What do you think about new seven wonders list? Did they deserve their status? Were the old ones overhyped?
What do you think about new seven wonders list? Did they deserve their status? Were the old ones overhyped?
Jesus snd Machu Pichu don't deserve it
What would you recommend instead?
Hagia Sophia and Moai
Terracota Warriors and Notre Dame
Why Moai over Machu Pichu?
Lol Jared Diamond detected. Go away Jared
I'd be willing to switch Christ the Redeemer for the Hagia Sophia but I find Mach Picchu more interesting/awe inspiring than the Moai.
Good suggestions as well.
I don't think the very modern Christ should be with the others.
Have you ever seen the Christ in person? It's breathtaking on the very top of a mountain overlooking all the land of one the most beautiful places ever in Rio Brazil
>A big easily constructed modern idolatrous jesus is considered on the same level as Machu pichu or the Colosseum
Why are their new wonders, because most of the old ones are beyond destroyed and lost, as if they were just more shit written by Plato?
>Great Pyramid of Giza not on the list
What a fucking joke.
why is there a modern hue shit there
same can be said about the colosseum yet nobody denies the huge influence of rome
thats in the list of the original 7 wonders, genius
>Hagia Sophia
Lol, nvm, go away John Green
Swap Coliseum for this.
Chichen Itza is a good one, but might as well include all of Teotihaucan over shit like a fucking statue from the 20s.
nobody outside burgerland cares about the three stooges and a special guest carved into a rock of middle america
Why do we need new ones, except as replacements for the 6 destroyed wonders on the original list?
Christ isn't even the biggest one.
>a beautiful place
all in all this was an overhyped commercial stunt to get gibs from countries that wanted their own wonder to be on the list but the concept itself isn't bad because it's interesting to think about whats out there that isnt like you said destroyed wonders of antiquity
Is Petra really that special compared to the hundreds of Indian temples that are intricately carved into ancient lava flows?
Machu Pichu is only impressive because its an isolated hill, the Jesus Statue is just ridiculous, is it impressive? not in the modern era it isn't
it is partially about the setting, fool
>the Sphinx of Giza
>Angkor Wat
>Hagia Sophia
>Eiffel Tower
>Golden Gate
And they pick the fucking Brazilian Jesus?