TFW you learn about Operation Northwoods for the first time, and then realize it most likely not the first time ever in history that such a concept had been thought.
TFW you learn about Operation Northwoods for the first time...
>The Tuskegee experiment
Honestly, what the hell?
Not even a /pol/tard could justify something like that. They just sat around and watched a bunch of people die FOR NO REASON.
At least Auschwitz and Unit 371 had a goal or something.
>Unit 371 had a goal
Citation needed.
thats the guvment for you user
I know it's a stretch. Still, probably had MORE of goal.
Something about studying the science of what happens when you cut living people up into chunks
They tested weapons on prisoners
Actually 399 of the participants already had syphilis. And it was convenient to study long term effects in already infected hosts.
They were impoverished sharecroppers and given free food and medical care for the duration.
You can look back on it in horror but the study speaks for itself.
They never got treated, and 201 got Syphilis...
I mean yay science and all, but Jeez man
>and medical care
except for penicillin
>convenient to study long term effects
not when you have penicillin
> medical care
except for, you know, the cure
I'm sorry that Science demands sacrifice and that diseases need to be studied for the greater good.
Press F to pay respects for the handful of Alabama sharecroppers
>study a disease that is readily treatable
>the wives and children of these uninformed sharecroppers also contracted the disease.
> sharecroppers
Ima guess you're a non-southerner who hangs a confederate flag on their wall
But they were sharecroppers. From Alabama. Stop being an ignorant cock holster looking for not sees under every rock.
To be frank they lived much better lives and were better taken care if then their contemporaries.
Except for the syphilis lol
This is insanely obvious baiting. Let's stop feeding everyone.
>Bush likely did 9/11
>He did it due to weapon dealers and a large sum of finances for his party
Man, I don't get what people mean when they say we live in a Democracy.
>The Public Health Service started working on this study in 1932, in collaboration with Tuskegee University, a historically black college in Alabama. Investigators enrolled in the study a total of 600 impoverished, African American sharecroppers from Macon County, Alabama.
See? Sharecroppers. From Alabama. Saved from the Great Depression, housed and fed for their lives.
Not too shabby desu
Then why did you reply to him? It's literally his MO to get replies, even if you just reply to him saying he's a 16 year old /pol/fag shitposting on Friday night. Just don't even reply.
Did you just assume my gender?! Fucking alt-right nazi
So that attack on that German radio station by the Poles actually happened?
To add to this... some people take a lack of response to their claims as evidence for its validity.
really the worst thing is those niggers probably gave syphilis to some White people
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting