
good for normies.
Good for people who think that reading books is "hard".
Dan is my senpai
Content over medium, desu
This is like the fifth Carlin thread in three days. Stop it.
Anyway, he gives a good topical overview of various events that's a good starting point for further research, but also generally enough information that if you decide it's not a topic that interests you, you can stop there without being completely clueless.
Basically, each HH episode is the equivalent of a semester in an American history class, but with less blatant propaganda.
Audio is the proper medium for conveying human understanding. There's many advantages to the written word, but books are still better when they're read aloud.
pure propaganda, you will like it if you think universities are a marxist conspiracy because you are a brainlet without the attention span to pick up a book
The content is dumbed down, dramatized, recontextualized and no source are given (unless they're "badass").
At the end of a podcast you may know something about Alexander the Great or Darius, but that knowledge will be still inferior to what you would have learnt by spending 30 minutes on Wikipedia, and downright worthless to what you could have gathered by reading actual books on the subject.
As I said, it's history for people who are unable to read a book. If you can do it ignore it, if you can't stick with him and try avoid talking about it, since your point of view on the matter will be skewed by the dramatization of the historical contents.
>Basically, each HH episode is the equivalent of a semester in an American history class
It's more like learning history from a drunk, ignorant peasant in a tavern.
Literally wrong, unless your trying to quote Plato and his opinions on oral tradition, too bad that in his mind the greatest learning tool wasn't the auditory aspect of teaching, rather the dialectical process that emerged from the possibility of asking questions to your teacher.
Carlin's podcasts are basically inferior versions of Wikipedia pages.
>Thoughts on Dan Carlin
Another category to be added to the list of reprehensible threads.
>Sources are in the show notes
>You'll retain more than if you'd read a wiki article
>Implying American history classes aren't the same thing but somehow even more dramatized and yet boring at the same time
>You'll retain more than if you'd read a wiki article
Sure, if you're not extremely stupid.
>Implying American history classes aren't the same thing but somehow even more dramatized and yet boring at the same time
>Confirmed for still being in high school
>comfirmed for never having read a actual history book
>he'll never experience the /comfort/ of listening to Dan Carlin on the drive to work
>he'll never experience the /comfort/ of actual knowledge
>he justifies his ignorance through wageslavery
Truly tragic.
I've been out of high school for a long time, thank god. Those days left me with a strong contempt for classroom "education," though. And yeah, I've read actual history books. And yeah, there's a lot of good ones. But it's not possible to read every book on every topic, which is why things like Hardcore History are great. The point isn't to teach you everything you should know or could know about a subject; it's to teach you why you should care enough to research it in the first place.
It will take you 8 hours instead of 3, if you're a competent reader (and I'm not implying speed reading here).
Just admit that you're lazy and that you like the brand of blockbuster-ish dramatization that Dan Carlin employs.
By the way I'm not really attacking your character, rather I want people to not normalize these hacks and, at best, treat it as a guilty pleasure, just like watching a shitty Hollywood action movie for the sake of it.
I think he's pretty fun to listen to on public transport or whatever when I can't lug around a book.
I like it because it's interesting and has inspired me to research topics that I wouldn't otherwise have particularly cared about. I don't get why that's supposed to be a bad thing.
>"hey guys I'm not a historian, anyway here's a nice piece of oral storytelling"
??? ???
Because you're the exception: most people will stop at his podcast, retaining the illusion of knowledge, and as far as I know he's fine with it (he does not really puts disclaimer to discredit his contents as a insufficient educational tool).
In your case he has been beneficial, but your case is not the norm.
>hey guys this is basically spreading misinformation, while hiding his intellectual dishonesty behind a fake, illusionary, "reasonable" and modest persona
See? I can do it too.
Those people wouldn't have researched those topics anyway. Why is an incomplete understanding of a subject worse than no understanding? At least they're getting their information from a source that makes a conscious effort to be historically accurate, rather than Hollywood or other Ancient Aliens-tier bullshit.
based user dropping the truth bombs
>Why is an incomplete understanding of a subject worse than no understanding?
Because they'll spread their misinterpretation, creating even more inaccuracy in the collective immagination.
>Those people wouldn't have researched those topics anyway.
Then they could watch a random movie, or mindessly listen to shock jocks on the radio, it would ne just as valuable.
Either you treat it as something inherently non-serious (like I'm doing), turning it into cheap entertainment, or you treat it as something that is serious, justifying my skepticism towards the ability of the general population of discerning good sources of information from worthless ones.
On what ground are you defending it? Do you think it's educational? Do you think it's just entertainment?
what's wrong with starting with dan carlin and developing an interest? i gave no shits about the mongols until i listened to his podcast on a whim and now i've started devouring everything i can find on them
>[informative sentence] and thats quite a lot like that time Darth Vader yknow did the [10 minutes of pop culture reference] and that's the story of the second Punic War stay tuned
Don't mind him, he's just looking for reasons to feel superior on the internet.
>Because they'll spread their misinterpretation, creating even more inaccuracy in the collective immagination.
As if lack of knowledge of a subject has ever stopped people from talking about it like they were there.
>Do you think it's educational? Do you think it's just entertainment?
Why can't it be both? It's entertainment that's educational. Fiction has always been philosophy in disguise, whether it's intentional or not. Why is only >&Humanities allowed to be entertaining?
>the Spartans, just like Batman-
>tfw he actually said this sentence without laughing
Not that user but
>tfw anons are triggerd because their favourite youtube/podcast-related minor celebrities are not taken seriously
Let me guess, you value Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris as great philosophers too?
>people listen to popular podcasts/ youtubr videos
>they decide to learn more about history
>go on Veeky Forums for advice on how to proceed
>spergs chimp out because muh sekret club
There is no reason to be a dick to people who are just trying to learn. You fucking spastics are worse than /g/.
who is this cum drum?
>go on Veeky Forums for advice on how to proceed
OP asked what are our thoughts about Dan Carlin: that user gave us hos thoughts about Dan Carlin. You're the one sperging out because people are not sucking your favourite pseudo-intellectual's dick.
>There is no reason to be a dick to people who are just trying to learn.
This is what that user was debating: the educational value of Dan Carlin. Some people will use his podcast to kickstart a obsession for history, most people instead will just go on with their lives and their unexamined non-knowledge, and they will keep spreading it.
It is reasonable to not have a extremely positive opinion of Dan Carlin, you don't have to be so fucking triggered by anything less than pure and sincere admiration for that guy.
Veeky Forums btfo
Face it: many people are going to talk about history, and about political issues that require historical context, regardless of whether they actually have any level of knowledge of history or not. Interesting and entertaining shows that give people a bit of that context are a good thing. Dan Carlin is basically the Neil deGrasse Tyson or (classic, not post-PBS) Bill Nye of history.
>Dan Carlin is basically the Neil deGrasse Tyson or (classic, not post-PBS) Bill Nye of history.
>he thinks that's a good thing
You're glorifying the illusion that emerges from misinformation.
>Dan Carlin's narratives give historical context of both sides and a review in hindsight
>Bill Nye the Jewish Guy and Tyson Degrassi narrates a halftruth for the sake of triggering your emotional response to a crisis and then shilling what people with D-s next to their names want them too.