Anyone either not buying now, or not planning to buy DGB after it hits the lowest point deserves to be poor because they fell prey to all of the FUD.
Jared posted this on Bitcoin talk today.
>Training more developers to speed up their projects. >Creating a new look for the coin.
DGB is going to fucking explode when you least expect it, especially because he's so against spreading hype for the sake of it without any actual accomplishments to back it up.
"Unfortunately, we have zero ability to control the price, nor the millions of dollars required to pull off such a feat. DigiByte is open source and decentralized. We as developers have a very small amount of total DGB. All of which we acquired through mining or purchased on the market over the years. This drop has hurt us as well. All we can do is to continue to do what we have been doing the past three years and continue working. It takes time to bring new resources and people on board and to train them and get new things completed. Which is exactly what we have been doing the past few weeks. We are not going to release news without anything to back it up, simply for the sake of "pumping." We will not answer any price or speculation questions so please do not PM us asking about it. Also, anyone accusing us of being "scammers" will be promptly ignored & blocked. If you don't have the ability to do your own research you should not be in crypto. As stated many, many times we are not in this for a pump and dump. Unfortunately, there are groups out there who move from coin to coin pumping and dumping. The entire crypto industry and every major coin is in the red over the past couple weeks. Much of this is now due to the uncertainty of a coming Bitcoin fork. On August 1st, and through August if Bitcoin splits this could be a very turbulent time for all blockchains. This also highlights why DigiByte is in a much more stable long-term position than Bitcoin." (1/2)
"DigiByte is currently the fastest, most secure, most decentralized UTXO blockchain in the world today. This is due to the past three years of consistent committed development. If you notice trading patterns for DigiByte differ significantly from other cryptos, a lot of this has to do with how widely distributed DGB is. Because there are no "central" bag holders like there are in many other cryptocurrencies our market cap is not artificially inflated. This also means we are susceptible to wild swings as mass trading psychology takes over. Often times you will see DigiBytes daily trading volume higher than its market cap. We have several exciting things coming up in the next couple months, including a fresh new look for DigiByte! So stay tuned and thank you all for your continued support!" (2/2)
I don't see GNT rising when Brass hit the market yesterday.
And I don't see me buying DGB until it hits 100 sats
David Peterson
Jared is based as fuck. He is /ourguy/
Cameron Lopez
I remember people urging me to buy dgb at 1500 sats as it was "bottoming out"
Wyatt Hill
I'm waiting for it to hit 200-300 sats. I also have a feeling it will explode when everyone least expects it.
Samuel Wood
It probably will, but it won't hit 2000 again for a long time unless it literally becomes a de facto gaming currency like the Minecraft memers were implying. Too much volume from people buying at the peak. A person buying in around 200 or so probably has good odds of at least doubling/tripling though. I bought at 1000 (after the peak) so I'm just planning on dumping my bags whenever that happens, but at the very least, despite all the FUD, Jared & co are staying active and trying to generate interest.
Jeremiah Jackson
How does this help? How does any of this help to raise the price? Am holding heavy heavy bags
Caleb Bell
I think the 2000 will be hit sooner than you think. But for the $1 that some people were talking about; that will not happen until like you said, dgb does something huge.
For it to hit something like 2k sats though, all we need is another bull run and some good news/partnerships.
Cooper Barnes
People were telling you to buy DGB when it was at 50 sats a few months ago dumbass.
Blake Gray
>It probably will, but it won't hit 2000 again for a long time unless it literally becomes a de facto gaming currency like the Minecraft memers were implying.
If this were to happen 2000sats would be cheap. You have to think long term, and not even that long. If the Citi comp were to have never happened and it was trading at 50sats like mentioned, it would still be the same very active coin it was. It's 3 years old. Same chain. What gave BTC value, longevity, showing its a storage of value. it's in a league entirely of its own.
Isaiah Murphy
Has there been a single high-volume coin that mooned 5x over a short time period, then fell all the way back down, then mooned again? Usually it takes many months for something like that to clear up, just because of all the dead weight. Agreed, but I think DGB would actually be worth quite a bit more right now if the Citi conference didn't happen, since it's still active and wouldn't have all the bagholders weighing it down.
Ayden Jenkins
please moon
Henry Hill
this will never happen anytime soon. way too many bag holders who will get try to get out at the first sign of daylight.
there'd have to be actual breaking news like coinbase adding DGB or some huge gambling site adding DGB. something.
Chase Parker
200 sats
Jonathan Williams
I am still not invested in DGB but been following the whole show since late May and i want to put in like 2-3k YES, people pumped the shit out of it and YES, the same people dumped their bags at the ath. Those who held got fucked while seeing the price falling in that seemingly bottomless hole we all witnessed the last couple weeks....of course it is painful to hold the bags, the recent crash caused by the fear of the upcoming BTC events making things even worse. And here's something i want to ask yourself, without all the 'muh, digicucks, muh scam, muh to the moon'' bullshit: when i look at the whole intention behind DGB- it shall serve as a currency and all the things that come along with it in crypto terms. So, compared to a lot of the coins out there DGB actually has a use case, wether it be for gaming or elsewhere, i don't give a fuck. with a possible rebranding, the Citi challenge still pending....-from a neutral standpoint- how can one say DGB has not the possibility to turn out as a rock solid, trustworthy product with a use case. Please tell me if i am totally wrong since i really want to get heavy invested and believe that Veeky Forums is more than memes shilling and funding the shit out of each other.
Asher Collins
>hundreds of cryptocurrencies in existence >this one will serve as a currency!\ Come on, man.
Connor Taylor
Or DGB getting some awards from the Citi Group contest ( only 2 or 3 awards have been announced so far).
This is what I'm banking on tbqh, bought in at 700 sats and didn't sell in anticipation for this. I'm confident that DGB will reach 1000 sats sometime in July.
Liam James
I shilled DGB countles times last year here on Veeky Forums when it was around 50-80 Sat.
I got my millions down at that level and now I'm laughing.
Adam Carter
hundreds of cryptocurrencies minus the pajeet scams, minus the easteurotrash scams, surely there can't be that many good ones left
Ian Moore
maybe i did not make my point clear: DGB as a currency in certain niches as intended: gaming for example i don't think of it as a BTC successor, don't get me wrong.