>The Natives were a peace lov-
The Natives were a peace lov-
Other urls found in this thread:
the French actually taught their native allies to scalp English settlers
However the native American's did make war and they were by no means peaceful , what they did to captives was gruesome
reminder that red skins are not humans
>they weren't just responding to colonisa-
Who thinks Amerindians were peace-loving hippies who smoked and chilled all day? Who is this thread supposed to be directed towards?
pig skin btfo
You got a source on that?
There are accounts of Indian scalping as early as 1325 with the Crow Creek Massacre
Correct, they are above humans.
This, if anything most people, especially on Veeky Forums see them as subhuman savages.
>europeans kill 10s of millions of people
>the victims are the subhuman savages
a cute
>Correct, they are above humans.
>gets their shit kicked in by common diseases to the point where most of them died out
>above human
there's a reason they are called white devils in every non white country. Most of the world is just waiting until their countries collapse but don't expect those of us in the third world to take their refugees when the shit hits the fan.
I'm not an Indian but I would be so triggered when some candy ass white leftist tried say my race was the equivalent of the fucking Smurfs
Indians fought Europeans for hundreds of years and gave as good they got. They were pretty badass.
>europeans kill 10s of millions of people
Thats a funny way to spell "disease."
Bunch of pussy beta cucks in this thread. Savages got put down hard by better tech better iq whites. Deal with it. Local natives would fuck with each other all the time with brutal means. Niggas werent peaceniks.
>resistance to disease is the measure of humanity
>rats btfo europeans with black death, therefore higher than humans
cool logic
it was just an unfortunate (((coincidence)))
>only one instance of the "pox blanket" in recorded history before the invention of fucking germ theory
>Disease killed most Amerindians before Europeans even reached them. That's the reason America was such a pristine wilderness despite people having lived there, altering the earth for thousands of years
Really makes you think.
>only one instance of the "pox blanket" in recorded history before the invention of fucking germ theory
>Disease killed most Amerindians before Europeans even reached them.
[citation needed]
pick 1.
>Disease killed most Amerindians before Europeans even reached them. That's the reason America was such a pristine wilderness despite people having lived there, altering the earth for thousands of years
Of course the introduction of old world pathogens, as well as urbanization and introduction of new species caused massive outbreaks of disease that wiped out most of the the native populations that died out during colonisation.
>Here, lemme create big towns and bring over muh bacteria and pigs, goats and sheep, along with their diseases into a land of large game and small villages
>along with their diseases into a land of large game and small villages
Except Amerindians had plenty of city states and large towns.
>pick 1.
Thats the point. Diesease wiped out so many Amerindians so quickly that by the time Americans reached the West coast it seemed like a pristine wilderness. Not because people weren't there altering the landscape. Because those people who once altered the landscape had been dead for decades.
>all the indians were dead before whites stepped ashore
In Mexico they were still going at it as recently as '94. Look up the "Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional"
The organization hasn't resorted to violence since then, but they control some territory in Chiapas
The WEST coast.
Well gee what are ya supposed to do, sit by and watch respectfully like a cuck?
People who think this should read up on the Comanche.
Those scary bastards were ancient Assyria-tier brutal.
Give us some highlights
from what i understand both the english and french encouraged their indian allies to kill the opposing euros by paying for each scalp they showed
There are a shitload of landwhale-tier Native Americans
Cherrypicking is the most annoying meme of humanity
[synapses firing]
Tens of millions? Why not make it hundreds of millions? Why are leftists never capable of arging without hyperbole?
Tens of millions is not inaccurate if we include from 1492 to current genocidal practices by euros and their descendants.
>current genocidal practices by euros and their descendants
You're stupid and crazy if no one has told you.
Populations continue to rise to rise not fall. Because if western civilization and our advancements non medicine sciences.
I'm going off of a book on the entire history of the Comanche that I read a year ago, so I'm a bit fuzzy on everything but I'll recall what I can remember:
They didn't just scalp white devils when they got 'em, they also scalped the tits of their women (either before or after raping them). They preferred to torture and would only let their prisoners die when they got bored of it or felt they'd had their fill of it. The men also got their fair share of torture.
