No really talks about it besides memes and trump, so let's have an actual discussion about its history and people
Mexico thread
my greatgrand parents go married in secret because the cristero was was going on and, redshirted millitiamen where shooting all the preists
*got married in secret
>redshirted millitiamen where shooting all the preists
you know its fucking unbelievable how little the "priest genocide" in Mexico is known throught the world.
i mean by the end of the war their were only a couple hundred priests in all of mexico, and most states didn't have a single one at all.
thank God my great uncle fought with the cristeros.
I love Mexican history, there is so much to learn and discuss. Any period in particular OP?
>so let's have an actual discussion about its history and people
what specifically did you have in mind?
the independence?
era of Santa Anna?
"bomberito" Juarez
Porfirio Diaz?
the Revolution?
the "perfect dictatorship?
My great grandfather fought in the war too. They Supported the church
Santa Anna. I know next to nothing of him or that era
post calacas
i think my great-great grandfather was here with villas army
Also let's talk about villa!
Was he a hero to the poor, or a opportunistic brigand?
; ____________ ;
oh boy! Santa Anna may have been a bastard but he led an interesting life and effected Mexico in way still felt today.
well "Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón" fought in the war of independence, and like most creole Generals, at first he fought against the rebels, but later switched sides late in the war to be on the winning side.
in 1823, after the Revolution and Iturbide proclaimed himself Emperor, Iturbide dissolved the congress which i guess pissed of Santa Anna who then came up with "Plan of Casa Mata" which was ment to abolish the monarchy forever and make mexico a republic
my great uncle, and an unknown member of my dads family fought at the battle of Celaya, thankfully he didn't die.
It's sad to look at the abusive relationship between the US and Mexico
depends who you talk to.
i think he was a hero to the poor, but my families from chihuahua, there he is a hero to us.
if he was a brigand why did the keep fighting carranza after it was clear they would win.
why did he say while in comfortable retirement at a ranch, that he would rebell again if the people asked him to
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
Santa Anna is absolutely shit.
Long live Emperor Maximillian.
>Be Maximillian
>Get shot
*long live Porfiro Díaz
>Literally not better that Madero.
It's funny how Diaz bacame what Maxy was meant to be
He was more palatable to the Mexican public
Diaz was kind of a prick at the end of his rule. So much so that it kind of lead to the revolution
I think Maxy would have been a better ruler desu
Shame his French overlords killed thousands of mexicans
What did he do to lead to the Mexican American war? Who was in the wrong in the war? I can't see any legitimate reason to think the US was in the right, but I do like to see things from many perspectives
Well it was a war. I don't see what you're expecting
>Polk wants to buy southwest
>Mexico tells Polk to go fuck himself
>Polk sends troops into land that Mexico had claimed since independence
>U.S. chimps out when U.S. troops are attacked on Mexican land
>U.S then justifies war of aggression by saying Mexico started it and sold the land under no pressure
"the war was one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation." -Ulysses S. Grant(who fought in the Mexican war)
dont even get me started on the Texan war
This makes me sad. Rip Mexican territory. At least we didn't have to deal with the apaches
Get started pls
yeah i agree santanna was shit
That's just how Mexican's say hello though, the frogs were simply trying to fit in.
at least we kinda got them back
Was that during Calles? The Sonorans were based because of they came out on top after La Revolucion, but they fucked shit up trying to manufacture a national identity.
>added to the local economy.
In 1846, the United States went to war against Mexico and sent a naval and land expedition to conquer Alta California. At first they had an easy time of it capturing the major ports including San Diego, but the Californios in southern Alta California struck back. Following the successful revolt in Los Angeles, the American garrison at San Diego was driven out without firing a shot in early October 1846. Mexican partisans held San Diego for three weeks until October 24, 1846, when the Americans recaptured it. For the next several months the Americans were blockaded inside the pueblo. Skirmishes occurred daily and snipers shot into the town every night. The Californios drove cattle away from the pueblo hoping to starve the Americans and their Californio supporters out. On December 1 the Americans garrison learned that the dragoons of General Stephen W. Kearney were at Warner's Ranch. Commodore Robert F. Stockton sent a mounted force of fifty under Captain Archibald Gillespie to march north to meet him. Their joint command of 150 men, returning to San Diego, encountered about 93 Californios under Andrés Pico. In the ensuing Battle of San Pasqual, fought in the San Pasqual Valley which is now part of the city of San Diego, the Americans suffered their worst losses in the campaign. Subsequently, a column led by Lieutenant Gray arrived from San Diego, rescuing Kearny's battered and blockaded command.[24]
mexican forces fought better in socal than anywhere else
The centaur of the north! Francisco was much more based than Zapata.
