Did Stalin saved EVROPA from this?


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This is now a Germanic thread



The third Reich was the last genuine expression of European culture.


They were a parody of European culture.


>cosplaying nerds caused the worst war in human history

yeah but they looked call

Can you define your terms more clearly? What makes something like "Monty Python" not genuine, expressive, European, or cultural?


>it was all real


Its an ironic post modern mockery

So then, you would argue that makes it disingenuous? Therefore, it cannot be a genuine expression of European culture.

>try to burn down the whole of europe
>directly or indirectly responsible for millions of torturous deaths
>the last genuine expression of European culture

Fuck off BLM.

retroneothulebewegung reportung und so weiter


Wouldn't one flag be enough.

Thread theme


bi bitch

Cringy af



kill yourself you living meme

"I can't handle my own failures and loneliness, so I will propose a political system designed to help people like me overcome our crippling psychological problems".

Nein, you're ruining my thread, I'm telling my mom

if they could see the results of their efforts today



Third reich was literally cancer on European civilization. And I don't mean that as an insult, I mean it was actually a cancerous outgrowth of the worst and most deviant of European culture twisted and corrupted to the logical end. Nazis very nearly destroyed European culture and civilization from within exactly as cancer would do.

Furthermore, since they were thankfully defeated the longest term impact of the nazis is that they shifted European culture significantly leftward with no real way to bring it back.

If you want to know why Europe is today overrun with immigrants, why European culture is disappearing, why what Europe isn't overrun is Americanized to high hell and basically indistinguishable from the United States it's because of the fucking nazis.

"white people are going extinct meme"

New immigrants always bring their culture with them, but eventually they succumb to the status quo if the inflow of immigrants is at a slow enough rate. Yeah america has china towns, mexican food, little itallies, and irish pubs. Its better for it too. There is a culture fushion but in the end everyone is americanized.
There is nothing wrong with a progressive and inclusive systems as long as it stays that way. Skin color is not the issue here and neither is culture. The old man talking about his generation being gone was talking about the ideology and view points, he was generalizing and incorrectly associating it with "whiteness" which is in itself a racist and stupid way to catogorize things. But SJWs and facists both love to do that so you gravitate to pointless videoclips like this.

tl;dr: 1. races dont go extinct. 2. Race based ideology is narrow and the last resort when a person has nothing else going for them. 3. A progressive egalitarian society where everyone is cared for and ensure the right to life, liberty, and property is better than a race based circle jerk

You're wrong and a blatant anti white.

>paste flags over a building that was built centuries before
>this is the last expression of european culture!

So if going back is not an option it should be razing everything to the fucking ground then
being centrist pragmatic nowadays either leans to both sides depending on political activeness

>muh aryan mysticism and tradition, muh civilisation, muh hyperborea, muh thule, muh germanic ancient super-race yadda yadda

It was the Id of European civilization. The most vulgar, brutal and crude part of it. All the racism, anti-intellectualism, delusions of grandeur, vulgar nationalism, stupidity of the masses culminated in Hitler and destroyed Europe.

>status quo

your 'status quo' is blatantly a globalist blob perverting culture and tradition for exploitation, there's no semblance of both in there enjoyed exclusively by people from the same societal category.

At least they are doing their very best to make Europe great again

>It was the Id of European civilization. The most vulgar, brutal and crude part of it. All the racism, anti-intellectualism, delusions of grandeur, vulgar nationalism, stupidity of the masses culminated in Hitler and destroyed Europe.
That's a poetic way of putting it but I fully agree.

I bet you think ISIS is the epitome of middle-eastern culture you swine

White people were a mistake

Not him, but they are the epitome of Islam, but not middle eastern culture

>eyo dem white devils is evil conquerors n SHIIIET
>Nuh uh the Nazis weren't truly culturally European it was a perversion n SHIIIET
White people are evil and deserve to be whiped off the face of the map except for they start going full fash and then chickens come home to roost then they're good angelic beings again who were simply led astray.


>White people are evil and deserve to be whiped off the face of the map except for they start going full fash and then chickens come home to roost then they're good angelic beings again who were simply led astray.
I literally don't understand what you're trying to say.
ISIS is pure expression of Islam, the way Islam was in the middle ages.

Actually they weren't as strict as ISIS is today in the middle ages.

Everyone shits on Europe for colonialism and imperialism and being inherently evil right up to the point they start putting on SS uniforms. Then they are good and cultured and benevolent again and were simply led astray.

In what universe do you live in where fascists or nazis are seen as "good people led astray"?

Were you raised in a secluded village on the border between Argentina and Chile, by any chance?

