What was the motive behind the assault on single income families?
What was the motive behind the assault on single income families?
*sigh* It was the jooooss aahhhh...
if you have both parents working you have just doubled the workforce
that's good for business since double the workforce means lower wages
Later we find out its even better that women have spending power since they tend to save less , which is also great for the economy
Big business wanted to take the power away from trade unions. Doubling the supply of workers while the demand remains more or less the same means the worker loses all their bargaining power and has to accept whatever terms the employer offers.
Veeky Forums is woke as fuck.
Destroying the west
The same applies to immigration.
my face wheni found out that Bernie Sanders changed his stance to pro-immigration
Making more money. The assumption being that making more money would mean a better life for the children.
That's not necessarily so, obviously.
You gotta give him credit though, he spent his bribe money right away, stimulating the local economy.
during the single income era people often made due with less, single car, smaller house, less vacations, not paying the kids through college.
Female employment means more total employees in the near future, but decreased fertility rates which lead to greatly decreased number of workers in the far future. It's a policy which maximizes profits in the short-term while fucking over the country on the long-term, just like debt. The only ones who benefit from this change are corporations, and even then they'll suffer from it eventually.
Boy, isn't female empowerment great!
No it doesn't. An immigrant signifies an increase in both the supply and the demand since he both produces and consumes.
In the first example wherein a wife enters the workforce the consumption of the family stays the relatively same and so the workforce has doubled while the demand has not since the wife would have consumed regardless of employment status.
In the immigrants case the increase in workforce is met with a comparable increase in demand and his removal with a comparable decrease in demand for if he didn't work here he wouldn't be consuming either.
Fake crap shoop.
if he didn't work he would still consume from the welfare state
Demand for labour.
If you didn't make the welfare state they wouldn't be consuming it.
Also bad for women since IIRC there's studies showing that "liberated" women are more miserable than they've ever been.
>If you didn't make the welfare state
Who's "you?" I didn't make the welfare state. A group of bureaucrats and corporate lobbyist did.
wealthy elites wanted more drudges to make them money
Why do you think Adorno and Benjamin wanted to destroy the West? This is such a widely held believe by /pol/shits, but there's no evidence that the Frankfurt scholars had malicious intent.
B-but user, they're jooos...
There was no assault. The capital owning classes were simply reasserting their powers after an unusual and brief period of labor shortages and strong economic growth.
this is the dumbest fucking attempt at an analysis I think I've ever seen here.
Rampant capitalism and greed
>massive societal shift away from women staying at home with kids to career women/working mothers
Sure thing Chaim
>M-muh Frankfurt School
You don't know the first thing about them other than what you've read on /pol/
Mass immigration
> policy which maximizes profits in the short-term while fucking over the country on the long-term
that what you got by letting rich elites to rule over the country
> the same thing happened in USSR
> it's all capitalism fault, guys!
I want lefty pol to leave
The real redpill is that the jews and the women are the same people. There is no such thing as "white women" for women are inherently jewish.
>women stayed at home for all of history and reared kids.
>women didn't work in plantations and farms and industries ever.
You "make" the welfare state by paying taxes.
And this is certainly the dumbest attempt at empty rhetoric I've ever seen.
It doesn't work anymore.
Then lobby to change the laws that let people without US ID's, birth certificates, green cards or legal identification of any kind sign up for state programs.
Alternatively stop whining that people you don't like are doing things you don't like but are technically not at all wrong in doing them.
better for state and corporations.
1. Lowered wages across the board; Supply and Demand 101
2. Stressed families as no one is home to take care of the place, meals are fast food or processed crap.
3. Increased family taxes.
4. Inflation (more $ chasing goods).
>>mass immigration
Hurts the country in the short term, medium term and long term.
>and long term.
Yeah we would be colonizing venus and mars by now if it wasn't for all those Irish, Anglos, Germans and Poles.
>but there's no evidence that the Frankfurt scholars had malicious intent.
>malicious intent
Are you fucking retarded?
No one thinks they're the bad guy in real life moron. You think Hitler had "malicious intent"?
No he wanted to save Germany. Unfortunately for the Jews, Hitlers plan to save Germany involved eliminating them.
>some poorfag women and home based work like brewing or sewing
Really churned my seawater
We probably would be.
No (((Germans))) and no (((Poles))) equals a better country.
>working in farms fields and factories
>working at home.
But there's literally no reason to think the Frankfurt School wanted to "destroy Europe"
Literally just autistic screeching from the right
>>comparing Irish, Anglos, Germans and Poles to the human refuse of the third world that are currently trying to migrate into successful nations.
Not a fair comparison.
People have been saying this for close to a 1000 years in Europe.
Really it is quite an appropriate comparison. The same fears and reaction of those today against immigrants was seen back in the 1920s.
