So... Who invented globalism?
Let's found out once and for all.
So... Who invented globalism?
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No one "invented" it.
It's like capitalism.
>muh perpetual peace
>muh internationalism
>muh cosmopolitanism
>muh individualism
>everyone's the same everywhere
Its really more a collection of ideas from different people, for example Hume pointing out how stupid mercantilist protectionism/bullionism was, Ricardo on comparative advantage, various others on international laws/relations etc
What is "globalism"???
I don't think such a concept even exists.
If you mean globalization, then it happened because of the conquest of the new world, the capitalist protestant ethic, and Italian city state mercantilism.
>I don't think such a concept even exists.
What do you call the extremely prominent conflict between nationalists and [thing you don't believe exists] that literally gets covered in the news every single day?
I am not familiar with american politics
I have never heard of "globalism" used as a term. I think you mean to say globalization.
define globalism
from what i can tell it's just /pol/cucks complaining about capitalism but refusing to call it capitalism
>american nationalism
Are you familiar with that thing called the EU? Stop trying to be retarded please. Globalism is the opposite of nationalism. Maybe read about WWII some time too.
Invented? It's the natural step following colonialism. It was bound to happen due to Portugal and Spain extending their reach beyond Europe and as such forcing the hand of the other European powers, leading up to a point where no matter whatever policy was in place, you'd still have a network of people befriending, trading and communicating to each other over boarders in a sense not seen before. This information infrastructure was put in place, lived on beyond the decolonization of nations but cemented once the telephone and internet became a thing and not we literary can't go back without going full Best Korea.
You didn't define globalism.
What the fuck are you talking about. Globalism is advocating globalization. It's not the opposite of nationalism.
You're pretending not to know what it is as some sort of retarded rhetorical method.
>It is typically viewed as opposite of nationalism
There are many ways for people to associate together on a political and cultural level, a national-global dichotomy is just pure ideology
How is the EU "global"?
Its a federalist organization centered in Europe. Also what does WWII have to do with it?
Why does it have to be jews? Trump isn't a jew and he benefits from globalism.
I'm this poster user. afaik globalism is just what /pol/acks calls capitalism. if it's something else explain how its different.
Not that poster but it's literally not the jews.
'The Jews did it all' is a succesful goyish meme that has been used for over 2,000 years. It's tradition now but fundamentally flawed.
Really the mark of a lazy thinker.
>Lists several definitions of globalisation
>Still doesn't tell us the one he uses
>the one
Unless you're autistic, you usually don't pick out a single absolute definition for every word your use. The fact I even had to give you an article about it is retarded, this term has been all over the place the past couple of years, and not just in the US.
Alexander the Okay
so its capitalism
Yes you do need to have strict definitions when you debate with nebulous terms like "Globalism"
Unless you want to keep moving goalposts, that is.
Not him but you have to be autistic if you want to have a serious discussion.
>Unless you're autistic, you usually don't pick out a single absolute definition for every word your use.
Where do you think you are? It's pretty important to make sure that people know what you're talking about if you're asking them a question and saying "yea I use this definition" and then show them a list of contradicting definitions you're just retarded.
I should add that your question probably have a pretty easy answer that we'll never know because you're acting like a nigger.
So there's your game. You were just pretending not to know what it is because you want to autistically pin it down to one really narrow single sentence definition so you can prove that version of it doesn't exist and make yourself look smart on a chinese cartoon playhouse. Why not just have an honest discussion instead of trying to semantically coerce people into committing to shit they never really meant to begin with?
>contradicting definitions
Which ones do you think are contradictory and why?
globalism will cause the fall of the west
Globalism is American nationalism at a global scale
I'm not even the person you were arguing with.
Just felt like commenting on your dumb idea that not being intellectually dishonest is autism
Better question: what exactly is wrong with it? Genuinely curious.
You're the only one who gets it.
Alexander's "cosmopolitanism" is pretty much globalism, it's just that the known world was a lot smaller back then.
Jesus of Nazareth, fuck that dude
"Globalism" is just the latest spin on the old Jewish world domination theory
Europeans who invented technology like planes, boats and car without them there would be no globalism.
It's good that you cucks will all be extinct within 100 years.
>Who invented globalism?
Alexander, when he tried to take over the globe.
>what exactly is wrong with it?
We don't know for sure because it's never happened to this extent in history.
It's basically the death of all nations.
Nothing is wrong with it if you want to live under one world government.
It's basically despotism + capitalism.
>mfw I'm part of the group pushing for globalization, environmentalism, a more integrated EU, capitalism, free-trade, supranational organizations and immigration