> greater countries
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greater countries
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nigga that's just persia
trying too hard to be parthia 4/10 should be just achaemenid borders
Greater Poland
10/10 would be better than today and perfectly justified on top of that
We all know this is why you made this thread.
It's gonna happen again. Just you guys watch.
give back the clay
If it was Zoroastrian or Nestorian, this'd legitimately be an improvement.
That is probably the most revolting border I have ever seen.
EU4 Lazarus Serbia
ܠܥܬܖܪܐܠ ܝܔܟܐܥܢܩ ܟܥܠܠ ܝܧܜܣܖܠܔ ܝܧܜ ܐ ܕܐܡܢ ܥܖܢܥ ܤܗܖܤܟ ܧܜ ܔܜܤܟܥܢܓ ܣܖܠܔ ܓܧܕܕܐܡܢ ܝܧܜ ܩܜܖܖܪ ܐܣ ܒܥܬܤܗ ܡܐܕܖ ܗܧ
>albania and kosovo are one
>montenegro and macedonia aren't one with serbia and bulgaria respectively
There'd be hell to pay. Also, the ruling Albanian Tosks wouldn't want a huge influx of retarded Ghegs.
>anyone ruling afghanistan other than nominally
the taliban
>would be better than today
it'd be exactly the same, perpetual insurgencies by nonstate actors
We are, amigo
>fuck albania
Never include SA with SEA again
Not even the same race
>The Great belt of butt hurt
I wish Veeky Forums will some day reach mega-board levels where we start doing raids that push for new countries being made, or Tibet being freed.
top kek
Retarded Ghegs are the better Albanians you idiot.
>Civ 5 Screen
Unironically not bad.
it just keeps growing!
I get arabs are bad but Jews are fucking filthy, especially Israelis
Gib back clay germ niggers
Afghanistan's been a puppet government for decades lmao
The afghan government hardly administers most the country.
Finland should get that entire hideous outcroping from Ruddia, all of Karelia and Kola.
And a bit south, too, maybe.
Best map.
I'd be ok with Kurdistan existing if it also meant we got Magna Graecia and the Turks got BTFO.
Not very aesthetic, though. You should cut out all the useless bits, get some new bits, and make it attractive.
Maybe we should add all of America and Argentina?
That's retarded.
Why the fuck would you include Italy and Scandinavia?
Can you imagine shittier borders than this?
Would be better if Turkey was split between Greece and Armenia instead
>giving away 3/4ths of Arnenia proper and the Assyrian/Christian triangle to Kurds
What did he mean by this?
Damn that mens we al andalus nao
allahu akbar pisha
Not on topic, but are you actually Assyrian?
>Iranian central Asia
>Not Turan
Missed opportunity
>on a Kurdish board
>giving Cappadocia to the Kurds instead of the Greeks
I don't know how you live with yourself.
>Only secular nation
I'd argue Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt are more secular.
What makes you think this is a kurdish board?
>arab spring shitholes and the roach sultanate
>more secular than the neo-Median Republic of the Kurds
>Turkish-Persian-Arab rapebabies that popped up in the Middle Ages
>Proud conquerors and Christians that have maintained their heritage for 3500 years
Why WOULD Veeky Forums be a K*rdish board?
>don't stop at the continent-sized stretch of jungle
>don't stop at the Panama Canal
>don't stop at the literal sea
>Let's stop at a patch of featureless desert though
>Ural-Altaic language group existing
>Japonic languages being a part of it
When will gooks learn?
Erase the UK and I think you'll be good
Which part of Turan are you from, Veeky Forums?
The kurds are constantly stealing land from the assyrians while in Lebanon and Egypt, christians and muslims live side by side (for the most part)
If the government dont give a shit about its religious minorities (which the iraqi kurd government does not) then you cant really call it secular
Greater communism borders
>In a different timeline Mexico has California & Texas
how powerful would they be on the worlds stage?
>muh ancestors
But Indus-Valley was literally Dravidian. The light skin Indians are the descendants of the apes who came and ruined it.
Both Texas and Cali were pretty shit and sparsely populated before the anglos arrived so i dont think it would make a major difference
that is only because in Egypt the Christian population is too large for the muzzies to brutalize them effectively without garnering a lot of unwanted attention
Lebanon's government is framed to try to create religious cooperation
Apart from an ISIS attack you'd be better off a Christian in any of those countries than Kurdistan
Lol Kurds LARP about so called heritage no different to Blacks about Egypt. Kurds are a people with no history
If all the stans would unite.
>Common Mongol/Mughal heritage
>Sunni Muslims
>Formerly Persian speaking
>Common Turckic heritage
> 300 million population
> Strategically placed between Middle East, Russia, China and India.
> Access to the sea
> Culture would involve: Ruled by a Sultan, hookas, sufi music, urdu/persian court language, harems full of infidel hindu/han/russian women.
I can fucking dream.
You know you want it.
They were still pretty shit for a while with anglos, but both have economic potential no matter what.
You are just repeating wewazkangs
Why the fuck would they be dravidian? No such mass migration took place only 5000 years ago.
Indus Valley ethnic makeup has always been 3 major groups, Pashtuns, Punjabis and Sindhis.
But that potential is far from as large in Mexico then it is in USA
Beautiful script desu
>all those fucking enclaves
That is true, that is why I asked the question. I don't think Mexico would be as shit as it is today but it wouldn't be a superpower
lmao LA would probably be 3x as large because of all the beaners
Do Kurds have no shame?
Romania would even be more poorer with all those Moldavians, Russians and Ukrainians
Also: pic related the most aesthetic greater from
sounds like the Samanid empire
look at these natural borders holy shit I'm crying its so perfect
Not really. Central Asia was Persian speaking but not Persian. Its more Turkic.
Also, Iranians are Shia and they rarely get on well with any of the stans.
It would be aesthetic if it wasnt for that ugly Croatia sticking out
While these countries have alot in common there is nothing that they all share except for the religion which is why such a state would never work
>Common Turckic heritage
>Pashtun's, Punjabi's etc etc
They share more than just Sunni Islam
Shared history, heritage and formerly shared language too.
Pakistan and Afghanistan are examples of countries where religion is all it takes. Look how desperately Kashmir is demanding to be part of Pakistan, despite India being a richer country.
Also, Central Asia needs access to the sea. They have rejected Russia, China and Iran and soon enough they will depend on Pakistan.
I see this happening
Btw, I am Tajik.
>Why the fuck would they be dravidian? No such mass migration took place only 5000 years ago.
Because the main language of the civ was Drav?
>Indus Valley ethnic makeup has always been 3 major groups, Pashtuns, Punjabis and Sindhis.
After the migration you mean?