Pure unadulterated capitalism.
Why have only one primary earner to consume when.....
You can turn the other half of America into consumers?
>during the single income era people often made due with less, single car,
Which could be bought with cash, lasted longer, was more user level maintenance friendly.
>smaller house,
Which could be bought with an entry level blue collar salary.
>less vacations,
Now we have no vacations.
>not paying the kids through college.
Because college wasn't $20k to $40k a year just in tuition.
Except now we have science to prove Irish aren't as dumb as niggers.
> Which could be bought with cash, lasted longer, was more user level maintenance friendly.
And thus made so that sooner or later everyone had it, never changed it until it broke down utterly (which could take up to 15 years) and suddenly the employee in the car factory found himself jobless because the car company went bankrupt.
> Now we have no vacations.
>Mandatory month-long paid leave.
>Not a vacation.
> Because college wasn't $20k to $40k a year just in tuition.
You couldn't get in at all back then, though, either your parents are their own asses for you in Middle and High School to let you go in the only kind of school that allowed access to college, or you gave up.
>black Americans are literal 80 IQ fucktards even after many generations of living in a modern, western country but people hated the Italians 100 years ago so Italians and rapefugees are equals
Women have always been working and it was only for a two decades that women were actually relegated to become mindless housewives.
Also what "assault". The economy shifted, cultural norms shifted and the demands made on people became different. No one in a room with a suit decided "hmmm let's make women work! It'd be hilarious!"
You people are idiots.
>Critical Theory
>Behind political correctness
How the fuck do you even arrive to that conclusion?
What are the studies that show blacks are dumb
Not even being defense force 5 im just genuinly curious
Literally just google African American IQ and go from there, why the fuck should we spoonfeed you on basic facts
It's just market forces that made them less viable.
> just google fake /pol/ charts
no thanks
>every research is /pol/
Uhh sorry I dont get why everyone get so mad you could just not reply to me, its why I post "not being defense force 5" when I ask for asians or whites its no problems but when it comes to blacks you fags get triggered as fuck
but i guess ill just read this wikipedia article (lel) since everything else is saying how the iq gap is false
Oh yeah lemme type in the approved Veeky Forums way haha sorry /b/ro :)) almost got e-shamed there
They had science too to prove the Irish were idiot savages.
Stuffing written text with interjections is reddit as fuck.
*sigh* it was an amalgamation of several environmental forces, even if one such force has tended to be consistent in the cultural shift towards modernity, WE STILL MUST CONSIDER ALL THE OTHER FORCES AS IF THEY WERE AS SIGNIFICANT AS THIS ONE FORCE BECAUSE GOD FORBID WE FIND THE PROBLEM AND TAKE ACTION ON IT.
because two paycheks is more money than one paychek
because unironicaly believing that shitty 50s single income nuclear family was anithing but failed social engeneering and unsustainable consumerist bullshit that siuted the capitalist system in some places at one point in time, and has long since collapsed, makes you a retard
you guys... youre all literaly 12 arent you
Stay-at-home-mom/single income family was never a thing in the USSR to begin with.
Not true. Undocumented immigrants can't receive welfare benefits.
theres nothing traditional about a single income family, theres nothing traditional about a nuclear family at all, people are supposed to live in bunches, 3-4 generations under one roof, thats the traditional way, not mom dad dog two cars and a single kid, thats a bizare anomaly that has been fabricated by western consumer capitalism but is pretty much collapsing in todays debt capitalism, since even it at least hinged on the parents working and living with some stability
> traditional gender roles
> limited to the higher classes before the 1940s
> briefly popular in the 1950s
So why is it called "traditional"? Traditionally the vast majority of women had been working their asses off to help their husbands to feed their family. If anything, the single-income family is a very late innovation.
>What was the motive behind the assault on single income families?
Turns out the economy changes and society has to adapt.
>it's illegal so therefore no one does it
Shariablue pls
The economy should be adapted serve the needs of people, not the other way around.
Well there's 2 things.
1. The ruling class wanted the economy to grow even more than it already had, and hence probably supported fledgling feminist movements.
2. Neo-liberal ideology really didn't apply to women the same way it did to men, and people wanted this to change.
Pretty simple really.
>Female employment means more total employees in the near future, but decreased fertility rates which lead to greatly decreased number of workers in the far future.
Sauce on American style families making more kids than normal ones?
So did they
The extra wages are stagnated due to DOUBLING the workforce, said wages get dually taxed and the cost of living goes up because mommy isn't there tending the home and rearing the kids. Most working women don't earn enough to summit the wage cliff. Two incomes is a meme, even Elizabeth Warren calls it out.
>Which could be bought with cash, lasted longer, was more user level maintenance friendly.