They enslaved frontier children, with one notable incident being where a slave girl tired to escape so they forced her on the ground and put her feet inside a fire so she'd be unable to do it again.
When the Parker compound out in the frontier of Texas was invaded by Comanche, they at first pretended to be there in peace and only looking to trade. The Parks opened their gates and went out to meet the Comanche, who promptly filled many of the Parkers with arrows, tore into the compound, and looted and pillaged as usual. The tit slicing & rape was done to the matriarch of the Parker family (she was elderly at this point), and they also stabbed her through the tits. She did, however, survive. The children were enslaved, with the eldest Parker child being the one who had her feet burned. I wanna say her name was Rachel - she survived the enslavement and even made it back home but ironically later died in the care of her family while escaping to Houston after her asshole uncle (?) pissed off the Texans.
The environment in which the Comanche thrived in (southern Great Plains region) was also brutal and proved to be too frontier for frontier folk. Imagine ending up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with limited supplies and everything is trying to kill you 24/7. The settlers almost never survived when they tried to settle in the region - the Comanche thrived in it and could leave a camp in northern Colorado and be raiding settlements in middle Oklahoma within merely a few days.
Their brutality was not, however, limited to white folk. They also did much of the same to other tribes, only ever allying with the Kiowa who were also notoriously good at fucking up peoples shit. They also raided Mexico, and it's claimed that Mexico did like having Texas be it's own thing, because it served as a wall/buffer between the Mexicans and the raiding Comanche.
It would take decades for the USA military to learn how to fight the Comanche. They would be routinely and quickly slaughtered by the Comanche due to the USA's obsolete mode of fighting - getting off the horse to fight whereas the Comanche ALWAYS fought while on the saddle and were master marksmen of both the bow and gun.
They would also prefer to attack/raid at night, and one of the most bone chilling things you would ever hear is the Comanche's war cries. They imitated the howls of wolves which only got more intense as they moved closer and were very efficient and quick to completely surround their target/enemy. By the time you heard their howls, your fate would already be sealed be as good as dead.
>Diesease wiped out so many Amerindians so quickly that by the time Americans reached the West coast it seemed like a pristine wilderness. Not because people weren't there altering the landscape. Because those people who once altered the landscape had been dead for decades.
>The WEST coast.
That is objectively wrong.
>From Burnett's Second Annual Message to the Legislature, January 7, 1851: "That a war of extermination will continue to be waged between the two races until the Indian race becomes extinct, must be expected."
>Burnett was also an open advocate of exterminating local California Indian tribes, a policy that continued with successive state governmental administrations for several decades, where the state offered US$10 to US$25 for evidence of dead Natives.
That's $300 to $750 in today's dollars.
The west coast is literally the only place in America where genocide was actual government policy. This after the Spanish missionaries had killed thousands through the introduction of influenza, measles, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, and dysentery.
I'd go as far as saying there are more landwhales than non-landwhale natives nowadays. Their biology just wasn't made for all this sugary fatty crap that everyone else has long since become accustomed to. It hurts their bodies far worse than the rest of us.The native diet was heavy on grains and crops and the meat from their hunts. (with the exception of the Tonkawa who were cannibals and also routinely slaughtered by the Comanche & Kiowa because of this fact) Diabetes is VERY prominent in native families (my own relatives being an example). Alcoholism is also prominent because cultural genocide is depressing as hell and reservations are ghetto hellholes.
>The west coast is literally the only place in America where genocide was actual government policy.
No, Texas was pretty cool with it too.
He's right with regard to the blanket. The only known reference comes from the Siege of Fort Pitt during Pontiac's War in 1763.
That's different. Texas had Comancheria on it's doorstep, horse raiders and pillagers. In California the natives were cleared off their land to access new gold mining locations.
dead people don't need scalps
what about respect?
This is amazing. The art and voice acting almost made me stop, but holy shit it's hilarious.