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Name a better country ever in history
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Amerifag here, britain seems p comfy
Nice try, Benedict Arnold.
HRE was like America before America.
>tfw USA and >>> existed at the same time
As a world citizen, I am deeply offended by your tribalism.
>one chance at life
>born in one of the few countries that will be studied for eternity
>implying future historians living in the next glorious Satya Yuga won't feel so ashamed of this period of human history that they will simply efface all trace of its existence
The US is the only good thing to come out of the last 300 years
Yeah, for an irrelevant amount of time retard
30 something years
Sorry did you say something? Couldn't hear you over my amazing flourishing of technology, literature, and medicine.
better in what way?
lol no
So why'd you post some chink shithole.
It certainly isn't the best country now. I will give you 1950's-1990's USA though.
What is one (1) country better than the USA right now.
Rural, and insignificant states are complete shit. Urban cities are culturally shit. The only thing I like about the US is Texas, and that's because we have our own culture.
Better in what way?
Define "goodness of a country."
DIVERSITY OF NATURAL BEAUTY, PROSPERITY, CIVIL LIBERTY, and my ability to own enough ordnance to arm a militia.
Well, the first point is rather vague and hard to determine objectively, but I'd say that any other country as large as the USA could compete for primacy in that area.
Prosperity, as measured by HDI and iHDI and various other factors like rate of crime, educational levels, GDP per capita and so on are higher in a number of other countries.
And look at that, there's a civil liberty index as well, USA not being amongst the first here either.
And gun laws are laxer in some other countries, although those are usually very low on the other factors here.
Based on all this, I think I'm gonna go with Canada.
Fuck off redcoat
benin empire
Fuck yeah Canada