I'm just reading this thread.

Either Nazis are the ultimate expression of industrialized European expansionism or they are a corruption and perversion of a race of poets and philosophers. Pick one and stick to it.

this. everyone shits on whitey and calls him evil until he starts taking up arms. then the jews start making appeals to "western civilization" and the enlightenment and egalitarianism.

honestly this is partially true for depression and feelings of loneliness being so high among men

Very few people want to assimilate into your rootless, identitiless, beige skinned, celebrity obsessed, obese consumer culture.

The sooner you realize this the better off you'll be.

>a corruption and perversion of a race of poets and philosophers.
>Pick one and stick to it.
Rome. A corrupted version of classical ideals, which include both imperialism and poetry. Compare them to the neo-classical/enlightenment stylings of france, england, the US, and you see that the Nazis had things inverted when it came to adopting Roman Imperium in matters of form and function.
>the ultimate expression of industrialized European expansionism
they wished they were this, but its closer to say they were a corruption of industrialized expansionism. Compare the Tiger tank to the Firefly. Germans were wasting resources on fine tuned boutique killing machines, US and Soviets hammered out effective equivalents like they were gladius.

>Furthermore, since they were thankfully defeated the longest term impact of the nazis is that they shifted European culture significantly leftward with no real way to bring it back.

Untrue as is being seen already.

>If you want to know why Europe is today overrun with immigrants, why European culture is disappearing, why what Europe isn't overrun is Americanized to high hell and basically indistinguishable from the United States it's because of the fucking nazis.

You've never been to Europe have you?

I'm white. I have no issues with white people. I would say I have no issues with white culture, but "white culture" is a conglomerate of multiple western cultures. Regardless I hold no disdain or animoity towards white people. I do think that all cultures not based in reason are garbage, western culture is currently the largest proponenet of that so if anything that is the one culture I do support. As for traditions and basic bitch shit like that, I condemn it in every culture.

I am a globalist, there is no reason not to be with the technology available today. Anyone who desires hegemony is a globalist. As far as perverting culture and tradition, I am not out to pervert it, I am out to expose it for the sham of sentimentalism and cover of ignorance that it is. Anything not based on reason or science *tips fedora and waggles neckbeard* is garbage that has the potential of holding society back from progress and often does.

>very few people want
if people cared bout what people want then direct democracies would be a thing. The people are generally stupid yourself included.
> Identityless
This is why I called you stupid. Apparently identity to you is based only on race and national tradition. Well there are other ideologies. There are also causes that people use to define themselves by. There are also occupations that people use to define themselves by. There are also hobbies, interests, and sports. You are too blinded by your own empty self defintion to see that.
> beige skinned
I never said people had to intermarry, if you find one color more attractive than another then you do you. If you want to intermarry thats fine too.
> celebrity obsessed
What? What kind of inference are you making? I did nothing to make you think I support celebrity obsession. How does this actually factor into this?
> Obese
I'm actually not a neckbeard. I'm thin and I exercise regularly.

well.. i mean... European culture is full of war

Out of the frying pan and into the fire

Its funny because every single thing the Nazis built was from loans. If you're planning on not paying them back and going to war and destroying your own country in 7 years, you can go crazy with spending and unfunded liabilities. If you're planning to actually have a stable country for decades, you have to be more conservative.

Fucking germniggers, thanks to them Britain went bankrupt after WW2 and then pumped a load of money into it to make sure they didn't starve. Germans have absolutely nothing to be proud of, they're a parasitic people.

Literally every culture is full of war

It was the last expression of complete stupidity. The Nazis were fucking idiots, they knew they couldn't keep handing out MOFAs forever, so instead they just took down the rest of Europe with them. These idiots had no idea how to build or sustain a civilization, but everyone praises them to high hell because they're simpletons impressed by expensive buildings and symbols. Send them all to NK I say.

Define white. You can't for the same reason scientists don't define "black". A somalian would be considered black, but because of european admixture from the romans, they're closer to whites. Hence their skull shape and build.

You are encouraging white genocide therefore you are anti white.

>You are encouraging white genocide

Genocided people generally don't leave offspring behind.

>still hasn't denied that he doesn't hate white people
Why do leftists hate their own race?

Why do right wingers not understand science? If anything, procreating with black people is genociding homo sapians, because you're injecting neanderthal DNA into humans who don't have any admixture with another species.

Of course, its not genocide because genocide involves killing people or making life impossible for them based on some group feature, which is not happening anywhere right now.

