What's your guy's favourite history games?
What's Veeky Forums favourite history games?
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Either Rome 2 Total War or Napoleon: Total War
Just got a new PC, currently downloading Shogun 2.
What Veeky Forums game should i download after?
liquor lads is fun. Most paradox games are pretty good and the shortcomings can be fixed with mods. Even Rome 2 has complete overhaul mods that make it much more historically accurate.
CK2 and Shogun 2 TW
Alright. I haven't played since my gcard died in the old pc (i got a temporary replacement for 40 bucks)
Which dlc's are must haves?
I got art of war, common sense, and res publica
Fall of the samurai, it lets you role play as Europeans mowing down nips with Gatling guns.
Pirate the full game, with DLCs. I like Paradox but their dlc model is cancer.
Praetorians and combat mission
This and to a lesser extent Civ unironically for resource wars, ideoloical wars, nukes, and strategic elements (though tactically its lacking)
>inb4 its for babies
Its fun.
Hegemony III (Awsome strategy with supply lines but tactically basic and lacks a level of AAA polish)
Red Orchestra 2 (Fps but immersive)
Verdun (same as above but ww1 and more accurate than BF1)
Total wars you should get are Medieval 2 (Possibly the best one), Rome (considered the best one), Napoleon (Pretty fun and what empire should have been), Shogun 2 (but you already have it, FOTS is also worthwhile DLC), And possibly Attila but ive never played that one (seems to be a better Rome 2 which isn't great but not terrible)
Avoid Empire TW as its not very good despite having possibly the best Grand campaign map and the US.
Red Orchestra is bretty decent. Though, Banzai charging is a lot more satisfying in Rising Storm.
Got it.
Yeah, i bought EU4 before the DLCs hit, then i gave up on keeping up, why do they have to jew so hard?
Never played it, might try it first by torrenting.
Love Medieval 2 and Rome. Napoleon too, damn i haven't played it in years.
Tell me about it i have 190 hours in it, the map is amazing but the rest is just fucked.
Tried Verdun, didn't really like it (i mean who could enjoy a WW1 experience)
Scourge of war: waterloo
They make all their money from DLC. They really need to stop, or at least move back to their HOIII model or Vicky 2 model.
Red Orchestra 2, Total war: Rome 2 & Atilla, Hearts of Iron 3 it's the only paracuck game i have over 120 hours in
Where can I get a good Victoria 2 torrent? Preferably one you've used, so I know it's safe.
Paradox isn't going to come after you for torrenting Vicky 2. Just find the top torrent for the pirate bay.
You can just block the application from accessing the internet through windows defender.
Rising storm is class, literally one of the few games where using Japanese tactics to rush objectives can actually work and the different squad roles just makes the game so in depth and fun. On the subject of that another recommendation is Day of Infamy, niggas need radios.
Its a real shame tbqh, I wish they made napoleon first because then they would have corrected all their mistakes for empire which would have been phenomenal and would have provided the perfect platform for Victoria total war. Imagine starting in 1815 and finishing in 1914, the development of tactics, uniforms, and national infrastructure would have been awesome. Instead their making War hammer 2, I don't even dislike war hammer, i'm pretty neutral to it, but the whole appeal of the TW serise was that I could play my favorite historical nations in my favorite time periods. Guess there aren't that many historyboos as all my friends hated Total war.
Does anyone want a stellaris key? I was foolish enough to buy it day one but I have a key from the monthly bundle.
The Elder's Scrolls : Skyrim
alright give me a minute to get it but be ready because when I post it itll be first come first serve.
Uncreativeguy is my Steam name.
alright just sent a request.
Been playing some Vikings: Expeditions lately
Its alright
Don't know about anyone else, but my favourite thing to do in Vicky 2 is to play as Japan and just arse rape China.
Hey, man, I really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
I'll pay it forward, some day.
Just did a game as that. Went after Siam first because I was intimidated of China but now I basically have all of East Asia in my grasp.
>empire ai logic
>play as netherlands
>fighting against france in europe and the new world
>a boat with a full stack of poo in the loos shows up and attacks me in the caribbean
>block wargame
Classy shit right there. What game is that?
While I'm at it go to this thread if you want any of the other humble games. Non of my friends want them so I'm just giving the keys.
You should aim to be friends with Britain. I had a campaign were Britain would declare war on me every ten years, over a crisis in Korea.
Wargame's pretty good. I've had a hard time learning Red dragon.
