What the fuck is going on with these little flash crashes?

What the fuck is going on with these little flash crashes?

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Heavy dumps

Manipulation my friend

This. Heavy logs being dropped.

It just amazes me how Veeky Forums just casually accepts market manipulation as just another day in the cryptoverse.

You do realize if you're not the one manipulating, you're getting fucked and ripped off right?

People are dumping bags most likely icos

many newcoiners
many weak hands

I'd be surprised if anyone in this thread actually held eth.

Soros knows its easier to manipulate that uncapped shit market

>getting fucked and ripped off
weak hands getting fucked and ripped off. Natural selection. Its like everywhere in the world

I look forward to two more weeks of fud.

Two more weeks of ico dumps

it's not ico dumps, moron

Nine of this explains why it drops to a specific price point each time. Surely the maximum bid would fluctuate among the dumps?

because that's obviously a major support line you fucking retard

if that breaks expect a significant drop down

i hold 6 eth

You saying it's weak hands?

it's manipulation that's succeeding because of weak hands.


It's manipulation... How?

can't tell if trolling or if you're just a typical /biztard. i literally linked to an explanation.

bump, I wanna know too

it appears to be only happening on coinbase and it's happening with all BTC/LTC/ETH, the same pattern.... Something's fishy.


eos dumping...

no end in sight, tezo has not even started dumping there 329k eth yet...

if there's money moving around someone is always manipulating it. that's just life. it's a little easier with crypto since there's less money involved, that's all.

Ethereum doing sketchy shit? noooo. no way.

Yeah. They set limit sell orders at 188 or so. This means the order book gets taken out until that price but there is no extra ether left behind on the book (this is calculated by bot btw) this creates a gap in the order book of about 10 bucks between bid and ask. Next you place a fraction of what you just sold as a bid just below the ask so that the price restores. You wait till the bid side fills up again and slam you throw out another couple thousand ether. Rinse and repeat.

Heavy dumps but not heavy enough to clog the toilet. If the dumps get too heavy though, have a plunger ready. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

so to break this down:

1. Bot, sell at Bid until $188 is reached

2. Bot, stop selling once $188 reached

3. Bot, place new sell orders at just below Ask, and let buy orders fill up again.

But how does it make sure to maintain a $10 spread between Bid and Ask?

>But how does it make sure to maintain a $10 spread between Bid and Ask?

surely the Bot's priority is to stop selling once $188 is reached, only maintaining the $10 spread when it can?

(sorry if I'm misunderstanding)

It first reads out how much is in the orderbook until 188 on the bid side. Then it sells that amount.

This is my interpretation btw.

True, I think I over-complicated it.