Why should Kurdistan exist if it has never existed in centuries? No country called Kurdistan has ever existed to my knowledge. There's only the people who whine about it to this day.
Why should Kurdistan exist if it has never existed in centuries...
>Why should Kurdistan exist if it has never existed in centuries?
It shouldn't. Kurds are nomads. It would be illogical for nomads to have a sovereign states in a modern sense. Perhaps if we lived in the time of Genghis Khan it would make sense.
>Why should it exist
If the Kurds can prove they can provide a stable government in the region, it would actually be a positive. The Kurds already hold a decent amount of northern Iraq and have been governing it pretty well.
>Why shouldn't it exist
It could pull the US into a second Israel like situation of an established country being hated by all of its neighbors.
>It could pull the US into a second Israel like situation of an established country being hated by all of its neighbors.
Why should America support it? Jews in America (not /pol/ and not memeing) have historically been very powerful and have had the strongest lobbying groups as well as the media and government.
Kurds are just some brown strangers to the American people
Kurds is the largest population in the world without a state. Kurds have suffered in the hands of Iraqis, Turks Syrian and Iranian governments. Gassed mass killing etc. Kurds are the Western worlds boots on the ground in the war against ISIS terrorists and Kurds have always been an ally of western power in the region and have fought along side them.
They're as Islamic as any other people around them and in fact Turkey and Syria is much more Islamic than most of their neighbours, they just put up a nice face so the west would support them just like FSA
Turkey and Syria is much less islamic*
Uhhhh... kill yourself ISIS faggot cuck.
umm like, helloooo
Why should Iraq exist if Uruk haven't existed for millenias?
Why should Finland exist if there never before have existed a united Finland?
Because there's a movement to make it, and a neutral state should be made so we can have a July crisis again when a Kurd kills erdogran
Kurdistan may become a country, but only if you settle for some of those parts of Syria and Iraq you have your soldiers in. But they probably wont let you create the country even there. However to think you will get a part of Turky is just apsurd. Erdogan is one crazy fuck and he would rather drag Turky into a war with everybody than give up a part of his country to terrorists
They all shouldn't exist desu, except few countries most of middle east are artificial post colonial construction, which only add to the mess it already has
A good solution would be a multicultural empire state just like pre WW1 ottoman and Persian rule, or go full giant ethnostate if you do it by nationalist way
>Why should Kurdistan exist if it has never existed in centuries?
No country existed until it did.
This is a complete and total absurdity of a point.
Even the first nation on the face of the earth would disqualify itself from existence because of the eons that passed before it came to be.
Kurds are greedy bastards that want to hoard oil and take land from sovereign countries
Historical president is a weak justification for state existence. The Austrain empire existed for a couple hundred years and yet I think most people would agree that it shouldn't be put bad together now. There are two main justifications for forming a new state in an area where another state currently controls. One they are actually able to govern the area bette. Two the people inside it overwhelmingly desire to leave and create their own state. You can also argue for military control, but I think that is part of running the area better.
So ask yourself does lone of reasoning apply to kurdish areas. One and two most certainly apply in Iraq and Syria. Iran and Turkey are a different story. Two exists but one probably doesn't
Like the Baltics and Ukraine.
All rightful Russian clay!
Kurds are hardline islamic gypsies
You don't actually think Ukraine was a good idea, do you?
The fact that no one will admit in these stupid arguments is that all it ever really boils down to is might makes right.
Why do Kurds oppress Assyrians, Yazidis, Turkmens?
kurds held krak des chevaliers at one point
Not for long.
Because it would be in the US interest to see a Kurdish state in the Middle East and any establishment of which is going to come by the backing of the US. Should the US establish a Kurdistan and then let it fall, it would reflect terribly on the US's ability to protect it's allies and hold its interests globally.
>Why should Kurdistan exist if it has never existed in centuries?
so i can jokingly call it turdistan inaddition to calling kurdish people turds