I haven't had any crises happen against me yet, but Britain actually fought me when I went against Siam. They were very halfhearted in their attacks though and I sank the transports they sent. I think I could take them now with my massive manpower and American alliance.
Just be careful. Britain has a habit of creating an alliance with Russia. Russia can be a real bitch.
For sure and my relations with Russia are deteriorating fast now that I have a border with them and I just took Mongolia. I just got to Great Wars so I wouldn't mind a massive world war to end my game with. I kind of stopped playing that save and went to play some Crusader Kings 2 but this discussion is making me want to finish out the game.
Medieval 2 is really fucking dated. If you play it now it's for the mods and not for vanilla.
I love the base game. My favourite thing to do is have an army of nearly all Longbow men and barrage the French.
Here's steam keys. I think three of the games are already taken. I know Turing Test and This is the police definitely are because I took them.
>plebian tier Vidya
> Not patrician Diplomacy
TFW you solo as Austria-Hungary
>that french occupation
It's Pax Baltica, a game about the Great Northern War. It's really good, but I'm not the most experienced, all I've played is this, Wizard Kings and (soon) Triumph and Tragedy
Pax Baltica is great because it's very assymetrical in the forces that square off; the Swedish armies are quite frankly the best, but can get swarmed if all the Coalition nations manage to activate. They also get hit really hard if they lose armies, and heading into Russia is really dangerous.
Oh, and Mazepa is in the game. He sucks
Still fucking fun, graphically not the best but the detail is astonishing and with mods it is imo better than the OG Rome, even the announcers sound like they are from their respected nations. Rome 2 you always have that fucker from robin hood announcing regardless of when you are Suebi or Parthia in combat. And 2 b quite honest, the basic concepts of tactics are present in it in a much more raw sense than Rome 2 or Attila so its more a testament to skill rather than power ups making heroic victories even more satisfying as its down to you tactical cunning, (and the AI's incompetence). Other disappointment with Rome 2 is that you can't give away or demand provinces in diplomacy so you can never create the perfect BOP by neatly carving borders through war and diplomacy.
Diplomacy is great, but I prefer playing it online because it takes forever to play in person.
In general, I find that historical board games tend to be better in design than PC games, because they tend to be better at finding the historical (or often, a particular historical model) dynamic and cutting the chaff; but a part of why I like them better is definitely also that you play against actual people.
Total war: warhammer
Twilight Struggle is also great. Relive the Cold War event by event.
It also requires 7 committed players.
Playdiplomacy.com has a 5 player variant in the Ancient Meditaranian with Egypt, Rome, Greece, Carthage, and Persia, wish it was made in board form.
>Play Twilight Struggle with my father
>He's a newbie at wargames, good at rules but bad at how to apply strategy
>He's the US, and extends an iron grip over the heartland of Europe, starting with Belgium
>I start spreading communism over Asia and the Middle East, making sure to fortify Poland and East Germany
>He doesn't really want to coup anywhere because it's scummy
>He goes to great lengths to establish NATO
>Not because it's a good idea or he has a plan, but damnit he wants to establish NATO
>"Dad, by the way, you can also do things in Asia and the Middle East"
>"Yeah, but I don't care about those places"
I love Empire TW, fuck you haters!
It's a broken piece of shit.
Anyone else hate what they've done with generals/governors in recent games?
Seeing your general get traits and retinues in Rome and Medieval in particular was great and immersive.
In the new games it's a fucking skill tree that gives you generic boring generals. I prefer my 10 Dread insane general any time
Caesar III and Victoria 2 are great. Caesar III has aged very well
Don't actually do this
t. /gsg/
I agree, it's a lot more dull than it felt in Rome and Medieval. I know warhammer has some minor trait generation but not nearly enough to give it the same feel.
It's a bit sad. Battles have generally improved while the campaign has a lot of flavour
>Turn Asia communist
> Mexico and Canada communist
> One point from winning, hold summit to get last victory point
> Lose, trigger global thermonuclear war
> Lose game
Every time...
