Veeky Forums books

Is this the official Veeky Forums book?


Uh, that's racist, gender-nonspecific comrade



Racist garbage

why is it racist?

what are you talking about, Veeky Forums hates that book.

The left, the right,Veeky Forums, academics,/pol/ and sjw all hate that book. But for different reasons.


>tfw to intelligent to dislike that book

Historically illiterate, pseudoscientific, and opinionated without any expertise or credibility?
Yep, sounds like Veeky Forums to me

Can I get a quick rundown on why this book sucks so much?

The whole premise is that Europeans are so powerful because they got lucky with where they are, not anything biological, cultural, or anything else.

I don't think he ever brings up China, the Incans or the Middle East at all

Because it tries to explain a complex issue (why/how didd civilizations develop so differently) relying on only one variable/explanation. Geographic determinism.

Well, to be more precise it says that europe's culture, genes and everything else are a product of their geography


Because people get triggered when books say European's aren't innately better.

Just look at these comments
, these people haven't even read the book, they just parrot the talking point or base their judgements upon reading a 2 paragraph synopsis and this type of thread is usually skewed where only about 5-10% of the criticism is actually well founded and deserved (and don't get me wrong, this book deserves a lot of criticism).

Then explain how you know I didn't read the book

No it's just an attempt to explain Euopean achievement.

It leaves out critical social factors and events in a reductionist effort.

That's pretty much it. Plebs cling to it like a bible though. Plebs like op I suppose

Well which comment is yours?
The one about only geographic determinism being the variable or the one where it says he doesn't talk about the middle east and incans at all?

Because, he does talk extensively about those regions.

And although biodiversity is in a way related to geograhical location, he specifically tries to separate the factors.

Too bad he doesn't even attempt to isolate his case from socio-economic factors in a methodologically satisfactory way.

No, this book is more meritorious of such title.