This is not true at all. Cars have never been more reliable and long lasting than they are now.
>Which could be bought with an entry level blue collar salary.
You still can buy a small house in a cheap area with that. It's just that nowadays people expect more. The average new home is several times the size it was a few decades ago. But yes, it's also true that real estate prices have risen in absolute terms, largely because supply is much less flexible than demand. There is so much land and especially only so much desirable land, but the population keeps growing and keeps getting richer.
>>less vacations,
>Now we have no vacations.
Well, that's nonsense. On average people have more vacation time and travel further. A big part of that is because air travel costs a fraction of what it used to.
>>not paying the kids through college.
>Because college wasn't $20k to $40k a year just in tuition.
So they didn't pay because it was less expensive? No. Rising tuitions and everyone going to college anyway have the same cause (guaranteed loans), which is a separate issue
Women entered the workplace only under the auspices of capitalism. Despite liberal (meaning, capitalist) feminists cheering on the growing workforce as the greatest victory for feminism after gaining suffrage, in effect, this debut into the labor pool only facilitated capitalistic oppression. While many women (Marissa Mayer, Carly Fiorina, Sarah Palin) have greatly benefited from the new obligation that they hold jobs, most have not. The entrance of women into the workforce led to a drop in wages, higher prices for goods, and the evisceration of the Johnson-era welfare state.
Liberal feminists are so beholden to capital that they cannot recognize how the Peggy Olsons of the world, despite often being courageous individuals, greatly aided capitalism. Because this is THE great feminist victory of the postwar era (reproductive rights are under threat 40 years after Roe v. Wade and nobody except blue-haired campus activists cares much about challenging gender roles), liberal feminists cannot question that the mass employment of women can have a downside.
We're seeing a pretty horrific singularity in liberalism in which advocacy for women is inextricable from capitalism. Any criticism of the oppression of women by our economic system is spun to be criticism of women's rights.
>mfw you people only become marxists because it allows you to force your MRA shit on here
I can't imagine a cancer that grows more cancer as it goes along
Except no, because muslims actually are feral savages, blacks really are more violent, hispanics actually are kinda dumb(although I will admit that they aren't nearly as bad as the first two groups) and the willful disregard of these simple facts has caused much damage to our society as it is.
also more workers means people to be taxed
>don't worry about having kids, a CAREER should be your main concern. A JOB is your most important, say why don't you get a second job. Then you can buy even more stuff!
We deserve to be replaced desu
no user, two paycheks is how normal people get by and pay rent and buy food and shit, maybe in a lot of cases they could get by with one paychek but that would mean reducing standard which people dont like to do unless forced, but in most cases its just the only way to maintain a affordable standard and still get to pay debts and send a kid to college
whatever optimal model youre going by it obviously does not appear as such in reality because it does not work
>engage in massive social engineering so it isn't possible for most families anymore
>see goy it doesn't work!
yeah, the irish were famous for their strong work ethic, incredible nation buuilding skills, and their ingenuity.
No wait they came from a land that was fucking decimated by famine, drank like fucking beasts and beat their wives.
well it dosent, and things are shit all over
lots of people arent even forming families any more, singleincome or any income, life is such shit its probably just the constant digital distraction and substance abuse that keeps people from going suicidal en mass
some of you seem to have things completely backwards
Islam was right all along. Say it with me.
There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.
>it's illegal so therefore no one does it
This isn't crack or marijuana. It's enrolling in a state sponsored program that requires paperwork and documentation which undocumented people don't have because they're (surprise) undocumented.
There are numerous lines in welfare forms they have no answer for, and yes, you will be denied welfare service for not answering them, "I don't know my SSN " is not a valid answer to the part of forms that ask for your SSN. A birth certificate from Chihuahua will not fly and if all the documents don't match up with each other and what they have in the system you will be denied welfare until you present the proper documentation.
The "they all come here and live off welfare" myth is just that, a myth, disproved by even the lightest application of unbiased critical thinking and experience with government bureaucracies.
However when confronted with this you fall back on studies that "prove" your assertions on how much illegals cost the country and refuse to accept any criticism of your sources which universally use tricky language like "illegal lead households on some kind of welfare". Yeah, you have an anchor baby (a US citizen) and he gets food stamps, that means your whole house can be turned into some bullshit statistic.
I have however given up trying to explain this to you twats so I just give you the benefit of the doubt and climb on your logic train with posts like:
Because your own logic destroys your reasons for deportation as your reasoning that they use the welfare system therefore they cost us money is actually just a justification for changing the welfare system not for deporting people.
Which incidentally would be far more effective and cheaper at solving your perceived problem than the solution you dumbfucks propose.
How many goats can I fuck once I convert?