Literally did just that a few days ago. Nothing like holding a city with 300 people against an army of 2,000
The general's speeches in medieval 2 were fucking top bantz
yea the way they have implemented generals with levels now rather than as a response to actions is shit. They should have done a two tier system: Actions such as killing prisoners increase personality traits like dread whilst XP levels should have given new abilities like night fighting. Such as shame because generals in the old games were actual characters who delivered speeches akin to their personality and when they died you felt like your family tree had really taken a blow. In Rome 2 the assassination option was pointless because you could literally hire the general, send him into battle and kill him before getting another they were so fucking useless. In Medieval and Rome they were so valuable and almost central to the game. Could have worked so well with the civil war mechanic, just imagine your dread character battling it out with the family patriarch, could have been like the wars of the roses but in ancient Athens or Sparta.
Also I wish they would increase the role of female characters as not just princesses but with the right characteristics, Generals, imagine having a boudicca esqu general avenging her husband general who died in combat. Would have added so much more depth to the game.
Fuck yea lad mentioned them When your general has insanity trait the speech is just amazing, so much time and effort went into crafting those games.
>Also I wish they would increase the role of female characters
>Empire before Napoleon
>Playing as Maratha Confederacy on hardest difficulty.
>Conquer all of India, the Middle East, and get as far west as France before getting bored.
Shit was fucking broken.
In rome 2 they are literally just a card with a trait e.g. rude wife, loyal wife ect
It literally adds a level of immersion, I don't want rampant female generals equal to male ones just the occasional artemisia or boudicca for revenge scenarios that would have to have pre requisite traits e.g unladylike, vengegful, or Valkyrie or some shit like that akin to dread and so on that would make it rare. Also bring back princesses. Not even a feminist but Women in the family tree aspect of the game fucking suck.
Shirt was fun
They took radios away from support or else I'd play with it more. I mostly just play officer if there's an open spot because nobody usually knows what they're doing playing as one or too slow calling stuff in. Also it pisses me off that there's no belt fed MG34 and no drum fed MG42.
All in all it's probably my favorite game of this year so far. I just bought Sniper Elite III while it was on sale but that's a couple years old.
Napoleon was great
>playing darthmod for emergent factions
>be Polan
>hire 1 star general
>ally with Hungary meanwhile building up economy
>start to have a half stack army by the time the french arrive
>they declare war
>this gonna be good
I saved and stopped playing when I destroyed France as a nation but holy hell was it fun. My General ended up being a 10star and the end and having so many traits
>female generals in history-based war games
Don't you have a Womyn's Studies final to be studying for?
Not him, but I sense that he meant that only certain factions could do it.
I've been paradoxaboo and total war-boo for 15 years now and I have all their historical releases from the last 10 years, but for some reason in the last year or so I play only CK2+HIP and occasionally RTW2+DEI. I'm thinking about getting back to EU4 after the release of M&T 2.0 in a week or two, but I'm not sure I'm ready to buy all the DLC they've released in the last 2 years just to try a mod.
Napoleon: Total War
I loved HOI4 and played the shit out of it until I realized it's half-finished and lazily done. I want to get into HOI3 (I already own it) but I don't feel like learning it
I played dozens and of full campaigns on H/H, I got like locked out once.
>Most diverse units
>best campaign map
HoI 2 Darkest Hour is easier to get into than HoI3 and also pretty fun
>best map
>France is 1 province
It is, Savoy & Turin are another province.
Who gives a fuck about France anyways?
Seems pretty historical to me.
It's okay but the AI is beyond shit and the regions are beyond retarded.
Why is Empire fucking so slow?
Turns in rome 2 take seconds but it takes aeons in Empire
Any vidya left mate ?
No idea, I posted the keys in this post.
Try them.
There's a very fun historically accurate isometric CRPG that just came out called Expeditions: Vikings where you play as a Dane going on his first trip to the British Isles in the 790s. So far it's fun, true to the source material, and the gameplay and setting is tight.
There's another good historical Viking "game" that's an expansion to Mount and Blade called Viking Conquest. I've been playing them both and getting my Viking on.
VC lets you build a ship and raid up and down the coast at your leisure, sacking temples and killing villagers if you so choose.
I agree.
>Expeditions: Vikings
Is that a sandbox game?
On the one hand, Diplomacy is pretty ahistoric. Turkey is the best country, and Russia Turkey alliances are super common.
On the other hand, it best captures the era. No dice, no randomness, orders all process at once. Armies can only win with support from other armies and stalemate lines are common.
Also, everyone has to be paranoid about their security at all times. Germany always has massive problems with two front wars, England is a sea power, Austria and Italy are the weakest at the start, and Russia gets extra armies.
... actually, Ottomans being OP is the only real problem .
>not playing warhammer botet