> Successful multicultural country never exis-
Successful multicultural country never exis-
Nobody ever claimed successful multicultural countries don't exist, where are you even getting that retarded possibility from? Fucking Singapore you idiot.
still monoracial you retard
Partly collapsed because of ethnic nationalism and multiculturalism
until hungayrians chimped out .
>bent cross over the hungarian portion
The crown for the holy roman emperor had this as well, is there any historical significance to bending the cross slightly or would it just be a useful way to distinguish different crowns? easily.
The cross is attached to the crown in a rough manner, rising from the midriff of Christ in the central enamel plaque at the top of the crown. This addition might have taken place during the 16th century. The cross was knocked crooked in the 17th century when the crown was damaged, possibly by the top of the iron chest housing the insignia being hastily closed without the crown having been placed in it properly. The cross has since been left in this slanted position and is now always depicted as such.
>flag of austria hungary
>a compromise to stop the country from falling apart
>hungarians chimp out so hard they manage to get every ethnic group in the country to side with austria
>couldn't hold together without the russian army crushing the hungarians
>austrian administered regions were bearable, but hungary actively repressed minorities and tried to assimilate them all
>effectively created a coalition between Croats and Serbs
>annexed more territory and governed it like a colony
>imploded on the tension that it created
They shouldnt have chimped out after that Ferdinand geezer got killed. Not worth it.
it did?
Why is Hungary allowed?
lies, most were supranationalists. the crown supported individualism/having a nationality that wasnt "austro-hungarian" and those nationalities supported the crown. except for hungary. they were a bunch of brutish cunts.
>defeated by fucking Italy of all nations
>defeated by Italy 3 fucking times
Successful multicultural country coming through:
>Yemenite Jews
>Ethiopian Jews
>German Jews
>Moroccan Jews
>Russian Jews
>Russians pretending to be Jews
>Iraqi Jews
>Bukhari Jews
>Indian Jews
>Iranian Jews
>(((American Jews)))
So many different kinds of Jews! Wow!
Lol Israel is more fractured politically than most Western nations.
The myth that they all get along because they share a very malleable and weak identity is just that. A myth.
Being Jewish isn't really tangible. The net is too wide for cohesion. It's a matrelineal ethnicity and it's not a matrelineal ethnicity. It's a religion of course and also nothing at all to do with religion of course.
The current Atheists (Basically lost Europeans on a middle eastern historical adventure LARPing as ancient Hebrews) who run the State ostracize and oppress the true Jews, the religious ones as well as the ethnic minority Israelis.
It's sort of a circus without a tent only held together because Herschel was a complete faggot and decided that they needed to be on the Middle East surrounded by enemies...
The only thing keeping them safe is constant pandering and bullying of foreign politicians to curry favor and even that well is drying up due to abuse.
really, the only time the italians beat the austrians when it was someone else doing it for them or austria in a state of total collapse for other reasons.
>The current Atheists (Basically lost Europeans on a middle eastern historical adventure LARPing as ancient Hebrews) who run the State ostracize and oppress the true Jews, the religious ones as well as the ethnic minority Israelis.
The majority of jews have a bloodline that directly goes back to the Middle East, or at the least, a convert from several centuries ago.
Yes, it is fashionable to claim that Jews managed to live in insular communities and avoid interbreeding with the goyim, but somehow they always end up looking like the host population. It's not that easy to convince Sarah to keep her legs closed.
Hungarians aren't slavs you idiot
>fascism cannot be multicultura-
>Studies of autosomal DNA, which look at the entire DNA mixture, show that Jewish populations have tended to form relatively closely related groups in independent communities, with most in a community sharing significant ancestry. For populations of the Jewish diaspora, the genetic composition of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jewish populations show a significant amounts of shared Middle Eastern ancestry.[1][2] [3][4] According to Behar and colleagues (2010), this is "consistent with the historical formulation theories the Jewish people as descending from ancient Hebrew and Israelites of the Levant" and "the dispersion of the people of ancient Israel throughout the Old World"[5] Jews living in the North African, Italian, and Iberian regions show variable frequencies of admixture with the historical non-Jewish host population along the maternal lines.
and ethiopian jews are prob converts desu