>if people cared bout what people want then direct democracies would be a thing

Still butthurt about Trump I see. I agree people are stupid and easily manipulated by media which is conveniently controlled by members of a single tribe.

>identify yourself based on hobbies, occupations

This is not the same as your ethnic and religious identity. Ethnicity and religion are continuations of 1000s of years of identity to which you have a duty to preserve not a choice.

It's honestly hilarious that you consider yourself a liberal globalist watching over the downtrodden masses of the third world and lifting them up into your deracialized irreligious global society.

That's not how non-whites see you though. They see you as a hateful Western imperialist dominating through secularism, waging war on islam at the behest of Israel in the middle east, and attempting to wipe away everything they hold most dear in life because it's the only thing that lasts after you die. Ethnic identity and religion are immortal and that is their greatest power.

>you are stupid
I have a pharmD. You're the ex history student pining over jewish communist mass murderers while living in mommies basement. kys

>the leftists actually admitting to his cuck fetish
kill yourself, you anti whiter faggot

>genocide because genocide involves killing people or making life impossible for them based on some group feature
>making life impossible for them based on some group feature
you leftists are already doing that

>the leftists actually admitting to his cuck fetish

This is just shitposting.

>making life impossible for them based on some group feature
>you leftists are already doing that

No-one is doing that. People voluntarily choosing to breed with whoever they want is not "genocide". Now if they forcing people to breed, that would be genocide. But no-one is.

>J-just let them all in you nazis!

Again, bringing refugees in is not genocide. Now I agree we should be lowering immigration, perhaps severely and restricted to only the educated. My country, Britain, only took 20,000 of them and word is we're already paying South America to take them instead, but the fact is its not genocide of any sort.

Nigel London looks like Karachi you're fucking finished.

>failures and loneliness
>Alain De Benoist
Are you a moron?

>we should be lowering immigration
globalism is all about uncontrolled immigration, retard


>Muslim mayor of the capital
>capital majority nonwhite

keep deluding yourself

Why are you so concerned with other peoples sex lives so much? If you have a girlfriend worry about her and stop being so nosy.

Want to know why? Notice the immigrants or people of immigrant descent only live in certain parts. Those are former rookeries and slums. The majority of London is not high quality housing or a desirable place to live. What has happened is that the British people have become more educated and therefore higher earning and have left for satellite communities outside of London, many of them have move to places like Essex. If there were no immigrants there, they'd be ghost towns.

Why are you?

Reproduction is a bioweapon.

sorry meant for

>London looks like Karachi

And pic related is Hell.

No, wait, that's Scampia, literally a building-state of the mafia, close to what is Western Europe's most crime-ridden city. And it's inhabited only by natives.

before going to your "so sorry" meetup



Did ever cross your mind that those are shit because of them?

I hope the thought of the mafia still being prevalent in Naples will sooth you as you start to feel the effects of cultural enrichment in a more direct manner in the coming decades. I wonder if they'll force you to read Voltaire as they're cracking the whip over your head...

"Everything for the people, nothing from the people" is supposed to be bad?

>you start to feel the effects of cultural enrichment in a more direct manner in the coming decades.

Mate, we've been for hundred of years, at this point it's just sharing the experience with the rest of Europe.


No, because I actually live in this country and know its history and understand rookeries and slums were never a wonderland. Rookeries are what's actually being portrayed in Jojo where Jonathon goes to visit Ogre Street in London and Dio says he'll never make it out alive.

Reproduction is survival of the species, it's linked to fertility. Nowadays though, our survival is not at risk as humans, so we have sex for pleasure or for the gratification of having children (a chance at having a lasting mark on the planet after we die).

Not an argument

Not an argument

>Not bringing up the 2017 version.


>no arguments

They've trained you will like a dancing monkey.

You deserve everything that's coming to you. I feel sorry for your posterity.

No arguments, again? Do you have any points to argue or do you just post memes and make fun of people? It's okay to take 5 minutes to form an actual point, who knows, someone might agree with you.

So basically you've decided to stop arguing and just agree with yourself anyway.

But slums have always been shit and crime-infested. They are by definition. Unless you believe that immigrants ruined the work of those "honest white criminals" and that people really liked to live in cramped, polluted neighborhoods or something.

Another distinct lack of arguments... all you are doing is repeating memes. If you can regute his points refute them. You have yet to even try. What are you afraid of?

Again you just post insults and no fucking arguments. How do you justify your position in your brain? Type that.

What's there left to argue? Nigel here talked about functioning egalitarian societies revolving around human rights and secularism 30 posts but now basically admits he will subsumed by Pakis and at their mercy in another generation. The slums of London are still fundamentally the same though xD