>Mexico allows Americans to settle in Texas
>asks them to assimilate and pay taxes
>some do, most don't
>asks them not to bring slaves
>they do
>asks them to inform government about newly built homesteds
>some do, most don't
>seeing Texas as a land to espace problems thats populated with your own people many outlaws and squatters move to Texas
>Said outlaws, squatters and slave owner's as well as a few native "Tejanos" rebel against Mexico
>After they win Independence Texans betray Tejanos by taking many of their lands and even deporting them to Mexico
Mfw one of the best equipped and manned armies can't find some peasant soldier
so from the catholic point of view the state was unfairly perscuting catholics and they revolted to regain their rights
from the gov't point of view they (the gov't) where modernizing mexico, until the catholics revolting and killing mexican officials
>military base under siege by the US Army
>general orders the fucking children from the military academy to help the defense
>castle falls, half a dozen teenage idiots refuse to retreat
>they promptly die
>the last one grabs the castle's flag before an heroing so the hijoputa Yanquis can't get it
>castle still falls regardless, America is now the proud owner of one Mexican flag that needs a thorough soaking
>Mexico still gets BTFO
>still acts like it's Thermopylae-tier, when it's somehow even stupider than the Alamo
ill dumb some revolution pics
So sad ;__;
My great grandfather was a German surgeon who exploited the poor in the silver mines during the Porfiriato. My grandfather was hidden in a cast iron stove when Huerta took Mexico City.
your great grandpa was a dick
my father went to collage in mexico city
he had this immulogy professor who held back some mexican troops in 1968
>be my dads professor
>1968 mexico at the polytechnic
>see the soldiers
>hear the gun shots
>put some dry ice and some water in a bottle (it smokes)
>stand outside of one the buildings
>the soldiers come up
>he tells them that he has a bomb
>the soldiers leave
>he bluffed an army with water and dry ice
kek that's awesome
some revolutionary Generals
"El Chacal" (the Jackal) Victoriano Huerta
Villa made Pershing look like a scrub.
some soldaderas posing
>labd depopulated of mexicans because of raids and warfare from the nomadic apache empire
>mexicans beed more ppl to repopulate
>invite gringos to settle the land
>the zerf rush to settle it cause muh manifest destiny
>whites bring disgusting barbaric institution of slavery, which mexicans banned at independence, because bloodthirsty degenerate dixies collectively plot to make texas a slave state
>lol we slave province nao
>mexico: we implore you to end your exploitative practices, which is alien to liberal civilization
>mexicans, within their sovereign rights, send an expedition to stop conspiring separatists.
>whites in texas start autistically screeching, which summons more southerners to funnel in to attack mexico, while the corrupt swamp in DC acts like a hippie parent refusing to rein in his childs tabtrums in public accepting this illegal mercenary action
Eat shit indio.
That's really funny actually
some federal troops
>Conventiently forgets to mention that Texas had claim that land since its independence
>i live one town over from where the magonistas where
You're complaining about Indios in Mexico. Rethink your life pls
agreed, im a (mostly) white mexican, but indians are part of mexico.. we all are
Ye. Mexico is nice that way
Huerta was an indio too.
>send thousands of soldiers on land a foreign nations claimed since Independence
>chimp out when that nation attacks your invading force that was sent for the sole purpose of instigating a war
Anyone wanna post something about any of the evil shit that Victoriano did?
I know he cut off some Congressman's tongue.
>nobody wants to talk about the mexican anarchist who took over tijuana in 1911
I wasn't complaining about anything Cuauhtemoc, just banter.
i know he would massacre whole villages in morelos
Huh, funny. That's my homestate, guess he didn't like Zapata that much.
Magon bros were crazy radicals. That's the extent of my knowledge.
WHO DA F is that cutie in the middle?
i have not idea, sorry
a pic of Diaz before the revolution
your average Adelita
could that be adelita?
Victoriano Huerta a year before the coup against Madero, in this battle(Second Battle of Rellano) him and Villa were actually on the same side
a photo taken druing the Ten Tragic Days